Australian Professional Standard for Principals Leadership Profiles

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Leadership Requirement: Knowledge andunderstandingDescriptionPrincipals understand the practice and theory of contemporary leadershipand apply that knowledge in school improvement. Principals are wellversed in the latest research and developments in pedagogy, curriculum,assessment and reporting, and student wellbeing. They have knowledgeof relevant national policies, practices and initiatives as well as relevantfederal and state legislation, agreements and policies. They understandthe implications of child safety, health and wellbeing, human resourcemanagement, financial management and accountability, and otherlegislative and policy requirements in relation to serving their communityand broader society.• Principals have a current knowledge and understanding of researchinto teaching, learning and child development and how to apply suchresearch to the needs of the students in the school. This includes themanagement of performance in the school and strategies to improvepractice.• Principals apply knowledge and understanding of current developmentsin education policy, schooling and social and environmental trendsand developments to improve educational opportunities in the school.Principals work collaboratively with their school boards, governingbodies and others to achieve this.• Principals apply knowledge and understanding of leadership, andmanagement concepts and practice, to deliver with others effectivestrategic leadership and operational management.22 Australian Professional Standard for Principals and the Leadership Profiles

Leadership Requirement: Personal qualities,social and interpersonal skillsDescriptionThis requirement recognises the importance of emotional intelligence,empathy, resilience and personal wellbeing in the leadership andmanagement of the school and its community. Principals regularly reviewtheir practice and implement change in their leadership and managementapproaches to suit the situation. They manage themselves well and useethical practices and social skills to deal with conflict effectively. They areable to build trust across the school community and to create a positivelearning atmosphere for students and staff, and within the community inwhich they work.• Principals are able to define challenges clearly and seek positivesolutions, often in collaboration with others. They know when decisionsare required and are able to use the available evidence and informationto support, inform and communicate their decisions.• Principals can communicate, negotiate, collaborate and advocateeffectively and relate well to all in the school’s community. They aregood listeners and coaches, clear in responding and able to give andreceive feedback.• Principals take account of the social, political and local circumstanceswithin which they work. They continuously improve their networking andinfluencing skills.Australian Professional Standard for Principals and the Leadership Profiles23

<strong>Leadership</strong> Requirement: Knowledge andunderstandingDescription<strong>Principals</strong> understand the practice and theory of contemporary leadershipand apply that knowledge in school improvement. <strong>Principals</strong> are wellversed in the latest research and developments in pedagogy, curriculum,assessment and reporting, and student wellbeing. They have knowledgeof relevant national policies, practices and initiatives as well as relevantfederal and state legislation, agreements and policies. They understandthe implications of child safety, health and wellbeing, human resourcemanagement, financial management and accountability, and otherlegislative and policy requirements in relation to serving their communityand broader society.• <strong>Principals</strong> have a current knowledge and understanding of researchinto teaching, learning and child development and how to apply suchresearch to the needs of the students in the school. This includes themanagement of per<strong>for</strong>mance in the school and strategies to improvepractice.• <strong>Principals</strong> apply knowledge and understanding of current developmentsin education policy, schooling and social and environmental trendsand developments to improve educational opportunities in the school.<strong>Principals</strong> work collaboratively with their school boards, governingbodies and others to achieve this.• <strong>Principals</strong> apply knowledge and understanding of leadership, andmanagement concepts and practice, to deliver with others effectivestrategic leadership and operational management.22 <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Principals</strong> and the <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Profiles</strong>

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