Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten

Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten
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the eighteenth century. His observations are strikingly modern. He praises life in the big city, where one can see the whole world go by; describes the monetary gains of investment in property, castigates the luxury of constant dinner parties, and the frequent sojourn in the cafe. His criticism of current fashion is outspoken: jewellery is too ostentatious, art prices soar, and bankruptcies are becoming more common. Women are particularly susceptible to fashion, follow every fad, wear expensive jewellery, sport false hair and keep the hairdressers in business. There appear to be two issues of this work, the second one with a Foligno imprint. Uncommon, RLIN and OCLC record copies at Berkeley, the University of Chicago and the Canadian Center for Architecture. Recipes for the Artist, Craftsman, Cook and Builder 8 [ANON.] Neu eröVnete Vorraths-Kammer allerhand rarer und nützlicher auch lustiger Kunst-Stücke, Experimenten und schönen Wissenschaften, welche mathematische, mechanische, medicinische, chymische, öconomische, sympathetische, auch andere vermengte Materien in sich begreifen. Neun Sammlungen, mit den dazu gehörigen Kupfern und einem vollständigen Register versehen. Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1760. £2250 Nine parts in one volume, 8vo, pp. [xii] including double-page title in red and black, 13–556, [ii], 557–781 (vere 782), [44] index; with ten engravings (nine of which folding); woodcut head and tail-pieces, consecutive pagination, but with nine divisional title pages, dated 1758–1760; contemporary full mottled calf, spine in compartments, decorated in gilt, lettering and numbering directly to spine; corners bumped; an attractive copy, with contemporary manuscript inscription to front paste-down. First complete edition of this comprehensive book of secrets. A cornucopia of recipes for the artist and craftsman, the cook and housekeeper, the builder and technician. Extensive information on the working of gold, silver, pearls and precious stones is included, on special methods for their cleaning and preservation, and Wnally how to falsify them. A large number of recipes deal with the preservation and preparation of food stuVs, ranging from the incredible ‘roasting and serving of a live goose’, to recipes for beer, wine, and tobacco. Medical information includes information on cosmetics such as potions for a healthy skin colour or against dandruV and more serious health questions, such as fainting, loss of hearing, fevers and vomiting. The detailed Wnal index makes the recipes easily accessible. The Wrst part was Wrst issued in 1756, with the remaining parts following between 1758 and 1760. Weiss, Gastronomia 2704; uncommon OCLC and RLIN list just two complete copies, at the Library of Congress and Winterthur Museum, and copies with four parts only at New York State Library and the University of Illinois. Port Royal Grammar susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten 9 ARNAULD, Antoine and Claude LANCELOT. Grammaire Generale et Raisonnée contenant les fondemens de l’art de parler; expliquez d’une maniere claire & naturelle. Paris, Pierre le Petit. 1664. £600 12mo in 8s and 4s, pp. 157, [4], [1] privilege; insigniWcant short worm trace in lower gutter margin of a couple of signatures; title vignette, decorated initials; contemporary vellum, a little dust-soiled; a good copy. Second edition, extensively revised, of the famous Port Royal grammar, compiled by Claude Lancelot (1615–95) and Antoine Arnauld (1612–94) and Wrst published in 1660. Written in French, the Port Royal Grammar was part of a movement to displace Latin as the only possible expression of academic enquiry. Together with Arnauld’s Cartesian La Logique, it shaped Enlightenment thinking and beyond. The Port Royal grammar has been cited by inXuential present-day theorists, in particular Chomsky, as embodying some striking anticipations of modern linguistic thinking, such as its notions of ‘surface structure’ and ‘deep structure’. This second edition contains substantial revisions and corrections by Lancelot. See En Français dans le Texte, 99 and Cioranescu 8108 for Wrst edition. 10 [AUCTION.] Verzeichniss einer sehr vorzüglichen Bücher- Sammlung aus allen wissenschaftlichen Fächern und in vielerley Sprachen so wie von Kunstwerken und geographischen Carten welche am 5. May 1806 und folg. Tagen in Frankfurt am Main durch die geschwornen Herren Ausrufer öVentlich versteigert werden soll. Frankfurt am Main, im Februar, 1806. £320 8vo in 4s, pp. [ii], 88; paper spine; title dust-soiled; a little dog-eared and creased. Interesting book auction catalogue listing over 1200 scientiWc books in various Welds, including science, medicine, economics and philosophy, in addition to maps and travel. Numerous German translations of foreign authors are included, such as Hume, Hutcheson, Goldsmith, Fielding, Ferguson and Robertson but many titles are listed in the original languages, predominantly French, but also English, Italian, and of course Latin. The books oVered are priced, and arranged alphabetically by author or title in sections according to size. Interestingly extensive commentaries are included for some ten percent of the titles oVered, always in the language of the book. Not found in Blogie.

