Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten

Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten
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1645), Celeo e l’Orto by Bernardino Baldi (1553–1617), Pane by Marco Aurelio Olimpio Nemesiano, translated by Tommaso Giuseppe Farsetti. The Wnely engraved title vignette summarises the culinary topic of the poems. The poems deal in turn with ‘Il Moreto’, a paste of crushed garlic, onion, parsley and herbs mixed with cheese, oil and vinegar. ‘Il Batino’ is dedicated to the pig and pork sausages. In ‘Celeo e l’Orto’ the production of polenta with butter and cheese is described, whereas the Wnal one’ Pane’ (vere Pan) is dedicated to wine. The work is illustrated throughout by Antonio Baratta after P. A. Novelli, and by Francesco Bartolozzi. Gamba 2225; Morazzoni, p. 251; B.IN.G, II, 1584, p. 1377; RLIN and OCLC locate just three copies at Harvard, New York Public Library, and the National Art Library. The Value of Estates in Mecklenburg 116 FERBER, Christian Karl Friedrich von. Grundzüge zur Werthschätzung der Landgüter in Mecklenburg. Berlin, Joh. F. Unger, 1796. £440 Tall 8vo, pp. [ii], x, 286, [1] errata, one printed table outside of pagination; bound in contemporary half sheep, spine ruled in gilt, giltlettered spine label, extremities a little rubbed, head of spine worn and upper joint tender; private bookplate on front paste-down, library stamp on verso ot title page; a very clean and crisp copy with a few marginal crayon markings. First edition of this interesting treatise on the valuation of estates in the predominantly agricultural nothern German state of Mecklenburg. Ferber (1761–1838) deplores the recent development whereby estates have become a form of investment for rich city dwellers and industrialists. This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in Mecklenburg, because of its susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten relatively liberal property laws. Overall the work gives a very clear account of the Wnancial and legal situation of agricultural estates at the end of the eighteenth century – together with an assessment of the economic situation at this time, with more capital in private hands than ever before. Goldsmiths’–Kress 16649.2. 117 FERGUSON, Adam. An Essay on the History of Civil Society. Third edition, corrected. London, A. Millar and T. Cadell, 1768. £750 8vo, pp. viii, 464; contemporary full speckled calf, spine gilt, giltlettered spine label; short split to upper joint; a very attractive copy. A Wne copy of the third edition of Ferguson’s History of Civil Society (Wrst 1767), generally regarded as the Wrst English work in empirical sociology. The work was frequently reprinted, both in England and America, and translated in German and French. Ferguson (1723–1816), professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh and leader of the Scottish Enlightenment, describes the stages of social evolution. Marx credited him with being the Wrst in modern times to develop the theory of the division of labour in economy and society, and Gumplowicz, the advocate of the conXict theory of society, described the essay as ‘the Wrst natural history of society’, and Ferguson himself as ‘the Wrst sociologist’. ESTC t075304; Goldsmiths’–Kress 10407.5; Higgs 4258; Jessop 122. 118 [FERRARA – LAW.] Capitoli del Sacro Monte di Pietà eretto in Ferrara ... Distesu sù la norma di quelli del Sacro Monte di Roma. Ferrara, Stampa Camerale, 1671. £1000 Tall 4to, pp. xii, 180, [4], woodcut arms to title, head-pieces and initials; very clean and crisp in contemporary full vellum. First edition, thus, of the revised statutes of the Monte di Pietà, the savings and loan association, of Ferrara, based on those of the Monte di Pietà of Rome. The Monte di Pietà was a combined pawn-shop and charity institution, which also oVered some banking facilities. Organisation and procedures are explained in great detail, ranging from the election of oYcials to how to deal with lost pawn tickets. A special section deals Jewish money-lenders, and loans to Jews, which are subject to special regulations, such as Wxed interest rates and limitations on the accpetance of pawns. There clearly was some competition between the money-lending practices of the Monte de Pietà and of Jewish moneylenders. Extensive regulation is included, partly applying identical limitations to the Monte di Pietà and other pawnshops, partly applying stricter rules to the Jewish moneylenders. A Wnal table gives the interest rates established by the Monte di Pietà. No copies found in RLIN and OCLC.

