In the Beginning was Information



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The persistence of a paradigm which has survived <strong>the</strong> onslaught ofreality for a long time, is even greater [W4, p 632]:“When it comes to collisions between paradigms and empiricalreality, <strong>the</strong> latter usually loses, according to Kuhn’s findings. Hebased his conclusions on <strong>the</strong> history of science and not on science<strong>the</strong>ory. However, <strong>the</strong> power of <strong>the</strong> paradigm is not unlimited...There are stages in <strong>the</strong> development of a science whenempirical reality is not adapted to fit <strong>the</strong> paradigm; during suchphases different paradigms compete. Kuhn calls <strong>the</strong>se stagesscientific revolutions... According to Kuhn’s conception it is afable that <strong>the</strong> reason why successful <strong>the</strong>ories replace previousones is because <strong>the</strong>y perform better in explaining phenomena.The performance of a <strong>the</strong>ory can be measured historically inquite different terms, namely <strong>the</strong> number of its sworn-in adherents.”Much relevant scientific data is lost because of <strong>the</strong> dictatorshipof a false paradigm, since deviating results are regardedas “errors in measurement” and are <strong>the</strong>refore ignored.A minimal requirement for testing whe<strong>the</strong>r a <strong>the</strong>ory should beretained, or whe<strong>the</strong>r a hypo<strong>the</strong>sis should not yet be discarded, orthat a process could really work, is that <strong>the</strong> relevant laws of natureshould not be violated.2.3 The Nature of Physical LawsA fundamental metaphysical law is that of causality. This meansthat every event must have a cause, and that under <strong>the</strong> same circumstancesa certain cause always has <strong>the</strong> same effects. For a betterunderstanding of <strong>the</strong> laws of nature we will now discuss somebasic aspects which are important for <strong>the</strong> evaluation and applicationof events and processes:N1: The Laws of nature are based on experience. It is oftenasserted that <strong>the</strong> laws of nature are proved <strong>the</strong>orems, but we haveto emphasise that <strong>the</strong> laws of nature cannot be proved! They areonly identified and formulated through observation. It is oftenpossible to formulate conclusions in exact ma<strong>the</strong>matical terms,ensuring preciseness, brevity, and generality. But even though26

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