Tender ID No. - Rajasthan Co-operative Dairy Federation Limited Tender ID No. - Rajasthan Co-operative Dairy Federation Limited

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32 4.1 The technical information, drawings, specifications and other related documents forming part of purchase order are the property of Purchaser and shall not be used for any other purpose, except for the execution of the order. All rights, including rights in the event of grant of a patent and registration of designs are reserved. The technical information, drawings, specifications, records and other documents shall not be copied, transcribed, traced or reproduced in any other form or otherwise, in whole or part and/or duplicated, modified, divulged and/or disclosed to a third party nor misused in any other form whatsoever without Owner‟s or his collaborators previous consent in writing, except to the extent required for the execution of this order. This technical information, drawings, specifications and other related documents shall be returned to owner with all approved copies and duplicate, if any, immediately after they have been used for the agreed purpose. 4.2 In the event of any breach of this provision, erector shall indemnify the owner from any loss, cost or damage or any other claim whatsoever from his collaborator and or any other parties claiming from or through them or from any other party in respect of such a breach. 5.0 Scope of Contract for Erection : The erection would comprise of positioning and installing all the dairy, miscellaneous and service equipments under the purview of his supply and those mentioned herein as per the approved machinery layout drawings. The scope of mechanical erection involves access preparation for moving of the plant and equipment including their fittings, from the work site godown(s) or from the place within the site where they have been unloaded, to the place of erection, decorating, placing on foundation wherever specified or required; erection of SS pipes and connections of necessary services to the main or ancillary branch of the service lines, but all within the battery limits, specified starting up and successful commissioning to get the specified rated output for each equipment. The installation should be carried out as per the drawing(s) submitted by the erector and approved by RCDF. Necessary SS Pipes fittings and valves etc. for interconnecting the equipment would be installed by the erector and it would generally be done according to the SS piping layout to be prepared by the erector and approved by RCDF. All the serviced pipes, fittings and valves etc. shall be supplied and installed by the erector and this should be carried out as per service piping drawings prepared by the erector and approved by RCDF. All necessary foundation bolts and their grouting on floor, walls, etc. as per the requirement, are included in the scope of erection & installation. All the supply covered in this part shall be governed by the same general terms and conditions given in the tender document against which the offer was made. Further the specifications of the contract are intended to describe and provide for a finished piece of work. They are intended to be complementary and what is equired by either shall be as if (Signed & sealed by the tenderer in token of acceptance of above) (RCDF) Jaipur

33 required by all. It is to be understood and agreed by erector that the work described shall be complete in every details even though every item necessarily involved is not particularly mentioned herein. Erector shall be required to provide all Labour materials and equipments necessary for the entire completion of the work describe and shall not avail himself of any manifesting or unintentional error, omission or inconsistency that may exist. Erector shall carry out and complete the work in every respect in accordance with the contract and accordance with the directions and to the entire satisfaction of RCDF and the manufacture‟s representatives. 6.0 Engineer’s Instructions : RCDF may in his absolute discretion, from time to time issue further drawings and/or written instructions, details directions and explanations which are collectively referred to as „Engineer‟s instructions‟ in regard to : 6.1 Any additional drawings and explanations to exhibit or illustrate details. 6.2 The variation or modifications of the design, quality or quantity of work or the additional or omissions or substitutions of any works.] 6.3 Any discrepancy in the drawings or between the schedule of quantities and/or specifications. 6.4 The removal from the site of any material brought thereon by erector and the substitution of any other material thereof. 6.5 The removal and/or re-execution of any work executed by the erector. 6.6 The dismissal from the work of any persons employed thereupon. 6.7 The opening up for inspection of any work covered up. 6.8 The amending and making good of any defects. 7.0 Right of RCDF : 7.1 The various parts of the contract are intended to be complementary to each other but should any discrepancy appear or any misunderstandings arises as to the interpretations of anything contained therein, the explanation of RCDF shall be final and binding. 7.2 Right to direct work : 7.2.1 RCDF shall have the right to direct the manner in which all work under this contract shall be conducted in so far as it may be necessary to secure the safe and proper progress and specified quality of the work, all work shall be done and all materials shall be furnished to the satisfaction and approval of RCDF. (Signed & sealed by the tenderer in token of acceptance of above) (RCDF) Jaipur

32<br />

4.1 The technical information, drawings, specifications and other related<br />

documents forming part of purchase order are the property of Purchaser and<br />

shall not be used for any other purpose, except for the execution of the order.<br />

All rights, including rights in the event of grant of a patent and registration of<br />

designs are reserved. The technical information, drawings, specifications,<br />

records and other documents shall not be copied, transcribed, traced or<br />

reproduced in any other form or otherwise, in whole or part and/or duplicated,<br />

modified, divulged and/or disclosed to a third party nor misused in any other<br />

form whatsoever without Owner‟s or his collaborators previous consent in<br />

writing, except to the extent required for the execution of this order. This<br />

technical information, drawings, specifications and other related documents<br />

shall be returned to owner with all approved copies and duplicate, if any,<br />

immediately after they have been used for the agreed purpose.<br />

4.2 In the event of any breach of this provision, erector shall indemnify the owner<br />

from any loss, cost or damage or any other claim whatsoever from his<br />

collaborator and or any other parties claiming from or through them or from<br />

any other party in respect of such a breach.<br />

5.0 Scope of Contract for Erection :<br />

The erection would comprise of positioning and installing all the dairy,<br />

miscellaneous and service equipments under the purview of his supply and<br />

those mentioned herein as per the approved machinery layout drawings. The<br />

scope of mechanical erection involves access preparation for moving of the<br />

plant and equipment including their fittings, from the work site godown(s) or<br />

from the place within the site where they have been unloaded, to the place of<br />

erection, decorating, placing on foundation wherever specified or required;<br />

erection of SS pipes and connections of necessary services to the main or<br />

ancillary branch of the service lines, but all within the battery limits, specified<br />

starting up and successful commissioning to get the specified rated output for<br />

each equipment. The installation should be carried out as per the drawing(s)<br />

submitted by the erector and approved by RCDF. Necessary SS Pipes fittings<br />

and valves etc. for interconnecting the equipment would be installed by the<br />

erector and it would generally be done according to the SS piping layout to be<br />

prepared by the erector and approved by RCDF.<br />

All the serviced pipes, fittings and valves etc. shall be supplied and installed by<br />

the erector and this should be carried out as per service piping drawings<br />

prepared by the erector and approved by RCDF. All necessary foundation bolts<br />

and their grouting on floor, walls, etc. as per the requirement, are included in<br />

the scope of erection & installation. All the supply covered in this part shall be<br />

governed by the same general terms and conditions given in the tender<br />

document against which the offer was made. Further the specifications of the<br />

contract are intended to describe and provide for a finished piece of work. They<br />

are intended to be complementary and what is equired by either shall be as if<br />

(Signed & sealed by the tenderer<br />

in token of acceptance of above)<br />

(RCDF)<br />


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