Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten

Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten
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8vo, pp. xii, 338, [2]; numerous Wgures in the text; contemporary marbled boards, from the library of the house of Bourbon, Parma with small crowned stamp to verso of title page. First edition, very rare, of Wagner’s philosophy of mathematics. He attempts to identify and establish a mathematical language and apply it to an understanding of the underlying principles of human existence. He maintains that only the science of mathematics is capable of understanding the laws of the world, and develops a tetrad system. This tetrad structure became the basis of all his later studies in the social sciences, political theory and education. Johann Jakob Wagner (1775–1841) studied law and philosophy before being appointed professor of philosophy at Heidelberg and Würzburg. He can be seen as a follower of Schelling’s natural philosophy. He published extensively on social science, economics and politics. The work was highly regarded, reprinted in 1851, and again in the 1980s. Ziegenfuß II p. 815–7. 332 WAGNER, Samuel. Der HerrschaVten Städt und Länder Volcks-Besatzung bequemliche Leben, gute Nahrung und Reichthum. Erlangen, D. M. Schmatz, 1711. £450 8vo, pp. [xvi], 64, 63–206 (mis-signed 106), typographic head and tailpieces; paper lightly browned throughout, but still very crisp, faint stamp on title page; bound in contemporary boards, painted red, upper joint discreetly repaired; a good copy. First edition of this early work on population, stressing the important inXuence of population density on the wealth and well-being of the state. Wagner begins with some interesting information on population Wgures in diVerent countries, before concentrating on generally mercantilist suggestions for increasing both population and the wealth of the state. Increase of trade and commerce is to be achieved through a wide variety of measures, incentives to work, improved roads and other means of transport, encouragement of manufacturing industry, but also protective tariVs and taxes. Goldsmiths’–Kress 4721.19; no further copies in NUC or RLIN. French Grammar Printed in St. Petersburg 333 WAILLY, Noel-François de. Abrégé de la Grammaire Françoise. Revue et augmentée par Mr. D’Ariès, Chef d’une Institution Françoise à Stockholm. St.-Petersburg, Pluchart et Comp, 1814. £100 8vo, pp. 13, [1] abbreviations, [2] errata, 167; contemporary half calf over marbled boards, gilt-lettered spine label, label chipped; a good copy, duplicate from the Stockholm Royal Library. susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten First Russian printing of Wailly’s French grammar, Wrst published in 1759 and, adopted as a university textbook, frequently reprinted. Wailly’s grammar is here edited by Ariès, teacher at the French Institute in Stockholm. The Spanish Economy – Measures of Reform 334 WARD, Bernardo. Proyecto Economico, en que se proponen varias providencias, dirigidas á promover los intereses de España, con los medios y fondos necesarios para su plantiWcacion. Madrid, D. Joachin Ibarra, 1779. £1400 4to, pp. [iv], xxviii, 400, armorial woodcut to title; contemporary full limp vellum, spine lettered in manuscript, tear to endpaper; a very Wne and crisp copy with contemporary ownership note to title. First edition, rare, of ‘perhaps the best digested and most methodical book written on these topics [i.e. political economy] in Spain during the [eighteenth] century, giving a clear insight into the causes of the decay of the country, which, like his predecessors, Uztariz and Ulloa, Ward ascribes to the neglect of trade and industry, and to the absurd system of taxation which had prevailed for more than two centuries. Like them, Ward is a mercantilist, but more discriminating and less extreme’ (Palgrave, III, p. 656). Bernardo Ward (died around 1760), of Irish descent and in the employment of King Ferdinand VI of Spain, travelled throughout Europe to study the means of remedying the state of the poor and to promote trade and manufactures in Spain. The clear outcome of these travels is this considered and detailed report, and his proposals for reform. Colmeiro 401; Goldsmiths’–Kress 13498.11; Palau 373988; Sabin 101282. 335 WEINHOLD, Karl. Ueber deutsche Dialectforschung. Die Laut- und Wortbildung und die Formen der schlesischen Mundart. Mit Rücksicht auf Verwandtes in deutschen Dialecten. Wien, Carl Gerold, 1853. £90 8vo, pp. vi, [ii], 144; uncut and mostly unopened in the original printed buV-coloured wrappers, spine chipped. First edition of Weinhold’s early study of the Silesian dialect, an analysis of its sound and word formation. Weinhold later published extensively on grammar. Bonaparte 9915. 336 [WEISHAUPT, Adam.] Über die Hindernisse der Baierischen Industrie und Bevölkerung ... Aus des Freyherrn v. Zach’s Monatlicher Correspondenz zur Beförderung der Erd- und Himmelskunde, Januar-Stück 1802 besonders abgedruckt. [1802]. £140 8vo, pp. 26; very crisp and clean in contemporary pale blue wrappers.

