In the Beginning was Information



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Definition D5: The domain A of definition of information includesonly systems which encode and represent an abstractdescription of some object or idea as illustrated in Figure 15.This definition is valid in <strong>the</strong> case of <strong>the</strong> given examples (book,newspaper, computer program, DNA molecule, or hieroglyphics),which means that <strong>the</strong>se lie inside <strong>the</strong> described domain.When a reality is observed directly, this substitutionary andabstract function is absent, and examples like a star, a house, atree, or a snowflake do not belong to our definition of information(Part B). The proposed <strong>the</strong>orems are as valid as naturallaws inside <strong>the</strong> domain we have just defined.It should be noted that <strong>the</strong> DNA molecule with its genetic informationlies inside <strong>the</strong> domain A. We shall see later that this is a truecoding system. Three chemical letters comprise <strong>the</strong> code for a certainamino acid, but <strong>the</strong> acid itself is not present, nei<strong>the</strong>r spatiallynor temporally, as required by Property 1; it is not even presentelsewhere. The actual acid is only syn<strong>the</strong>sised at a later stageaccording to <strong>the</strong> code which substitutes for it.The energy law is valid and exists regardless of our knowledgeabout it. It only became information after it had been discoveredand formulated by means of a coding system (everyday languageor formulas). <strong>In</strong>formation thus does not exist by itself, it requirescognitive activity to be established.We can now formulate ano<strong>the</strong>r information <strong>the</strong>orem:Theorem 24: <strong>In</strong>formation requires a material medium for storage.If one writes some information with chalk on a blackboard, <strong>the</strong>chalk is <strong>the</strong> material carrier. If it is wiped off, <strong>the</strong> total quantity ofchalk is still <strong>the</strong>re, but <strong>the</strong> information has vanished. <strong>In</strong> this case<strong>the</strong> chalk <strong>was</strong> a suitable material medium, but <strong>the</strong> essential aspect<strong>was</strong> <strong>the</strong> actual arrangement of <strong>the</strong> particles of <strong>the</strong> chalk. And thisarrangement <strong>was</strong> definitely not random, it had a mental origin. Thesame information that <strong>was</strong> written on <strong>the</strong> blackboard, could alsohave been written on a magnetic diskette. Certain tracks of <strong>the</strong>diskette <strong>the</strong>n became magnetised, and also in this case <strong>the</strong>re is acarrier for <strong>the</strong> information as stated by Theorem 24. The quantity85

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