Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten

Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten
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First edition, uncommon, of the German philosophical grammar by Johann Werner Meiner, written in opposition to the more rationalist grammars, such as the Port Royal. In his philosophy of language he stressed the communicative rather than the logical and cognitive side of grammar, and saw the study of language and grammar as a study of human development itself. Adelung reviewed the work positively. Meiner (1723–1789) was headmaster of the grammar school at Langensalza. Rare, NUC, RLIN and OCLC list just one copy, at the University of Pennsylvania. A Lot of Hot Air 207 MEISSNER, Paul Traugott. Die Heitzung mit erwärmter Luft als das wohlfeilste, bequemste und zugleich die Feuersgefahr am meisten entfernende Mittel zur Erwärmung größerer Räume, als: der öVentlichen Gebäude, der Herrschaftswohnungen, Fabriken &c ... Mit sechs Kupfertafeln, Wien, Carl Gerold, 1821. £300 Tall 8vo, pp. 41, 6 engraved plates bound at the end; paper somewhat spotted and browned; uncut in the original printed wrappers; private library stamp to title; a very wide-margined copy. First edition of this early and important contribution to the technology of central heating. Meissner (1778–1864), Professor of Technology and Chemistry at the Technical Institute in Vienna, here presents valuable improvements to the design of air ducts for central heating. Thanks to his contributions, air-based systems were regarded as the most eVective central heating system. Meissner gives models for the distribution of air ducts and the design of the central heating systems for a variety of buildings, such as private apartments, public buildings and factories, and illustrates them on the folding plates. Darmstädter p. 343; Engelmann p. 243; Humpert 4219; PoggendorV II, c. 106. Gullible Scholars 208 [MENCKEN, Johann Burkhard.] De la Charlatanerie des Savans ... avec des Remarques critiques de diVerens Auteurs. Traduit en Français. La Haye, Jean van Duren, 1721. £500 Small 8vo, engraved frontispiece, pp. [xl], 242, [38] index; title printed in red and black, Wnely engraved title vignette; contemporary manuscript note to front free endpaper and title page; contemporary full sheep, spine gilt in compartments, head of spine chipped, some surface wear to boards, corners bumped; a clean and fresh copy from the Donaueschingen library, with small stamp to verso of title and the characteristic shelf labels to spine. First edition in French of this outspoken exposé of the ‘charlatanry of the learned’, which was Wrst published in Latin in 1715 and translated by David susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten Durand, with additional remarks by contemporary critics. Menken pillories the propensity of scholars to be fooled and tracks down quacks of all sorts. He gives a comic review of the foibles of scholars, their vanity, and their gullibility when confronted with fakes or frauds, their loud-mouthed advertising methods, their money-grabbing publishing deals, etc. His claims are supported by detailed bibliographical references, and an extensive index. The Wnely engraved frontispiece shows the world as a stage, under the heading ‘Mundus vult decipi’ (the world wants to be deceived). Interestingly, an extensive twenty-eight page sale catalogue of books available at van Duren’s is included, listing amongst the newly published books not only Menken’s treatise, but also Law’s Considerations sur le Commerce, Swift’s Conte du Tonneau, and Locke’s Du Gouvernement Civil. See Faber du Faur 1738 for German translation. Menger’s Masterpiece 209 MENGER, Carl. Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre... Erster, allgemeiner Theil. (All published). Wien, Wilhelm Braumüller, 1871. £3500 8vo, pp. xii, 285, [1] errata; light spotting and discolouration to title, number removed from foot of spine; contemporary half cloth over marbled boards, gilt lettering to spine; a good copy, with lower wrapper bound in. Rare Wrst edition of Menger’s masterpiece, a work which ‘sets forth the views of one of the pioneers of the use of psychological concepts to explain the nature and determination of value’ (Batson). ‘The results of Menger’s studies appeared in his Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre, the work on which his fame mainly rests... In somewhat copious but always clear language, it provided a more thorough account of the relations between utility, value, and price than is found in any of the works by Jevons and Walras, who at about the same time laid the foundation of the ‘marginal revolution’ in economics’ (Friedrich von Hayek in IESS). Einaudi 3831; Menger, col. 86; Batson p. 52 (second edition) IESS, vol 10, p. 124–126; Menger c. 86. 210 MENURET de CHAMBAUD, Jean-Jacques. Essai sur la Ville d’Hambourg considérée dans ses Rapports avec la Santé ou Lettre sur l’Histoire medico-topographique de cette ville. Hambourg, Pierre Chateauneuf, 1797. £450 8vo, pp. 119, [1]; bound after two issues of the Annales de Statistique; contemporary calf-backed sprinkled boards, spine decorated and lettered in gilt, some surface scratches to boards; a good copy. First edition, uncommon, of this interesting study of the eVects of climate, water, topography and air on the health of the inhabitants of Hamburg.