Original oVprint of an analysis of the reasons for the diminished population and deplorable state of Bavarian trade and commerce at the beginning of the nineteenth century, Wrst published in Zach’s Monatlicher Corrspondenz. Weishaupt (1748–1830), jurist, philosopher and leading member of the Illuminaten (together with the Rosicrucians a special branch of the German masons), distinguishes between outside factors, such as Bavaria’s landlocked location, and internal problems, rooted in the Bavarian mentality. The author maintains that Bavaria is too insular and inward looking. Their insularity leads to an exaggerated view of their own importance. Instead of encouraging manufacturing industry, they concentrate on the growing of grain, which might make for plenty of bakeries, and even more breweries, but does not result in a successful economy. Not found in NUC and RLIN, KVK lists one copy at the Bavaria State Library. 337 WENZEL, Gottfried Immanuel. Alphabet edler Vergnügungen und Freuden; oder: Angabe und Benützung der physischen und moralischen Vergnügungsquellen für den Menschen in der Natur. Wien, Anton Doll, 1800. £550 8vo, pp. 167 including engraved frontispiece, [1] advertisement; uncut in contemporary vellum-backed paste-paper boards; spine label lettered in manuscript; extremities a little rubbed, corners bumped; small circular stamps erased from title page, barely noticeable; still a good copy. First edition, uncommon, of Wenzel’s advice on how to Wnd physical and moral pleasure and amusement in nature, arranged in the form of brief articles in alphabetical order. His wide-ranging articles, covering subjects as diverse as fashion, walking, spring, acting, thunderstorms, women, drink, behaviour and nature, give a clear picture of eighteenth-century social morality. Other suggested diversions include hobbies, such as carpentry or amateur dramatics, and also games such as card games and a variety of children’s games. Wenzel makes some pertinent observations on the relationship between the sexes, on education and on married life. Wenzel (1754–1809) was a proliWc and popular writer, who was clearly inXuenced by enlightenment ideas. Wurzbach LV, pp. 13V.; uncommon, KVK lists two copies only; not found in RLIN or OCLC. Animal Language 338 WENZEL, Gottfried Immanuel. Neue auf Vernunft und Erfahrung gegründete Entdeckungen über die Sprache der Thiere. Wien, Anton Doll, 1800. £480 8vo, pp. 216, including engraved frontispiece; contemporary boards, spine lettered in manuscript; corners bumped, foot of spine chipped; private ownership inscription to front paste-down. susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten First edition of Wenzel’s examination of the language and speech of animals, and one of the earliest contributions to the study of animal psychology. Wenzel’s treatise is based on close observations. He maintains that animals can clearly communicate with one another and also with human beings. He attempts to transcribe diVerent sounds made by animals and translate them into human language, with reference to the emotions expressed. He also includes separate sections on body language (Thierischpathognomisch mimisches Alphabet) and a dictionary of animal language (Versuch eines Wörterbuchs der Thiersprache). Engelmann, p. 312.

8vo, pp. xii, 338, [2]; numerous Wgures in the text; contemporary<br />

marbled boards, from the library of the house of Bourbon, Parma with<br />

small crowned stamp to verso of title page.<br />

First edition, very rare, of Wagner’s philosophy of mathematics. He attempts<br />

to identify and establish a mathematical language and apply it to an<br />

understanding of the underlying principles of human existence. He maintains<br />

that only the science of mathematics is capable of understanding the<br />

laws of the world, and develops a tetrad system. This tetrad structure became<br />

the basis of all his later studies in the social sciences, political theory<br />

and education.<br />

Johann Jakob Wagner (1775–1841) studied law and philosophy before<br />

being appointed professor of philosophy at Heidelberg and Würzburg. He<br />

can be seen as a follower of Schelling’s natural philosophy. He published<br />

extensively on social science, economics and politics.<br />

The work was highly regarded, reprinted in 1851, and again in the<br />

1980s.<br />

Ziegenfuß II p. 815–7.<br />

332 WAGNER, Samuel. Der HerrschaVten Städt und Länder<br />

Volcks-Besatzung bequemliche Leben, gute Nahrung und<br />

Reichthum. Erlangen, D. M. Schmatz, 1711. £450<br />

8vo, pp. [xvi], 64, 63–206 (mis-signed 106), typographic head and tailpieces;<br />

