Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten

Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten
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Oblong 4to, pp. [58] including engraved frontispiece and title page printed in red and black, 140, 24; all text printed within a black border, partly printed in red and black, numerous tables and Wgures and thirteen engraved printers’ portraits in the text; G4 music type face engraved; bound without the unsigned leaf of correction marks sometimes inserted between signature F and G; very clean; bound in contemporary full vellum; spine lettered in manuscript; vellum a little creased; but in all a very attractive copy, with early ownership inscription to front paste-down. First edition, rare, of this classic German printers’ manual. The charming engraved frontispiece shows the interior of the print shop, with two presses and nine people actively involved in type-setting, inking, proof-reading, and printing. The main text contains a complete practical treatise of the art of printing, many diVerent specimens of type are introduced (including forty-seven black letter types, twenty-one Roman, fourteen Italic forms) in addition to many Slavic, Greek and Hebrew founts, music founts, and special symbols for astrological and calendar signs. A variety of diVerent type case arrangements are shown. Boghardt, Typographische Lehrbücher, 14; Bigmore & Wyman, I, 205 (second edition of 1733); Ornamentstich Katalog Berlin, 5340; Gaskell, P. et al, G6. Of Laws and Lords 110 [ERTEL, Anton Wilhelm.] Neu-eröVnete Schau-Bühne von dem Fürsten-Recht. Nürnberg, Peter Paul Bleuls, 1702. [bound with:] Des heiligen Römischen Reichs ohnmittelbahrer Freyer Ritterschaft der Sechs Ort in Francken, erneuerte, vermehrte und conWrmierte Ordnungen, samt deroselben von denen susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten Römischen Kaysern und Königen allerhöchst-löblichster Gedächtniis erlangten, renovirten und ConWrmirten Privilegien und Befreyeungs-BrieVen auch Kayserlichen Rescription. 1696. £650 Two works in one volume, 4to, pp. [viii] including engraved frontispiece & title in red and black, [xvi], 394; [iv] including engraved frontispiece, 169, [4], 22 [Anhang]; second work with some spotting and browning, else very clean and crisp; contemporary full vellum. An interesting volume combining a theoretical treatise on feudal law with its practical application in the law as applied to the Ritterschaft of Franconia. I. First edition, uncommon, of this compendium of the law as applied to kings and rulers, by Anton Wilhelm Ertel, a proliWc writer on matters of taxation and the law. Ertel discusses all aspects of good practice as relating to king and ruler under the ‘contract’ provided by the feudal system. In one hundred chapters or ‘exercises’, individual questions are discussed and resolved citing all relevant legislation. Questions include procedural problems, international law, Wnancial questions, and civil law. II. Second edition, Wrst published in 1694 of the privileges of the Franconian knighthood. The statutes begin with the basic rules of conduct, including some interesting information on the relationship between the knight and his servants. A number of special privileges granted within the seventeenth century are reprinted, including a number regulating Wefdoms and land. A special privilege regulates the life and business of the local Jewish population. Humpert 7436; Jöcher II, 390; uncommon, I. NUC and RLIN list Harvard Law; II. Harvard Law Library lists later edition of 1870 only. The Future of Europe – as Predicted by Nostrodamus et al 111 [EUROPE.] Die Wohlfarth von Europa in einem bedenklichen Zustand betrachtet. Cöln, 1758. [bound with:] Europäischer Staats-Wahrsager, oder wundersame Propheceyungen von dem jetzigen Zustand der moisten und vornehmsten Europäischen Staaten, in sich haltend des Irländischen Ertz-BischoVs Malachia, des Französischen Astrologi Nostradami, Bruder Herman von Lehnin, des Mönchs Sebalds und vieler anderer rare und sonderbare Weissagungen ... FünVte, mit vielen Zusätzen und Anmerkungen versehene AuXage. Bremen, in der Saurmannischen Buchhandlung, 1758. £480 Two works in one volume, 8vo, engraved frontispiece, pp. xiv, 288; [viii], 402, [4]; engraved head and tail-pieces; paper occasionally lightly browned, but in all clean; contemporary paste-paper covered boards, spine label lettered in manuscript, extremities chipped and corners a little worn; a sound copy from the Seckendorf library with armorial book plate to front paste-down. I. First edition, very rare, of this political polemic against the union of