Surveying Instrument 11 AURACHER VON AURACH, Joseph. Quarreograph ein neues und einfaches Instrument um jede perspektivische Zeichnung mit der strengsten Genauigkeit aufzunehmen, und selbe im gehörigen Ton durch Schatten und Licht vollkommen zu entwerfen. In zwei Abtheilungen. Mit zwei Kupfertafeln. Wien, Carl Gerold, 1819. £450 8vo, pp. 34, two engraved plates, paper fault in lower margin of p. 21, no loss; faint stamp to title page and verso of title; later marbled wrappers with gilt-lettered label to upper board. First edition of Aurach’s Wrst description of his inovative perspectival surveying and drawing device, the quarreograph. Aurach maintains that with the help of the quarreograph perspective drawings can easily be achieved, without the need for calculations of perspective. In his two-part article, he Wrst describes in detail the device, and illustrates its design. Clear instructions are given to facilitate the construction of the device. The second part illustrates the use of the device. PoggendorV I, 76; rare RLIN and OCLC list one copy at the Swiss National Library, Harvard holds two of his later pamphlets. The Art of Gesture 12 AUSTIN, Gilbert. Die Kunst der rednerischen und theatralischen Declamation. Mit 25 Kupferplatten. Leipzig, Baumgartner, [1818]. £450 8vo, pp. xvi, 184, [1] errata, with 25 engraved plates; contemporary half calf over sprinkled boards, a Wne copy. First edition in German of Austin’s Chironomia, his popular treatise on elocution, countenance and gesture, Wrst published in 1806. Austin’s precepts as regards voice, expression, gesticulation and body language are clearly applicable not just to the stage and public speaking, but also in private life. In individual chapters he discusses aspects of presentation and teaches ideal posture to convery diVerent types of information. Austin’s notation system for these postures makes the book particularly useful. One hundred and Wfty- Wve postures are illustrated on the twenty-Wve engraved plates. Many of these have been transferred directly into modern computer graphics and clip-art. Rare, RLIN locates just two copies at New York State University and Berkeley. 13 AUXIRON, Claude-Francois-Joseph d’. Principes de tout Gouvernement, ou Examen des Causes de la splendeur ou de la foiblesse de tout Etat considéré en lui-même, & indépendamment des moers. Tome Premier. [–Second.] Paris, J. Th. Herissant Fils, 1766. £2200 susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten Two volumes in one, 12mo, pp. lxxx, 213, [1] blank; [iv], 314, [4] privilege and approbation; light dampstain to the upper corner of a couple of leaves in the preliminaries; a nice crisp copy in contemporary full mottled calf, spine gilt in compartments, with an armorial gilt stamp to the bottom compartment; gilt-lettered spine label. Rare Wrst edition of the major contribution to the population debate by Claude-Francois-Joseph d’Auxiron (1728–1778), a major nonphysiocratic economist before Malthus and a signiWcant early advocate of the importance of mathematical economics. ‘Auxiron’s work is signiWcant chieXy because of his analysis of the determinants of population capacity, and his treatment of the relation between population growth and the interoccupational and interclass movements and balance in society’ (Spengler, French Predecessors of Malthus, p. 296). Auxiron stressed the importance of commerce in the attainment of maximum yield from the given land area of any country, allowing for specialisation through trading, thereby creating a wealth-induced population expansion which would be impossible in a closed economy. Goldsmiths’–Kress 10259.1; Higgs 3943; INED 145; uncommon, further copies recorded at Berkeley, Princeton, and Syracuse university. 14 BABBAGE, Charles. On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. London, Charles Knight, 1832. £500 32mo, steel-engraved title, pp. xxiv, 392; contemporary half calf over marbled boards, spine gilt, gilt-lettered spine label; engraved title a little browned. Third enlarged edition of the Wrst detailed exposition of the economic impact of the machine industry by the English mathematician and economist Babbage. His analysis of the economics of the factory system played an important role in supplanting classical economics of Adam Smith with the political economy of Mill and Ricardo. Babbage’s work is a pioneering work in ‘operations research’. The text of the third edition is the deWnitive one, with the three additional chapters of the second edition inserted in

the eighteenth century. His observations are strikingly modern. He praises<br />

life in the big city, where one can see the whole world go by; describes the<br />

monetary gains of investment in property, castigates the luxury of constant<br />

dinner parties, and the frequent sojourn in the cafe. His criticism of current<br />