paper lightly browned throughout, but still very crisp, faint<br />

stamp on title page; bound in contemporary boards, painted red, upper<br />

joint discreetly repaired; a good copy.<br />

First edition of this early work on population, stressing the important<br />

inXuence of population density on the wealth and well-being of the state.<br />

Wagner begins with some interesting information on population Wgures in<br />

diVerent countries, before concentrating on generally mercantilist suggestions<br />

for increasing both population and the wealth of the state. Increase of<br />

trade and commerce is to be achieved through a wide variety of measures,<br />

incentives to work, improved roads and other means of transport, encouragement<br />

of manufacturing industry, but also protective tariVs and taxes.<br />

Goldsmiths’–Kress 4721.19; no further copies in NUC or RLIN.<br />

French Grammar Printed in St. Petersburg<br />

333 WAILLY, Noel-François de. Abrégé de la Grammaire<br />

Françoise. Revue et augmentée par Mr. D’Ariès, Chef d’une<br />

Institution Françoise à Stockholm. St.-Petersburg, Pluchart et<br />

Comp, 1814. £100<br />

8vo, pp. 13, [1] abbreviations, [2] errata, 167; contemporary half calf<br />

over marbled boards, gilt-lettered spine label, label chipped; a good<br />

copy, duplicate from the Stockholm Royal Library.<br />

susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten<br />

First Russian printing of Wailly’s French grammar, Wrst published in 1759<br />

and, adopted as a university textbook, frequently reprinted. Wailly’s grammar<br />

is here edited by Ariès, teacher at the French Institute in Stockholm.<br />

The Spanish Economy – Measures of Reform<br />

334 WARD, Bernardo. Proyecto Economico, en que se proponen<br />

varias providencias, dirigidas á promover los intereses de España,<br />

con los medios y fondos necesarios para su plantiWcacion. Madrid,<br />

D. Joachin Ibarra, 1779. £1400<br />

4to, pp. [iv], xxviii, 400, armorial woodcut to title; contemporary full<br />

limp vellum, spine lettered in manuscript, tear to endpaper; a very Wne<br />

and crisp copy with contemporary ownership note to title.<br />

First edition, rare, of ‘perhaps the best digested and most methodical book<br />

written on these topics [i.e. political economy] in Spain during the [eighteenth]<br />

century, giving a clear insight into the causes of the decay of the<br />

country, which, like his predecessors, Uztariz and Ulloa, Ward ascribes to the<br />

neglect of trade and industry, and to the absurd system of taxation which had<br />

prevailed for more than two centuries. Like them, Ward is a mercantilist, but<br />

more discriminating and less extreme’ (Palgrave, III, p. 656).<br />

Bernardo Ward (died around 1760), of Irish descent and in the employment<br />

of King Ferdinand VI of Spain, travelled throughout Europe to study<br />

the means of remedying the state of the poor and to promote trade and<br />

manufactures in Spain. The clear outcome of these travels is this considered<br />

and detailed report, and his proposals for reform.<br />

Colmeiro 401; Goldsmiths’–Kress 13498.11; Palau 373988; Sabin 101282.<br />

335 WEINHOLD, Karl. Ueber deutsche Dialectforschung. Die<br />

Laut- und Wortbildung und die Formen der schlesischen Mundart.<br />

Mit Rücksicht auf Verwandtes in deutschen Dialecten. Wien, Carl<br />

Gerold, 1853. £90<br />

8vo, pp. vi, [ii], 144; uncut and mostly unopened in the original<br />

printed buV-coloured wrappers, spine chipped.<br />

First edition of Weinhold’s early study of the Silesian dialect, an analysis of<br />

its sound and word formation. Weinhold later published extensively on<br />

grammar.<br />

Bonaparte 9915.<br />

336 [WEISHAUPT, Adam.] Über die Hindernisse der Baierischen<br />

Industrie und Bevölkerung ... Aus des Freyherrn v. Zach’s Monatlicher<br />

Correspondenz zur Beförderung der Erd- und Himmelskunde,<br />

Januar-Stück 1802 besonders abgedruckt. [1802]. £140<br />

8vo, pp. 26; very crisp and clean in contemporary pale blue wrappers.

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