In the Beginning was Information



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Knowledge of <strong>the</strong> conventions applying to <strong>the</strong> actual encoding aswell as to <strong>the</strong> allocation of meanings is equally essential for both <strong>the</strong>sender and <strong>the</strong> recipient. This knowledge is ei<strong>the</strong>r transferred directly(e. g. by being introduced into a computer system or by beinginherited in <strong>the</strong> case of natural systems), or it must be learned fromscratch (e. g. mo<strong>the</strong>r tongue or any o<strong>the</strong>r natural language).No person enters this world with <strong>the</strong> inherited knowledge of somelanguage or some conceptual system. Knowledge of a language isacquired by learning <strong>the</strong> applicable vocabulary and grammar as<strong>the</strong>y have been established in <strong>the</strong> conventions of <strong>the</strong> language concerned.4.3 The Third Level of <strong>In</strong>formation: SemanticsWhen we read <strong>the</strong> previously mentioned book B, we are not interestedin statistics about <strong>the</strong> letters, nei<strong>the</strong>r are we concerned with<strong>the</strong> actual grammar, but we are interested in <strong>the</strong> meaning of <strong>the</strong>contents.Symbol sequences and syntactic rules are essential for <strong>the</strong> representationof information, but <strong>the</strong> essential characteristic of <strong>the</strong> conveyedinformation is not <strong>the</strong> selected code, nei<strong>the</strong>r is it <strong>the</strong> size,number, or form of <strong>the</strong> letters, or <strong>the</strong> method of transmission (inwriting, or as optical, acoustic, electrical, tactile or olfactory signals),but it is <strong>the</strong> message being conveyed, <strong>the</strong> conclusions and <strong>the</strong>meanings (semantics). This central aspect of information plays norole in storage and transmission, since <strong>the</strong> cost of a telegram forexample, does not depend on <strong>the</strong> importance of <strong>the</strong> message, butonly on <strong>the</strong> number of letters or words. Both <strong>the</strong> sender and <strong>the</strong>recipient are mainly interested in <strong>the</strong> meaning; it is <strong>the</strong> meaning thatchanges a sequence of symbols into information. So now we havearrived at <strong>the</strong> third level of information, <strong>the</strong> semantic level (Greeksemantikós = characteristic, significance, aspect of meaning).Typical semantic questions are:a) Concerning <strong>the</strong> sender:– What are <strong>the</strong> thoughts in <strong>the</strong> sender’s mind?69

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