Australian Professional Standard for Principals Leadership Profiles

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The Standard’s five ProfessionalPractices and their ProfilesLeading teachingand learningFocusesDeveloping selfand othersLeading improvement,innovation and changeLeading the managementof the schoolProfessional Practices lensLeadership Emphasis lensOperationRelationaStrategicSystemicEngaging and workingwith the communityLeadership Requirements lensVisionand valuesKnowledge andunderstandingPersonal qualities, socialand interpersonal skillsThe Standard describes five Professional Practices Focusesparticular to the role ofthe principal:• Leading teaching and learning• Developing self and others• Leading improvement, innovation and change• Leading the management of the school• Engaging and working with the communityYou can view the Leadership Profiles through the Professional Practices lens in the following ways:within the Professional Practices section, pages 15-19 of this documentthrough the Summary Table at the end of this document and online – the Interactive Leadership Profiles – Australian Professional Standard for Principals and the Leadership Profiles

Professional Practice: Leading teaching and learningDescriptionPrincipals create a positive culture of challenge and support, enabling effectiveteaching that promotes enthusiastic, independent learners, committed to lifelonglearning. Principals have a key responsibility for developing a culture of effectiveteaching, for leading, designing and managing the quality of teaching and learningand for students’ achievement in all aspects of their development. They set highexpectations for the whole school through careful collaborative planning, monitoringand reviewing the effectiveness of learning. Principals set high standards of behaviourand attendance, encouraging active engagement and a strong student voice.Leading teaching and learning ProfilePrincipals ensure the schoolvalues underpin and supporthigh-quality inclusive practicesand set expectations that allactivities are focused on improvingstudent learning outcomes. Theykeep up-to-date with and sharecurrent developments in pedagogyand student engagement with allstaff. They lead staff and students inidentifying and planning high-qualityteaching and learning.Principals prioritise creatingand sustaining a studentcentredlearning environment.They motivate staff to keeptheir teaching practice currentthrough use of research andnew technologies. They developa robust approach to reviewingthe curriculum and pedagogyto ensure a consistentlyhigh-quality environment forlearning. They develop acoaching culture thatencourages honest feedbackto and from students andteachers based on evidence.Principals lead a school-widefocus on individual studentachievement, implementingstrategies that secureeducational provision for all.They ensure that reflectivepractices, structured feedback,peer review and use ofthe Australian ProfessionalStandards for Teachers leadto personal improvement ofboth students and staff. Theysystematically monitor andreport on student progressand have interventions in placeto reduce gaps in attainment.They communicate highaspirations and expectationsfor all, celebrate success andchallenge underperformance.Principals lead high aspirationsin learning and inspire the samein students, staff and parents.They establish systematicmethods for collecting andinterpreting evidence toidentify excellent teachingand learning, and sharesuccessful strategies withthe school community.They encourage staff tocontribute to educationnetworks, supporting thelearning of others anddevelopment of pedagogy.They model collaborativeleadership and engagewith other schools andorganisations to shareand improve practice andencourage innovation in theeducation system.Developmental pathway: a principal’s increasing proficiencyAustralian Professional Standard for Principals and the Leadership Profiles15

The <strong>Standard</strong>’s five <strong>Professional</strong>Practices and their <strong>Profiles</strong>Leading teachingand learningFocusesDeveloping selfand othersLeading improvement,innovation and changeLeading the managementof the school<strong>Professional</strong> Practices lens<strong>Leadership</strong> Emphasis lensOperationRelationaStrategicSystemicEngaging and workingwith the community<strong>Leadership</strong> Requirements lensVisionand valuesKnowledge andunderstandingPersonal qualities, socialand interpersonal skillsThe <strong>Standard</strong> describes five <strong>Professional</strong> Practices Focusesparticular to the role ofthe principal:• Leading teaching and learning• Developing self and others• Leading improvement, innovation and change• Leading the management of the school• Engaging and working with the communityYou can view the <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Profiles</strong> through the <strong>Professional</strong> Practices lens in the following ways:within the <strong>Professional</strong> Practices section, pages 15-19 of this documentthrough the Summary Table at the end of this document and online – the Interactive <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Profiles</strong> – <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Principals</strong> and the <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Profiles</strong>

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