The Closed Commercial State 119 FICHTE, Johann Gottlieb. Der geschloßne Handelsstaat. Ein philosophischer Entwurf als Anhang zur Rechtslehre, und Probe einer künftig zu liefernden Politik. Tübingen, J. G. Cotta’sche Buchhandlung, 1800. £2000 8vo, pp. [xxii], 290; title lightly browned and occasional spotting throughout; contemporary calf-backed marbled boards, spine ruled and decorated in gilt, gilt-lettered spine label; boards with decorative gilt panelling; extremities a little rubbed; an attractive copy with manuscript notes to endpapers, and ownership cipher to title page. The philosopher Fichte, though not an economist in the strict sense, has indirectly exercised great inXuence on economists. In Der geschloßne Handelsstaat, he presents the Wrst modern socialist concept of the state. His ‘closed commercial state’ is a corporate one, with a controlled economy and autarchy. To ensure the eYcacy of domestic controls and maintain the value of money, the state must also regulate international economic relations. Once the state is ‘isolated’, production and trading, prices and wages can be fully regulated. The state guarantees the existence of the individual and his right to work, but there is no free choice of occupation. Fichte is a socialist, but not a communist – private property, family life, and even the accumulation of riches are an accepted part of his concept. Baumgartner & Jacob, J. G. Fichte – Bibliographie, A1 50x.; Goldsmiths’–Kress 17957; Humpert 7668; Menger c. 163; Ziegenfuss I, 342. 120 [FLICK, Johann Friedrich.] Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst für angehende und praktische Buchdrucker. Als Anhang: Anweisung, Papiere auf alle Art zu färben. Berlin, Theod. Christ. Fried. Enslin, 1820. £950 8vo, pp. viii, 280, 1 large folding lithograph plate (printed in red and black), 4 lithograph plates of type cases; title page lightly browned; contemporary buV boards, spine ruled in gilt, gilt-lettered spine label; corners bumped. First edition of a rare German printers’ manual. After a brief history of printing and some preliminary remarks on the recent development of lithographic printing, Flick (1783–1826) concentrates on a detailed practical introduction to the art and craft of printing. In the Wrst part he deals with preparatory work and gives extensive information on type-setting, the distribution of new type, choice of typefaces, title page composition, page make-up, tables, marginalia, music etc. The second section concentrates on the practical printing process, preparation and dampening of paper, preparing the press, inking and cleaning of the form, padding, preparation of printing ink. He concludes with information on the storing of printed sheets, folding and gathering. Bigmore & Wyman I, 223; Boghardt, Typographische Lehrbücher 26; Gaskell et al, G15; not in Jackson Burke. Summary Justice susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten 121 [FLORENCE. BANDITS.] Provisione che’l Premio di chi Ammazza Banditi che non si Paghi à chi non domanda in tra l’anno. A dì 23. Di Gennaio. 1553. Fiorenza, Giorgio Marescotti, [1575]. £150 4to, pp, [4], ducal arms to title, hand-coloured, modern boards. Second edition of a ruling on the rewards paid out for the slaying or capture of bandits or fugitive criminals. Following a number of false claims for these rewards, it was decided that claims have to be made within the year. Apparently quite frequently money had been claimed by fellow bandits with spurious proof and substantial time delay. BM STC Italian, p. 261; not found in RLIN, OCLC or KVK. Book Madness 122 FRAENKEL, Maimon. Trifolium. Ueber Prophetismus, Zahlensymbolik und Bücherreiz. Hamburg, Friedr. Perthes, 1832. £900 8vo, pp. [viii], 102, [2] publisher’s advertisements; lightly browned and spotted, due to paper quality; contemporary paste-paper boards, spine label lettered in manuscript; extremities a little rubbed; manuscript note of contents to front free endpaper; a good copy. First edition of this rare collection of three essays on prophecies, number symbolism and the addictive properties of books and bookshops. Fraenkel describes the symptoms of ‘book madness’ – men are aVected to the extent that they pay ‘silly’ prices for books, women attempt to put together big libraries (more for show than to read them) or become addicts of the lending library, and even insects, especially the bookworm, are aVected. Fraenkel’s work is bound together with two other works, one of them appropriately by the manic book collector Karl Pölitz (1772–1838), whose library catalogue, published in 1839 lists 13360 titles. Karl Pölitz’s Andeutungen über politische, besonders parlamentarische Beredsamkeit. Leipzig, [1832], and J. W. F. HöXing, Mysticismus. Erlangen, Carl Heyder, 1832. Fürst I, 293; Kosch V 384; rare, NUC, RLIN and OCLC locate copies at Harvard, Princeton and the Library of Congress only. JeVerson was a Member 123 [FRANCE – AGRICULTURE.] Annuaire de la Société d’Agriculture du Département de la Seine. Pour l’An 1809. Paris, Madame Huzard, 1809. £280 8vo, pp. 59; title vignette; uncut in the original stiV paste-paper wrappers; extremities a little chipped, but a Wne copy.