France and Austria in the Seven Years’ War, with a clear warning of the dangers of upsetting the equilibrium of forces within Europe. The Seven Years’ War (1756–1763) had started because of the coalition between Austria, France, Russia, Sweden and Saxony against Prussia, in an attempt to curtail the power of Frederick the Great. This polemical article, written from the Prussian viewpoint, warns against France and Austria joining forces. A supplement traces the history of Franco-Austrian alliances. II. Later edition of a fascinating compilation of predictions and prophecies regarding European politics and the fate of individual states. The prognostications by Nostradamus, Lichtenberger, Paracelsus etc. are arranged by country, and deal in turn with the papal states, the Austrian Empire, England, and France; followed by individual prophecies by Lichtenberger, Carione, Aegidius, and Suschken. I. Weller I, 93; not found in NUC and RLIN, KVK lists just one copy at the Bavarian State Library. 112 FABRICIUS, Johann Christian. Von der Volks-Vermehrung insonderheit in Dännemark. Hamburg und Kiel, Carl Ernst Bohn, 1781. £350 Small 8vo, pp. 88, engraved title vignette, head and tail-pieces; title dust-soiled and a little stained, else clean and crisp; late nineteenthcentury buckram-backed marbled boards, spine lettered in gilt; extremities chipped. First edition of an early and much-discussed contribution to the literature on population and demographics. Fabricius (1743–1808), a professor of economics at Kiel, argues for the importance of population increase, as only a large population guarantees a strong economy and a prosperous state. He deplores the population decrease in the Nordic states, especially Denmark. This, he explains, is caused by the system of serfdom (which though abolished by law under Frederick IV continued in practice) and the concentration of a large proportion of the land in the hands of few landowners. Farm sizes are constantly increasing, with a subsequent lack of arable ground for a large number of mid-sized farmers. The ever-growing size of the army and navy is a further reason for decreasing population Wgures. ADB VI, 521; Goldsmiths’–Kress 12130.4; NUC lists just one copy at the university of Chicago, OCLC adds Göttingen University and the US Air Force Academy. The Earliest Printed Laws of a Major European Trade Fair 113 [FAIR – LYON.] Ordonnances et Privileges des Foires de Lyon: et leur Antiquité: auec celles de Brie, & Champaigne. Lyon, Pierre Fradin, 1560. [bound with:] Lettres du Roy François Deuxième du nom, ConWrmatives des privileges, et franchises des quart Foires de Lyon. Lyon, Pierre Fradin, 1560. £4000 susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten 8vo, ll. 115, [9]; [4] with the woodcut arms of the city of Lyon to both titles, printer’s device to last leaf; large decorated initials throughout; some light browning, small individual worm hole in upper outer corner, occasionally touching page number; light marginal dampstain towards the end of the volume; contemporary limp vellum, head of spine chipped, with some loss; an attractive, unsophisticated copy. First edition, very rare, of one of the earliest and most important printed sources for the history of international trade fairs: the fair privileges granted to the city of Lyon, location of arguably the most important trade fairs of the Wfteenth and sixteenth century. Fairs are ancient institutions with great importance for the development of international commerce and mercantile law. The Lyon Fair was the central exchange point for the spice trade, for silver brought from the New World, and for vast quantities of silk and textiles manufactured in Lyon. The year of publication, 1560, marks the highpoint of the fair’s fortunes, and depicts the fair during its most thriving period, from about 1529 to 1560. In addition to all the royal edicts governing the conduct of merchants, it contains a brief introductory essay on the origin of trade fairs in antiquity and on the beginnings of the fair at Lyon. J. Baudrier, Bibliographie lyonnaise, XI, p. 153; not in BM STC French or Adams; uncommon, RLIN and OCLC list copies at Harvard Law School, the University of Minnesota and Northwestern University. 114 FARRAR, Frederic William. Families of Speech: Four Lectures delivered before the Royal Institution of Great Britain in March 1869. London, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1870. £60 8vo, pp. xiii, [i] blank, 192, 2 coloured folding maps, 2 tables (1 folding); publisher’s green cloth, spine lettered in gilt, tail of spine a little worn, and discreet repair to lower joint. First edition of Farrar’s essays, dedicated to Max Müller. Farrar was an English representative of the ‘family tree’ theory of languages, which had been introduced by Schleicher. Not in Kennedy. Food for Thought 115 FARSETTI, Daniele [editor]. Quattro elegantissime Egloghe Rusticali, Venezia, Paolo Colombani, 1760. £1150 4to, pp. 70; engraved title vignette, four full page engravings, one head piece, four tail pieces and Wve engraved initials; some spotting to title page and occasional slight dust-soiling; uncut in the original buVcoloured limp boards, with leather cords; boards a little dust-soiled; ownership inscription in ink to front free endpaper. First edition of this Wnely printed collection of ‘culinary’ poems collected and edited by Daniele Farsetti. Included are Il Moreto, attributed to Gasparo Gozzi (1713–1786), Il Batino by Francesco Bracciolini (1566–

France and Austria in the Seven Years’ War, with a clear warning of the<br />

dangers of upsetting the equilibrium of forces within Europe. The Seven<br />

Years’ War (1756–1763) had started because of the coalition between Austria,<br />

