Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten

Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten
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102 EBERHARD, Johann August. Synonymisches Handwörterbuch der deutschen Sprache für alle, die sich in dieser Sprache richtig ausdrücken wollen. Halle, Schimmelpfennig und Compagnie. 1802. £280 8vo, pp. xvi, 459; bound in contemporary sprinkled half calf over sprinkled boards, spine ruled in gilt, with gilt-lettered and decorated spine label; typographic bookplate on front paste-down, and early ownership inscription in ink on front free endpaper and title; a very Wne copy. First edition of this handy guide to the synonyms of the German language, an invaluable help to correct German usage. Since language is the expression of thought, Eberhard argues, it is of the highest importance to express it correctly and actually convey all the nuances desired. This handy guide to the German language evolved out of Eberhard’s six volume Versuch einer allgemeinen deutschen Synonymik (1795–1802), which was long reckoned the best work on the synonyms of the German language. Zaunmüller 57: ‘Gute Behandlung der Bedeutungsunterschiede der deutschen Synonymik’. 103 ECKARTSHAUSEN, Karl von. Der Prinz und sein Freund ein Buch für Fürstenkinder. München, Joseph Lindauer, 1789. £550 8vo, pp. [viii], including engraved frontispiece by Mettenleiter, 414; engraved title vignette; uncut in the original pale blue boards, spine sunned; stamp erased from title, resulting in small hole; still a very wide-margined and good copy. First edition of a rare courtesy book, Eckartshausen’s treatise on the education of princes. In a dialogue between the future prince and his ‘friend’ the teacher, human passions are discussed. In the second half the prince is en- susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten couraged to develop a thorough knowledge of the human psyche. This courtesy book is a clear outcome of the enlightenment with the prince encouraged to regard himself as a servant to the people, not a Machiavellian ruler. Education, culture and enlightenment are the guiding principles, and a thorough knowledge of legal principles is recommended. In the last section a number of representative excerpts from the works of Montesquieu, La Bruyère and Justi complete the education of the prince. This Wrst edition was also published with a Pest imprint. A second edition was published in 1790. Faivre 46. 104 [ECONOMIC SAMMELBAND.] [ANON.] Sammlung auserlesener und nützlicher Abhandlungen, zu Verbesserung und Aufnahme des Nahrungs-Standes, der Landes-Oeconomie, Cameralund Finanz-Wissenschaften, wie auch der Geschichts- und Staats- Kunde nebst einer ganz neuen auf die Grundsätze einer ächten Staatskunst und die Erfahrung gebaueten Anleitung zu Anlegung und Verbesserung der Wollen-Manufacturen in einem Staate. Frankfurt und Leipzig, August L. Stettin, 1766. £750 8vo, pp. 16, 17–96, 167–394, collation irregular, but complete; woodcut head-piece and initials; contemporary boards, spine label faintly lettered in ink; from the Donaueschingen library with characteristic shelf mark and small stamp to verso of title. First edition of this compilation of a number of rare contributions to economic thought and practical economics. Included are Johann Peter von Ludewig’s Von der neu angerichteten Profession, in Oeconomie-Policey- und Cammer-Sachen, a panegyric on economics and economic policy under Friedrich Wilhelm I. Ludewig (1670–1743) emphasises the fact that sound economic policy is the real basis of military power. He exempliWes this in the successful reigns of Henry IV and Louis XIV in France, with their wise economic policy. This is followed by Henrich von Bode’s Fürstliche Macht- Kunst, based on Asche Christoph von Marenholz’s original work of 1702. Heinrich von Bode (1652–1720) gives a comprehensive introduction to state economics and administration for a prospective ruler. He covers all aspects of administration, guild laws, interest rates, and even a clever ‘getrich-quick’ scheme, demonstrating how careful investment and moneylending can lead to riches. The Wrst, anonymous publication concentrates on the wool trade and commercial politics. Also included is a German translation of Berchs’ study on balance of payments of cities, Wrst published 1754, and the anonymous Beschreibung des Staats von Pfalz-Zweybrücken, ca 1680. According to the preface some contributions were included in Ludewig’s Oekonomische Anmerkungen über von SeckendorV’s Fürstenstaat (1753). Not in Kress or Goldsmiths’, not found in RLIN or OCLC, just one copy in KVK at the Bavarian State Library.

