Australian Professional Standard for Principals Leadership Profiles

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PurposeThe Standard and the more detailed Profiles create and promote a sharedvision, clarity of understanding and a common language around effectiveand high-impact school leadership. They draw on effective leadershippractice both locally and internationally and are informed by research intowhat makes great principals.The Australian Professional Standard for PrincipalsThe Standard sets out what principals are expected to know, understandand do to succeed in their work and ensure their leadership has apositive impact. It takes full account of the crucial contribution made byprincipals in:• raising student achievement at all levels and all stages• promoting equity and excellence• creating and sustaining the conditions under which quality teaching andlearning thrive• influencing, developing and delivering on community expectations andgovernment policy• contributing to the development of a twenty-first century educationsystem at local, national and international levels.Research and a substantial, evolving body of knowledge inform theLeadership Requirements and the Professional Practices that are at thecore of the Standard and show that:• effective leaders understand their impact• leadership must be contextualised, learning-centred and responsive tothe diverse nature of Australia’s schools• effective leadership is distributed and collaborative, with teams led bythe principal working together to accomplish the vision and aims of theschool• the practices and capabilities of leaders evolve as they move throughtheir careers• almost all successful leaders draw on the same repertoire of coreleadership practices and behaviours, with some key personal qualitiesand capabilities explaining the significant variation in leadershipeffectiveness.4 Australian Professional Standard for Principals and the Leadership Profiles

The Leadership ProfilesThe Profiles build upon the Standard by describing the LeadershipRequirements and Professional Practices of principals in greater detail. TheProfiles are presented as leadership actions that principals implement ontheir pathway to higher levels of proficiency. Principals can use the Profilesas a guide to become a better leader.In this way, the Profiles provide a comprehensive developmental frameworkfor current and aspiring principals.The Profiles help aspirants, current principals and those who support themby:• promoting learning and growthThe Profiles are designed to help understand practice and impactin relation to context as well as for planning the next stage ofdevelopment. The progressive statements that make up the Profilesenable principals to review, reflect, learn and grow.• acknowledging the dynamic nature of school leadershipAll successful principals draw on a repertoire of practices performedconsistently well. The way leadership practices are applied changesaccording to career stage, capability and context. The Profiles allowprincipals to review their current practices, recognise their strengthsand focus effort where development is most needed.Australian Professional Standard for Principals and the Leadership Profiles5

The <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Profiles</strong>The <strong>Profiles</strong> build upon the <strong>Standard</strong> by describing the <strong>Leadership</strong>Requirements and <strong>Professional</strong> Practices of principals in greater detail. The<strong>Profiles</strong> are presented as leadership actions that principals implement ontheir pathway to higher levels of proficiency. <strong>Principals</strong> can use the <strong>Profiles</strong>as a guide to become a better leader.In this way, the <strong>Profiles</strong> provide a comprehensive developmental framework<strong>for</strong> current and aspiring principals.The <strong>Profiles</strong> help aspirants, current principals and those who support themby:• promoting learning and growthThe <strong>Profiles</strong> are designed to help understand practice and impactin relation to context as well as <strong>for</strong> planning the next stage ofdevelopment. The progressive statements that make up the <strong>Profiles</strong>enable principals to review, reflect, learn and grow.• acknowledging the dynamic nature of school leadershipAll successful principals draw on a repertoire of practices per<strong>for</strong>medconsistently well. The way leadership practices are applied changesaccording to career stage, capability and context. The <strong>Profiles</strong> allowprincipals to review their current practices, recognise their strengthsand focus ef<strong>for</strong>t where development is most needed.<strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Principals</strong> and the <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Profiles</strong>5

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