France, Russia, Sweden and Saxony against Prussia, in an attempt to<br />

curtail the power of Frederick the Great. This polemical article, written<br />

from the Prussian viewpoint, warns against France and Austria joining<br />

forces. A supplement traces the history of Franco-Austrian alliances.<br />

II. Later edition of a fascinating compilation of predictions and prophecies<br />

regarding European politics and the fate of individual states. The prognostications<br />

by Nostradamus, Lichtenberger, Paracelsus etc. are arranged<br />

by country, and deal in turn with the papal states, the Austrian Empire,<br />

England, and France; followed by individual prophecies by Lichtenberger,<br />

Carione, Aegidius, and Suschken.<br />

I. Weller I, 93; not found in NUC and RLIN, KVK lists just one copy at the Bavarian<br />

State Library.<br />

112 FABRICIUS, Johann Christian. Von der Volks-Vermehrung<br />

insonderheit in Dännemark. Hamburg und Kiel, Carl Ernst Bohn,<br />

1781. £350<br />

Small 8vo, pp. 88, engraved title vignette, head and tail-pieces; title<br />

dust-soiled and a little stained, else clean and crisp; late nineteenthcentury<br />

buckram-backed marbled boards, spine lettered in gilt;<br />

extremities chipped.<br />

First edition of an early and much-discussed contribution to the literature<br />

on population and demographics. Fabricius (1743–1808), a professor of<br />

economics at Kiel, argues for the importance of population increase, as only<br />

a large population guarantees a strong economy and a prosperous state. He<br />

deplores the population decrease in the Nordic states, especially Denmark.<br />

This, he explains, is caused by the system of serfdom (which though abolished<br />

by law under Frederick IV continued in practice) and the concentration<br />

of a large proportion of the land in the hands of few landowners. Farm<br />

sizes are constantly increasing, with a subsequent lack of arable ground for a<br />

large number of mid-sized farmers. The ever-growing size of the army and<br />

navy is a further reason for decreasing population Wgures.<br />

ADB VI, 521; Goldsmiths’–Kress 12130.4; NUC lists just one copy at the university<br />

of Chicago, OCLC adds Göttingen University and the US Air Force Academy.<br />

The Earliest Printed Laws of a Major European Trade Fair<br />

113 [FAIR – LYON.] Ordonnances et Privileges des Foires de<br />

Lyon: et leur Antiquité: auec celles de Brie, & Champaigne. Lyon,<br />

Pierre Fradin, 1560.<br />

[bound with:] Lettres du Roy François Deuxième du nom,<br />

ConWrmatives des privileges, et franchises des quart Foires de Lyon.<br />

Lyon, Pierre Fradin, 1560. £4000<br />

susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten<br />

8vo, ll. 115, [9]; [4] with the woodcut arms of the city of Lyon to both<br />

titles, printer’s device to last leaf; large decorated initials throughout;<br />

some light browning, small individual worm hole in upper outer<br />

corner, occasionally touching page number; light marginal dampstain<br />

towards the end of the volume; contemporary limp vellum, head of<br />

spine chipped, with some loss; an attractive, unsophisticated copy.<br />

First edition, very rare, of one of the earliest and most important printed<br />

sources for the history of international trade fairs: the fair privileges granted<br />

to the city of Lyon, location of arguably the most important trade fairs of<br />

the Wfteenth and sixteenth century. Fairs are ancient institutions with great<br />

importance for the development of international commerce and mercantile<br />

law. The Lyon Fair was the central exchange point for the spice trade, for<br />

silver brought from the New World, and for vast quantities of silk and textiles<br />

manufactured in Lyon. The year of publication, 1560, marks the<br />

highpoint of the fair’s fortunes, and depicts the fair during its most thriving<br />

period, from about 1529 to 1560. In addition to all the royal edicts governing<br />

the conduct of merchants, it contains a brief introductory essay on the<br />

origin of trade fairs in antiquity and on the beginnings of the fair at Lyon.<br />

J. Baudrier, Bibliographie lyonnaise, XI, p. 153; not in BM STC French or Adams;<br />

uncommon, RLIN and OCLC list copies at Harvard Law School, the University of<br />

Minnesota and Northwestern University.<br />

114 FARRAR, Frederic William. Families of Speech: Four<br />

Lectures delivered before the Royal Institution of Great Britain in<br />

March 1869. London, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1870. £60<br />

8vo, pp. xiii, [i] blank, 192, 2 coloured folding maps, 2 tables (1<br />

folding); publisher’s green cloth, spine lettered in gilt, tail of spine a<br />

little worn, and discreet repair to lower joint.<br />

First edition of Farrar’s essays, dedicated to Max Müller. Farrar was an English<br />

representative of the ‘family tree’ theory of languages, which had been<br />

introduced by Schleicher.<br />

Not in Kennedy.<br />

Food for Thought<br />

115 FARSETTI, Daniele [editor]. Quattro elegantissime Egloghe<br />

Rusticali, Venezia, Paolo Colombani, 1760. £1150<br />

4to, pp. 70; engraved title vignette, four full page engravings, one head<br />

piece, four tail pieces and Wve engraved initials; some spotting to title<br />

page and occasional slight dust-soiling; uncut in the original buVcoloured<br />

limp boards, with leather cords; boards a little dust-soiled;<br />

ownership inscription in ink to front free endpaper.<br />

First edition of this Wnely printed collection of ‘culinary’ poems collected<br />

and edited by Daniele Farsetti. Included are Il Moreto, attributed to<br />

Gasparo Gozzi (1713–1786), Il Batino by Francesco Bracciolini (1566–

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