In the Beginning was Information



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4 The Five Levels of <strong>the</strong> <strong>In</strong>formationConceptFigure 9 is a picture of icons cut in stone as <strong>the</strong>y appear in <strong>the</strong>graves of pharaohs and on obelisks of ancient Egypt. The questionis whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>se pictures represent information or not. So let uscheck <strong>the</strong>m against <strong>the</strong> three necessary conditions (NC) for identifyinginformation (discussed in more detail in paragraph 4.2):NC 1: A number of symbols are required to establish information.This first condition is satisfied, because we have various differentsymbols like an owl, water waves, a mouth, reeds, etc.NC 2: The sequence of <strong>the</strong> symbols must be irregular. This conditionis also satisfied, as <strong>the</strong>re are no regularities or periodic patterns.NC 3: The symbols must be written in some recognisable order,such as drawn, printed, chiselled, or engraved in rows, columns,circles, or spirals. <strong>In</strong> this example <strong>the</strong> symbols appear in columns.It now seems possible that <strong>the</strong> given sequence of symbols mightcomprise information, because all three conditions are met. But itcould also be possible that <strong>the</strong> Egyptians simply loved to decorate<strong>the</strong>ir monuments. They could have decorated <strong>the</strong>ir walls withhieroglyphics 7 , just like we often hang carpets on walls. The truenature of <strong>the</strong>se symbols remained a secret for 15 centuries, becausenobody could assign meanings to <strong>the</strong>m. This situation changedwhen one of Napoleon’s men discovered a piece of black basaltnear <strong>the</strong> town of Rosetta on <strong>the</strong> Nile in July 1799. This flat stone<strong>was</strong> <strong>the</strong> size of an ordinary dinner plate and it <strong>was</strong> exceptionalbecause it contained inscriptions in three languages: 54 lines ofGreek, 32 lines of Demotic, and 14 lines of hieroglyphics. Thetotal of 1419 hieroglyphic symbols includes 166 different ones,7 Greek hierós = sacred; glyptós = chiselled, cut; glyphike téchne = <strong>the</strong> art of carving(in stone); hieroglyphiká = sacred writing signs of ancient Egyptian pictorialwriting.50

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