1645), Celeo e l’Orto by Bernardino Baldi (1553–1617), Pane by Marco<br />

Aurelio Olimpio Nemesiano, translated by Tommaso Giuseppe Farsetti.<br />

The Wnely engraved title vignette summarises the culinary topic of the poems.<br />

The poems deal in turn with ‘Il Moreto’, a paste of crushed garlic, onion,<br />

parsley and herbs mixed with cheese, oil and vinegar. ‘Il Batino’ is<br />

dedicated to the pig and pork sausages. In ‘Celeo e l’Orto’ the production of<br />

polenta with butter and cheese is described, whereas the Wnal one’ Pane’<br />

(vere Pan) is dedicated to wine. The work is illustrated throughout by<br />

Antonio Baratta after P. A. Novelli, and by Francesco Bartolozzi.<br />

Gamba 2225; Morazzoni, p. 251; B.IN.G, II, 1584, p. 1377; RLIN and OCLC<br />

locate just three copies at Harvard, New York Public Library, and the National Art<br />

Library.<br />

The Value of Estates in Mecklenburg<br />

116 FERBER, Christian Karl Friedrich von. Grundzüge zur<br />

Werthschätzung der Landgüter in Mecklenburg. Berlin, Joh. F.<br />

Unger, 1796. £440<br />

Tall 8vo, pp. [ii], x, 286, [1] errata, one printed table outside of<br />

pagination; bound in contemporary half sheep, spine ruled in gilt, giltlettered<br />

spine label, extremities a little rubbed, head of spine worn and<br />

upper joint tender; private bookplate on front paste-down, library<br />

stamp on verso ot title page; a very clean and crisp copy with a few<br />

marginal crayon markings.<br />

First edition of this interesting treatise on the valuation of estates in the<br />

predominantly agricultural nothern German state of Mecklenburg. Ferber<br />

(1761–1838) deplores the recent development whereby estates have become<br />

a form of investment for rich city dwellers and industrialists. This<br />

phenomenon is particularly pronounced in Mecklenburg, because of its<br />

susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten<br />

relatively liberal property laws. Overall the work gives a very clear account<br />

of the Wnancial and legal situation of agricultural estates at the end of the<br />

eighteenth century – together with an assessment of the economic situation<br />

at this time, with more capital in private hands than ever before.<br />

Goldsmiths’–Kress 16649.2.<br />

117 FERGUSON, Adam. An Essay on the History of Civil<br />

Society. Third edition, corrected. London, A. Millar and T. Cadell,<br />

1768. £750<br />

8vo, pp. viii, 464; contemporary full speckled calf, spine gilt, giltlettered<br />

spine label; short split to upper joint; a very attractive copy.<br />

A Wne copy of the third edition of Ferguson’s History of Civil Society (Wrst<br />

1767), generally regarded as the Wrst English work in empirical sociology.<br />

The work was frequently reprinted, both in England and America, and<br />

translated in German and French.<br />

Ferguson (1723–1816), professor of Moral Philosophy at the University<br />

of Edinburgh and leader of the Scottish Enlightenment, describes the<br />

stages of social evolution. Marx credited him with being the Wrst in modern<br />

times to develop the theory of the division of labour in economy and society,<br />

and Gumplowicz, the advocate of the conXict theory of society, described<br />

the essay as ‘the Wrst natural history of society’, and Ferguson<br />

himself as ‘the Wrst sociologist’.<br />

ESTC t075304; Goldsmiths’–Kress 10407.5; Higgs 4258; Jessop 122.<br />

118 [FERRARA – LAW.] Capitoli del Sacro Monte di Pietà eretto<br />

in Ferrara ... Distesu sù la norma di quelli del Sacro Monte di Roma.<br />

Ferrara, Stampa Camerale, 1671. £1000<br />

Tall 4to, pp. xii, 180, [4], woodcut arms to title, head-pieces and<br />

initials; very clean and crisp in contemporary full vellum.<br />

First edition, thus, of the revised statutes of the Monte di Pietà, the savings<br />

and loan association, of Ferrara, based on those of the Monte di Pietà of<br />

Rome. The Monte di Pietà was a combined pawn-shop and charity institution,<br />

which also oVered some banking facilities. Organisation and procedures<br />

are explained in great detail, ranging from the election of oYcials to<br />

how to deal with lost pawn tickets.<br />

A special section deals Jewish money-lenders, and loans to Jews, which<br />

are subject to special regulations, such as Wxed interest rates and limitations<br />

on the accpetance of pawns. There clearly was some competition between<br />

the money-lending practices of the Monte de Pietà and of Jewish moneylenders.<br />

Extensive regulation is included, partly applying identical limitations<br />

to the Monte di Pietà and other pawnshops, partly applying stricter<br />

rules to the Jewish moneylenders. A Wnal table gives the interest rates established<br />

by the Monte di Pietà.<br />

No copies found in RLIN and OCLC.

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