Arranged in the form of eight letters, general medico-geographical information is presented. Menuret studies the natural condition of life in the city of Hamburg, particularly inXuenced by its geographical locations, with its long winters, wet climate and lack of sunshine. He makes some interesting comments on local diet: large consumption of strong tea and weak coVee, dark bread favoured by the inhabitants, fresh fruit and vegetables cultivated in Vierlanden. Menuret had earlier published similar surveys of Paris and Montélimar. Rare, NUC and RLIN record copies at the National Library of Medicine, and Madison, Wisconsin only. Eighteenth Century Periodical 211 MEUSEL, Johann Georg. Historische Untersuchungen. Gesammlet und herausgegeben von Johann Georg Meusel. Nürnberg, Joh. G. Lochnerische Buchhandlung, 1779–80. £420 Three parts in one volume, 8vo, pp. [xvi], 182, one folding plate; [iv], 180; [iv], 240, [4]; title vignettes and head and tail-pieces; contemporary half sheep, spine decorated in gilt, gilt-lettered spine label, head of spine chipped, extremities a little rubbed. First and only edition of a short-lived historical journal, edited and partly written by the historian and statistician Meusel. His introduction is of particular interest, as he gives an extensive overview of current journals and periodicals. He points out the importance of this form of publication for the spread of scientiWc, technical, and historical ideas. The emphasis appears to be on early modern history, with contributions by contemporary historians Spitteler, Fäsi, Stieber, Longolius, and Albinus. Of particular interest is Spitteler’s demographic article on the population of Wurttemberg before the Thirty Year War. The last issue contains articles by Meusel himself, an interesting study on the history of language, and an extensive translation of a review on Dalin’s Swedish history. Kirchner 1102; very uncommon, RLIN and OCLC list only microWlm copies. ‘One Quarter be paid before the 2nd Quarter becomes due’ 212 [MILITARY MANUSCRIPT.] An Establishment of his Ma[jesty’s] Guards, Guarrisons, & Land Forces wi[thi]n the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales & Town of Berwick upon Tweed & the Islands thereto belonging with their full Pay & entertainment: to commence the 1st day of January 1683/4. £2000 8vo, ll. 23 manuscript, written in a clean and legible hand, on paper ruled in red; Wnely bound in contemporary black calf, with intricate gilt Xoral design to upper and lower board, with two panels; gilt a little faded in parts; spine in compartments, silver clasps and catches in perfect order; a near perfect example of a Restoration binding; small chip to head of spine, a.e.g.; a very Wne copy. susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten A very attractively bound seventeenth century English manuscript on the army establishment in 1684, in fact a complete list of the British military Establishment, its numbers and pay per day and per year ‘to commence the 1st day of January 1683/4’. It is possible that the manuscript was later printed, as circulation in manuscript often preceded publication. The manuscript appears to be complete, even though two leaves, the stub of one having a fragment of writing, were removed at the end. Since the manuscript covers a period near the end of the reign of King Charles, it is possible that the Wnal leaves contained some expression of loyalty, or a concluding prayer, neither of which would have been particularly appropriate under the new and Catholic reign of James II. It is a very detailed document, setting forth the condition of pay from drummer to general, concluding with the excellent precept that everyone should be paid ‘so that one Quarter be still paid before the 2nd Quarter becomes due’. Harold Love, Scribal Publication in Seventeenth-Century England, Oxford 1993.