Royal Protocol 105 EDMONDSON, Joseph. Precedency ... Mowbray Herald. Engraved and printed for the Editor, n.d. [1780–1785?]. £220 Small 8vo, ll. [ii], 14, heraldic vignette to title, both title and text entirely engraved; contemporary red morocco, gilt sides and spine; joints very worn; from the library of Gordon Castle. An attractive little volume, engraved throughout, outlining the hierarchy of the British royals, both male and female. Followed by the ceremonial order or priority to be observed in English society at various speciWc occasions. ESTC t13707. 106 EDWARDS, George. Idées pour former une nouvelle Constitution, et pour assurer la Prospérité et le Bonheur de la France et d’autres Nations. Paris, H. J. Jansen, 1793. £250 8vo, pp. [iv], 82; some browning due to paper quality; disbound, in modern paper wrappers. First and only edition of Edwards’ helpful comments on the French revolution. Edwards (1752–1823) was a medical doctor with a penchant for social reform. In the present work, one of very few actually published in French, he addresses French legislators and advises the French people how they should form their next, or reform their present, constitution. His brief treatise touches on agriculture, ‘culture mentale’, medicine, arts and sciences, political re-organisation of the country, police, and public liberty. He ends with a table outlining his conception of the human spirit, or ‘culture mentale’. Martin & Walter II, 12650; rare, NUC and RLIN locate just two copies, at Cornell and New York Public Library. Agricultural Policy 107 ELSNER, Johann Gottfried. Die Politik der Landwirthschaft. Erster Band [–Zweiter Band]. Stuttgart und Tübingen, J. G. Cotta’sche Buchhandlung. 1835. £320 Two volumes, 8vo, pp. viii, 272; vi, 309, [1] imprint, [4] advertisements; paper occasionally a little foxed and browned; attractively bound in contemporary half calf over marbled boards, spine decorated in gilt and blind, with two gilt-lettered spine labels; from the town library of Olten, with two stamps on title page, and gift inscription on front free endpaper; still a Wne set. First edition of this comprehensive treatise on German agricultural economics. Elsner maintains that agriculture forms a uniWed system within the state and sets out to deWne its role, and the rules and customs that regulate it. He gives a clear outline of farm management, agricultural credit and co- susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten operation. In the Wrst part he is concerned with the actual estates and farms, discussing estate sizes, forms of their organisation and legal constraints. A Wnal section of the Wrst volume is devoted to agricultural products and their current market value. The second volume covers the role and position of the farming communities within the state. Discussed are education, the social position of farmers, agricultural legislation, and special organisations. Elsner also gives brief outlines of agricultural production in other European countries, points out potential competition for the German market, and the incentive for higher quality products. This work not in Kress or Goldsmiths’, where some of his other works are listed; NUC and RLIN list three copies (MH; CtY; MiU). The Bloodstock Agency of the Austrian Empire 108 ERDELNI, Michael von. Beschreibung der einzelnen Gestüte des österreichischen Kaiserstaates, nebst Bemerkungen über Hornviehzucht, Schafzucht und Ökonomie. Wien, Carl Gerold, 1827. £220 8vo, pp. xvi, 250, with 2 folding printed tables bound in, last 9 leaves folding, with two lithographed plates with horse brands bound at the end, last plate torn in gutter, no loss; contemporary marbled boards, gilt-lettered spine label, extremities a little chipped and worn; private collection stamp on front paste-down and title-page. First edition of an account of horse-breeding and bloodstock agencies in the Austrian Empire. In the introduction Erdelni or Erdelyi (1782–1837) gives a general account of horse-breeding both on private stud farms and on the royal military stud farms. Detailed statistics are given on the extent of the horse population at the time. In the main part, the diVerent stud farms are described, including the famous royal stud at Lippiza, and numerous Hungarian studs, together with Austrian, Bohemian, and Transylvanian farms. Detailed folding tables summarise the information, and the two folding lithographed tables show all the diVerent brands used in the respective stud farms. GV 34, 42; RLIN lists a copy at the University of Michigan. The Classic German Printers’ Manual 109 ERNESTI, Johann Heinrich Gottfried. Die wol-eingerichtete Buchdruckerey, mit hundert und achtzehen Teutsch-Lateinisch- Griechisch- und Hebräischen SchriVten, vieler fremden Sprachen Alphabeten, musicalischen Noten, Calender-Zeichen und Medicinischen Characteren, ingleichen allen üblichen Formaten bestellet. Nürnberg, Johann Andreä Endters seel. Sohn und Erben, 1721. £2800

Royal Protocol<br />

105 EDMONDSON, Joseph. Precedency ... Mowbray Herald.<br />

Engraved and printed for the Editor, n.d. [1780–1785?]. £220<br />

Small 8vo, ll. [ii], 14, heraldic vignette to title, both title and text<br />

entirely engraved; contemporary red morocco, gilt sides and spine;<br />

joints very worn; from the library of Gordon Castle.<br />

An attractive little volume, engraved throughout, outlining the hierarchy of<br />

the British royals, both male and female. Followed by the ceremonial order<br />

or priority to be observed in English society at various speciWc occasions.<br />

