Australian Professional Standard for Principals Leadership Profiles




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<strong>Professional</strong> Practice: Developing self and othersDescription<strong>Principals</strong> work with and through others to build a professional learning communitythat is focused on continuous improvement of teaching and learning. Throughmanaging per<strong>for</strong>mance, effective continuing professional learning and feedback,they support all staff to achieve high standards and develop their leadership capacity.<strong>Principals</strong> support others to build capacity and treat people fairly and with respect.They model effective leadership and are committed to their own ongoing professionaldevelopment and personal health and wellbeing in order to manage the complexity ofthe role and the range of learning capabilities and actions required of the role.Developing self and others Profile<strong>Principals</strong> promote the benefitsof professional learning to all staffand ensure that their willingnessand ef<strong>for</strong>ts to learn and improveare recognised. They developand implement a personal andorganisational vision that links alllearning and development activitiesto better outcomes <strong>for</strong> students.They work with staff to identifyand prioritise their professionallearning needs based on any gapsbetween the requirements of theirroles and their current knowledge,understanding and skills. Theymodel personal and professionallearning that is clearly linked toschool goals and seek supportfrom others as appropriate.<strong>Principals</strong> seek leadershippotential in others andprovide opportunities <strong>for</strong> theirdevelopment. They identifyand implement professionallearning opportunities withstaff that are aligned with stafflearning plans and schoolpriorities. They consistentlyapply effective per<strong>for</strong>manceand development processesso that success is celebrated,underper<strong>for</strong>manceaddressed and complacencychallenged. They providestaff with regular andeffective feedback on theirper<strong>for</strong>mance, determiningtogether how they canimprove and remove anyobstacles to learning.<strong>Principals</strong> build capacityby creating a culture ofempowerment, responsibilityand self-directed researchthat leads to the developmentof a professional learningcommunity. They model theimportance of health andwellbeing, watch <strong>for</strong> signsof stress in self and othersand take action to address it.They modify their leadershipbehaviour based on learningfrom experience and feedbackfrom colleagues. They evaluatewhether professional learningundertaken by self and staffhas had the desired impact onstudents and has been sharedwith others.<strong>Principals</strong> create challengingroles, responsibilities andopportunities <strong>for</strong> senior leadersthat leverage and grow theirtalents. They build and sustaina coaching and mentoringculture at all levels in theschool and have a system ofpeer review and feedbackin place. They mentor otherprincipals to support theirgrowth and developmentand help them to addressissues. They seekopportunities <strong>for</strong> professionalgrowth through engagingin state, national and globaleducational developments.Developmental pathway: a principal’s increasing proficiency16 <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Principals</strong> and the <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Profiles</strong>

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