Kevin Ryan GWRMP Coordinator USEPA Region 9 (415) 972‐3806 ryan.kevin@epa.gov

UCMR3 Groundwater Representative Monitoring Plans

UCMR3 Groundwater Representative Monitoring Plans

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<strong>Kevin</strong> <strong>Ryan</strong><br />

<strong>GWRMP</strong> <strong>Coordinator</strong><br />

<strong>USEPA</strong> <strong>Region</strong> 9<br />

(<strong>415</strong>) <strong>972‐3806</strong><br />


“ A speech is a solemn<br />

responsibility. The man who<br />

makes a bad 30-minute speech to<br />

200 hundred people p wastes only a<br />

half-hour of his own time. But he<br />

wastes 100 hours of the<br />

audience’s time- more than 4 days<br />

– which should be a hanging<br />

offense. ”<br />

- Jenkin Lloyd Jones<br />


On 3/27/12 EPA Proposed Limits<br />

on Greenhouse‐Gas Emissions<br />


Oops, Wrong<br />

Speech/Presentation!<br />


<strong>GWRMP</strong> – Why do one?<br />

How do I do it, or more<br />

importantly, what does EPA want?<br />


Why? Budget Issues.<br />

• Monitoring every source is costly<br />

• UCMR3 allows UCMR2 approved<br />

<strong>GWRMP</strong>s; so<br />

• Possible savings for UCMR4?<br />

• Comment on proposed rules ‐<br />

get involved!<br />


How – Components of a <strong>GWRMP</strong><br />

• One plan for entire water system, including<br />

all proposed groundwater representative<br />

sampling locations (GWRSLs)<br />

• Or one plan for each proposed GWRSL<br />

• Plan has 4 sections; so<br />

• What are you responsible for?<br />


4 Sections of a <strong>GWRMP</strong><br />

• Section 1 ‐ Site Map<br />


Section 1 – Site Map<br />

• Location of all wells and EPTDS and the GWRSL<br />

• Geographical features & potential sources of<br />

contamination<br />

i<br />

• Scale and distances of each well from the proposed<br />

GWRSL<br />

• Illustrate basic information ( # of wells, screened intervals,<br />

aquifer characteristics/confining units, GW directional<br />

flow, time of travel)<br />


Section 2 – Contamination<br />

Susceptibility of Proposed Area<br />

State Groundwater Contamination i Information<br />


Section 2 – Contamination<br />

Susceptibility of Proposed Area<br />

• Identification of proposed sources of contamination: for<br />

the proposed GWRSL to be truly representative of the<br />

area, each well should have an equal possibility of<br />

contamination<br />

• Include a susceptibility analysis of the GWRSL(s) and<br />

other wells to the most significant source of contamination<br />

& TOT from the source of contamination<br />

• Summary of source water assessment plans or wellhead<br />

protection plans<br />

• If available, known GW contamination information<br />

should be included<br />


Section 3 – Similarities of GW Quality for<br />

Proposed Area<br />

Example State Groundwater Source Map<br />


Section 3 – Similarities of GW Quality<br />

for Proposed Area<br />

• Summary of well log information, well depth, construction<br />

methods (casings & grouting) and strata<br />

• Summary and analysis of H2O quality, including relevant<br />

parameters (historical and representative data) for each<br />

well and the GWRSL over a period of a year<br />

• Well pumping rates (important!)<br />

• GW source maps showing type of aquifer(s), well depths<br />

and IOCs<br />

• Use tables and graphs to illustrate, not raw data<br />


Section 4 – Summary of Proposal<br />

• Concise summary of why the specified GWRSL should be<br />

permitted<br />

• The <strong>GWRMP</strong> should demonstrate any GWRSL selected is<br />

representative of a well(s), draws from the same aquifer,<br />

and meets all relevant H2O quality parameters<br />

• Proposals that just include data in other sections without<br />

any analysis will be rejected<br />

• Questions on Proposals? Next section, EPA<br />

Review<br />


Section 8? – EPA’s Review (3) (i)<br />

Core Elements<br />

Section 141.35 (3) (i)<br />

PWSs may sample at<br />

Representative EPTDS if<br />

• They use ground water as a source<br />

• All of their well sources have either the same treatment or no<br />

treatment; and<br />

• They have multiple EPTDSs from the same source, such as an<br />

aquifer<br />


Section 8 – EPA’s Review - Continued<br />

Section 141.35 (3) (ii)<br />

• Applicability<br />

• Justification<br />

• Location Details<br />

• Wll Well Documentation<br />

ti<br />

• Homogeneity<br />

• Geography<br />

• Contamination Risk<br />


Section 8 – EPA’s Review - Continued<br />

Some Key Issues<br />

• Final Rule language changed from Proposed Rule: Proposed Rule<br />

stated the representative well must be one of the higher annual<br />

volume producing and consistently active wells; Final Rule stated “h “the<br />

proposed well must be representative of the highest annual volume<br />

producing and most consistently active wells in the representative<br />

array…”<br />

• Exception to the Rule: if that representative well is not in service at<br />

sampling time, select and sample an alternative representative well<br />

• Importance of selecting a consistently active well, is to minimize the<br />

chance that it will be out of service come sampling time<br />

• Previously approved UCMR2 <strong>GWRMP</strong>s don’t have to contain the<br />

highest producing and most active well –they just have to be<br />

representative of them (see why I call the review a Section 8?)<br />


Section 8 – EPA’s Review - Continued<br />

Key Issues<br />

• Previously approved UCMR2 <strong>GWRMP</strong>s have their<br />

sampling location information i pre‐loaded d into SDWARS<br />

and PWSs must review and confirm or update this data by<br />

October 1, 2012 (note: this date the UCMR3 database<br />

becomes locked)<br />


Section 8 – EPA’s Review - Continued<br />

Section 141.35 (3) (ii)<br />

• Applicability<br />

• Justification<br />

• Location Details –within 0.5 mile radius or 5‐year TOT<br />

• Wll Well Documentation<br />

ti<br />

• Homogeneity –e.g. pH, dissolved O2,conductivity, Fe, Mn<br />

• Geography<br />

• Contamination Risk – justification of no actual or<br />

potential occurrence or non‐occurrence of contaminants<br />

in the GWRSL or any of the wells represented<br />


Section 8 – EPA’s Review - Continued<br />

Section 141.35 (3) (ii)<br />

• Contamination Risk (cont.) –at a minimum, no greater<br />

or lesser risk ik of actual or potential il contaminant<br />

occurrence in the GWRSL or any of the representative<br />

wells<br />

• A PWS may not choose to omit a GW location with known<br />

or suspected contamination or select a GWRSL known to<br />

be free of contamination (within the array)<br />

• How ‐ a simple declaration or may include full source<br />

water vulnerability assessment with detailed drawings or<br />

maps<br />


Section 8 – EPA’s Review - Continued<br />

Section 141.35 (3) (ii)<br />

• Clear as Mud?<br />


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