Arranged in the form of eight letters, general medico-geographical information<br />

is presented. Menuret studies the natural condition of life in the city<br />

of Hamburg, particularly inXuenced by its geographical locations, with its<br />

long winters, wet climate and lack of sunshine. He makes some interesting<br />

comments on local diet: large consumption of strong tea and weak coVee,<br />

dark bread favoured by the inhabitants, fresh fruit and vegetables cultivated<br />

in Vierlanden. Menuret had earlier published similar surveys of Paris and<br />

Montélimar.<br />

Rare, NUC and RLIN record copies at the National Library of Medicine, and<br />

Madison, Wisconsin only.<br />

Eighteenth Century Periodical<br />

211 MEUSEL, Johann Georg. Historische Untersuchungen.<br />

Gesammlet und herausgegeben von Johann Georg Meusel.<br />

Nürnberg, Joh. G. Lochnerische Buchhandlung, 1779–80. £420<br />

Three parts in one volume, 8vo, pp. [xvi], 182, one folding plate; [iv],<br />

180; [iv], 240, [4]; title vignettes and head and tail-pieces;<br />

contemporary half sheep, spine decorated in gilt, gilt-lettered spine<br />

label, head of spine chipped, extremities a little rubbed.<br />

First and only edition of a short-lived historical journal, edited and partly<br />

written by the historian and statistician Meusel. His introduction is of particular<br />

interest, as he gives an extensive overview of current journals and<br />

periodicals. He points out the importance of this form of publication for<br />

the spread of scientiWc, technical, and historical ideas. The emphasis appears<br />

to be on early modern history, with contributions by contemporary historians<br />

Spitteler, Fäsi, Stieber, Longolius, and Albinus. Of particular interest is<br />

Spitteler’s demographic article on the population of Wurttemberg before<br />

the Thirty Year War. The last issue contains articles by Meusel himself, an<br />

interesting study on the history of language, and an extensive translation of<br />

a review on Dalin’s Swedish history.<br />

Kirchner 1102; very uncommon, RLIN and OCLC list only microWlm copies.<br />

‘One Quarter be paid before the 2nd Quarter becomes due’<br />

212 [MILITARY MANUSCRIPT.] An Establishment of his<br />

Ma[jesty’s] Guards, Guarrisons, & Land Forces wi[thi]n the Kingdom<br />

of England Dominion of Wales & Town of Berwick upon<br />

Tweed & the Islands thereto belonging with their full Pay &<br />

entertainment: to commence the 1st day of January 1683/4. £2000<br />

8vo, ll. 23 manuscript, written in a clean and legible hand, on paper<br />

ruled in red; Wnely bound in contemporary black calf, with intricate gilt<br />

Xoral design to upper and lower board, with two panels; gilt a little<br />

faded in parts; spine in compartments, silver clasps and catches in<br />

perfect order; a near perfect example of a Restoration binding; small<br />

chip to head of spine, a.e.g.; a very Wne copy.<br />

susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten<br />

A very attractively bound seventeenth century English manuscript on the<br />

army establishment in 1684, in fact a complete list of the British military<br />

Establishment, its numbers and pay per day and per year ‘to commence the<br />

1st day of January 1683/4’. It is possible that the manuscript was later<br />

printed, as circulation in manuscript often preceded publication. The<br />

manuscript appears to be complete, even though two leaves, the stub of one<br />

having a fragment of writing, were removed at the end. Since the manuscript<br />

covers a period near the end of the reign of King Charles, it is possible<br />

that the Wnal leaves contained some expression of loyalty, or a concluding<br />

prayer, neither of which would have been particularly appropriate under<br />

the new and Catholic reign of James II. It is a very detailed document, setting<br />

forth the condition of pay from drummer to general, concluding with<br />

the excellent precept that everyone should be paid ‘so that one Quarter be<br />

still paid before the 2nd Quarter becomes due’.<br />

Harold Love, Scribal Publication in Seventeenth-Century England, Oxford 1993.

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