Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten

Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten

Susanne Schulz-Falster Catalogue Ten


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gutter margin, else clean; recent paste-paper boards, gilt-lettered spine<br />

label.<br />

Auction catalogue of the library of Delaleu, secretary to the King. Delaleu<br />

was a very active purchaser at auctions, and his collection was one of the richest<br />

of the time. In all there are 1956 lots, all priced in a contemporary hand.<br />

The catalogue is presented in strict subject order and includes a Wnal index of<br />

authors. There is also a list with reference numbers to Debure, so that the<br />

reader may obtain further bibliographical information on selected lots.<br />

The catalogue is sometimes found bound with the independently published<br />

Collection des Estampes du Cabinet du Roi (pp. 6). This is not present<br />

here.<br />

Blogie II, 12; Peignot, p. 94; Pollard & Ehrman, p. 292; RLIN lists copies at the<br />

Grolier Club and the Pierpont Morgan Library, OCLC adds a copy at UCLA.<br />

87 DELLA PURIFICAZIONE, Alessandro. Arimmetica pratica.<br />

Divisa in quindici Trattati. Seconda edizione. Roma, S. Michele a<br />

Ripa, 1749. £750<br />

4to, pp. xxiv, 824; numerous Wgures in the text, title vignette, woodcut<br />

head and tail pieces and initials; lightly browned throughout, due to<br />

paper stock, more pronounced in some signatures; contemporary full<br />

vellum, gilt-lettered spine label; extremities rubbed, and some staining<br />

to upper board.<br />

Second edition (Wrst 1714) of this important introduction to arithmetic<br />

and commercial mathematics, regarded by Riccardi as ‘one of the best and<br />

most extensive treatises on practical arithmetic’. Della PuriWcazione<br />

presents a thorough course of arithmetic, dealing with basic calculations,<br />

interest and exchange calculations, of arithmetic and geometric progression,<br />

calculations for gold and silversmiths, etc.<br />

The Wnal chapter is devoted to calendars, and is illustrated with a halfpage<br />

woodcut showing a ‘Cerchio perpetuo per l’epatta et auro numero’.<br />

Cerboni p. 80; Riccardi I, c. 325; not in Historical Accounting Literature or<br />

Herwood; uncommon, OCLC lists two copies, at Columbia and the University of<br />

Michigan.<br />

The First Modern Demographic Study<br />

88 DES POMMELLES, Chevalier. Tableau de la Population de<br />

toutes le Provinces de France, et de la Proportion, sous tous les<br />

Rapports, des Naissance, des Morts & des Mariages depuis dix Ans,<br />

d’après les registres de chaque Généralité, accompagné de Notes &<br />

Observations. Mémoire sur les Milices, leur Création, leur<br />

vicissitude & leur État actuel. Paris, 1789. £1600<br />

4to, pp. [ii], 68, large printed folding table bound at end; uncut in<br />

modern marbled boards, original wrappers, slightly dust-soiled, bound<br />

in; a good copy.<br />

susanne schulz-falster rare books catalogue ten<br />

First edition, rare, of a detailed study of French population Wgures and their<br />

changes, anticipating the methods of modern demography. Des<br />

Pommelles’ study was prompted by the desire to calculate the numbers of<br />

potential recruits for the milice, the defensive military forces of France. He<br />

begins by giving an estimate of the French population, a Wgure which is<br />

then veriWed by extensive calculations. He gives details of the male/female<br />

ratio of births and deaths, the ratio of married to widowed, the number of<br />

celibates of either sex, Wgures for the clergy and the nobility. In addition, he<br />

adds comparative Wgures of births and deaths, diVerentiated by type of occupation,<br />

type of residence (i.e. country or city dwellers) and according to<br />

average temperature. A compilation of these Wgures is documented on the<br />

large folding table. His detailed commentary on the table not only explains<br />

his methods of calculation, but also gives details of the various factors<br />

inXuencing the level of population.<br />

Goldsmiths’–Kress 13816; INED 1396; Martin & Walter 10541; NUC lists just<br />

two copies (MH-BA, NjP); RLIN lists only microWlms.<br />

New Words<br />

89 DESFONTAINES, Pierre François Guyot]. Dictionaire<br />

neologique, à l’usage des beaux Esprits du Siècle avec l’Eloge<br />

historique de Pantalon-Phoebus. [n.p.], 1727. £320<br />

12mo, pp. [xx], 194; paper a bit browned; contemporary full blindstamped<br />

calf, gilt-lettered spine label; a Wne copy.<br />

Second edition (Wrst 1726) of this fascinating dictionary of newly coined<br />

words, phrases, linguistic barbarities and neologisms which threatened the<br />

purity of the French language. With biting irony Desfontaines reveals linguistic<br />

weaknesses, pomposities and irregularities in the works of his fellow<br />

authors. He certainly does not refrain from naming names and antagonising<br />

his literary opponents. His linguistic criticisms include a list of authors<br />

and titles mentioned and is followed by a satirical piece entitled Éloge<br />

historique de Pantalon-Phoebus, the Wctitious biography of a composite personage<br />

made up of the authors satirised. Desfontaines (1685–1745), a<br />

former Jesuit and writer, is best remembered for his controversies with<br />

Voltaire and his translation of Gulliver’s Travels.<br />

Cioranescu 23305, Querard II, 507.<br />

Coaches and Carriages<br />

90 [DELISLE de SALES, Jean-Baptiste.] Lettres de Brutus, sur<br />

les Chars Anciens et Modernes. Londres [i.e. Paris], 1771. £400<br />

8vo, pp. xvi, 287; contemporary half calf over sprinkled boards; corners<br />

worn; very faint dampstain to lower margin of Wrst two leaves.<br />

First edition of this curious early work on coach traYc, accidents and traYc<br />

congestion. Delisle de Sales (1741–1816) gives a brief history of carts and<br />

carriages, featuring those of antiquity, Greece, Rome and China. He

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