fashion is outspoken: jewellery is too ostentatious, art prices soar, and<br />

bankruptcies are becoming more common. Women are particularly susceptible<br />

to fashion, follow every fad, wear expensive jewellery, sport false hair<br />

and keep the hairdressers in business.<br />

There appear to be two issues of this work, the second one with a Foligno<br />

imprint. Uncommon, RLIN and OCLC record copies at Berkeley, the University<br />

of Chicago and the Canadian Center for Architecture.<br />

Recipes for the Artist, Craftsman, Cook and Builder<br />

8 [ANON.] Neu eröVnete Vorraths-Kammer allerhand rarer<br />

und nützlicher auch lustiger Kunst-Stücke, Experimenten und<br />

schönen Wissenschaften, welche mathematische, mechanische,<br />

medicinische, chymische, öconomische, sympathetische, auch andere<br />

vermengte Materien in sich begreifen. Neun Sammlungen, mit den<br />

dazu gehörigen Kupfern und einem vollständigen Register versehen.<br />

Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1760. £2250<br />

Nine parts in one volume, 8vo, pp. [xii] including double-page title in<br />

red and black, 13–556, [ii], 557–781 (vere 782), [44] index; with ten<br />

engravings (nine of which folding); woodcut head and tail-pieces,<br />

consecutive pagination, but with nine divisional title pages, dated<br />

1758–1760; contemporary full mottled calf, spine in compartments,<br />

decorated in gilt, lettering and numbering directly to spine; corners<br />

bumped; an attractive copy, with contemporary manuscript inscription<br />

to front paste-down.<br />

First complete edition of this comprehensive book of secrets. A cornucopia<br />

of recipes for the artist and craftsman, the cook and housekeeper, the<br />

builder and technician. Extensive information on the working of gold, silver,<br />

pearls and precious stones is included, on special methods for their<br />

cleaning and preservation, and Wnally how to falsify them. A large number<br />

of recipes deal with the preservation and preparation of food stuVs, ranging<br />

from the incredible ‘roasting and serving of a live goose’, to recipes for beer,<br />

wine, and tobacco. Medical information includes information on cosmetics<br />

such as potions for a healthy skin colour or against dandruV and more serious<br />

health questions, such as fainting, loss of hearing, fevers and vomiting.<br />

The detailed Wnal index makes the recipes easily accessible. The Wrst part<br />

was Wrst issued in 1756, with the remaining parts following between 1758<br />

and 1760.<br />

Weiss, Gastronomia 2704; uncommon OCLC and RLIN list just two complete<br />

copies, at the Library of Congress and Winterthur Museum, and copies with four<br />

parts only at New York State Library and the University of Illinois.<br />

Port Royal Grammar<br />

susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten<br />

9 ARNAULD, Antoine and Claude LANCELOT. Grammaire<br />

Generale et Raisonnée contenant les fondemens de l’art de parler;<br />

expliquez d’une maniere claire & naturelle. Paris, Pierre le Petit.<br />

1664. £600<br />

12mo in 8s and 4s, pp. 157, [4], [1] privilege; insigniWcant short worm<br />

trace in lower gutter margin of a couple of signatures; title vignette,<br />

decorated initials; contemporary vellum, a little dust-soiled; a good<br />

copy.<br />

Second edition, extensively revised, of the famous Port Royal grammar,<br />

compiled by Claude Lancelot (1615–95) and Antoine Arnauld (1612–94)<br />

and Wrst published in 1660. Written in French, the Port Royal Grammar<br />

was part of a movement to displace Latin as the only possible expression of<br />

academic enquiry. Together with Arnauld’s Cartesian La Logique, it shaped<br />

Enlightenment thinking and beyond. The Port Royal grammar has been<br />

cited by inXuential present-day theorists, in particular Chomsky, as embodying<br />

some striking anticipations of modern linguistic thinking, such as<br />

its notions of ‘surface structure’ and ‘deep structure’.<br />

This second edition contains substantial revisions and corrections by<br />

Lancelot.<br />

See En Français dans le Texte, 99 and Cioranescu 8108 for Wrst edition.<br />

10 [AUCTION.] Verzeichniss einer sehr vorzüglichen Bücher-<br />

Sammlung aus allen wissenschaftlichen Fächern und in vielerley<br />

Sprachen so wie von Kunstwerken und geographischen Carten<br />

welche am 5. May 1806 und folg. Tagen in Frankfurt am Main<br />

durch die geschwornen Herren Ausrufer öVentlich versteigert<br />

werden soll. Frankfurt am Main, im Februar, 1806. £320<br />

8vo in 4s, pp. [ii], 88; paper spine; title dust-soiled; a little dog-eared<br />

and creased.<br />

Interesting book auction catalogue listing over 1200 scientiWc books in<br />

various Welds, including science, medicine, economics and philosophy, in<br />

addition to maps and travel. Numerous German translations of foreign authors<br />

are included, such as Hume, Hutcheson, Goldsmith, Fielding,<br />

Ferguson and Robertson but many titles are listed in the original languages,<br />

predominantly French, but also English, Italian, and of course Latin. The<br />

books oVered are priced, and arranged alphabetically by author or title in<br />

sections according to size. Interestingly extensive commentaries are included<br />

for some ten percent of the titles oVered, always in the language of<br />

the book.<br />

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