ESTC t13707.<br />

106 EDWARDS, George. Idées pour former une nouvelle<br />

Constitution, et pour assurer la Prospérité et le Bonheur de la<br />

France et d’autres Nations. Paris, H. J. Jansen, 1793. £250<br />

8vo, pp. [iv], 82; some browning due to paper quality; disbound, in<br />

modern paper wrappers.<br />

First and only edition of Edwards’ helpful comments on the French revolution.<br />

Edwards (1752–1823) was a medical doctor with a penchant for social<br />

reform. In the present work, one of very few actually published in<br />

French, he addresses French legislators and advises the French people how<br />

they should form their next, or reform their present, constitution.<br />

His brief treatise touches on agriculture, ‘culture mentale’, medicine, arts<br />

and sciences, political re-organisation of the country, police, and public liberty.<br />

He ends with a table outlining his conception of the human spirit, or<br />

‘culture mentale’.<br />

Martin & Walter II, 12650; rare, NUC and RLIN locate just two copies, at Cornell<br />

and New York Public Library.<br />

Agricultural Policy<br />

107 ELSNER, Johann Gottfried. Die Politik der Landwirthschaft.<br />

Erster Band [–Zweiter Band]. Stuttgart und Tübingen, J. G.<br />

Cotta’sche Buchhandlung. 1835. £320<br />

Two volumes, 8vo, pp. viii, 272; vi, 309, [1] imprint, [4]<br />

advertisements; paper occasionally a little foxed and browned;<br />

attractively bound in contemporary half calf over marbled boards, spine<br />

decorated in gilt and blind, with two gilt-lettered spine labels; from the<br />

town library of Olten, with two stamps on title page, and gift<br />

inscription on front free endpaper; still a Wne set.<br />

First edition of this comprehensive treatise on German agricultural economics.<br />

Elsner maintains that agriculture forms a uniWed system within the<br />

state and sets out to deWne its role, and the rules and customs that regulate<br />

it. He gives a clear outline of farm management, agricultural credit and co-<br />

susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten<br />

operation. In the Wrst part he is concerned with the actual estates and farms,<br />

discussing estate sizes, forms of their organisation and legal constraints. A<br />

Wnal section of the Wrst volume is devoted to agricultural products and their<br />

current market value. The second volume covers the role and position of the<br />

farming communities within the state. Discussed are education, the social<br />

position of farmers, agricultural legislation, and special organisations.<br />

Elsner also gives brief outlines of agricultural production in other European<br />

countries, points out potential competition for the German market, and the<br />

incentive for higher quality products.<br />

This work not in Kress or Goldsmiths’, where some of his other works are listed;<br />

NUC and RLIN list three copies (MH; CtY; MiU).<br />

The Bloodstock Agency of the Austrian Empire<br />

108 ERDELNI, Michael von. Beschreibung der einzelnen Gestüte<br />

des österreichischen Kaiserstaates, nebst Bemerkungen über<br />

Hornviehzucht, Schafzucht und Ökonomie. Wien, Carl Gerold,<br />

1827. £220<br />

8vo, pp. xvi, 250, with 2 folding printed tables bound in, last 9 leaves<br />

folding, with two lithographed plates with horse brands bound at the<br />

end, last plate torn in gutter, no loss; contemporary marbled boards,<br />

gilt-lettered spine label, extremities a little chipped and worn; private<br />

collection stamp on front paste-down and title-page.<br />

First edition of an account of horse-breeding and bloodstock agencies in the<br />

Austrian Empire. In the introduction Erdelni or Erdelyi (1782–1837)<br />

gives a general account of horse-breeding both on private stud farms and on<br />

the royal military stud farms. Detailed statistics are given on the extent of<br />

the horse population at the time. In the main part, the diVerent stud farms<br />

are described, including the famous royal stud at Lippiza, and numerous<br />

Hungarian studs, together with Austrian, Bohemian, and Transylvanian<br />

farms. Detailed folding tables summarise the information, and the two folding<br />

lithographed tables show all the diVerent brands used in the respective<br />

stud farms.<br />

GV 34, 42; RLIN lists a copy at the University of Michigan.<br />

The Classic German Printers’ Manual<br />

109 ERNESTI, Johann Heinrich Gottfried. Die wol-eingerichtete<br />

Buchdruckerey, mit hundert und achtzehen Teutsch-Lateinisch-<br />

Griechisch- und Hebräischen SchriVten, vieler fremden Sprachen<br />

Alphabeten, musicalischen Noten, Calender-Zeichen und<br />

Medicinischen Characteren, ingleichen allen üblichen Formaten<br />

bestellet. Nürnberg, Johann Andreä Endters seel. Sohn und Erben,<br />

1721. £2800

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