In the Beginning was Information



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disturbed by human intervention like heavy industries. It should also benoted that <strong>the</strong> mechanisms for photosyn<strong>the</strong>sis and respiration are astoundinglysimilar. The substances involved belong to <strong>the</strong> same chemical classes.For example, a chlorophyll molecule consists of four pyrrole ringsarranged round a central atom, which is magnesium in <strong>the</strong> case of chlorophyll,and iron in <strong>the</strong> case of haemoglobin, <strong>the</strong> active substance on whichrespiration is based. Both processes occur at <strong>the</strong> interface of permeablelipid membranes. The inevitable conclusion is that a single brilliant conceptunderlies both processes and that both are finely tuned to each o<strong>the</strong>r.We can thus reject an evolutionary origin, since two such astonishinglyperfect and similar processes could not possibly have originated bychance in such diverse organisms.Conclusion: It has not yet been possible to explain <strong>the</strong> incredible complexityof <strong>the</strong> molecular mechanisms on which photosyn<strong>the</strong>sis is based.The same situation holds for respiration. The fact that <strong>the</strong> chemical equationsand some of <strong>the</strong> intermediate enzyme driven steps are knownshould not create <strong>the</strong> impression that <strong>the</strong>se processes are really understood;on <strong>the</strong> contrary, what we don’t yet know is incomparably morethan what we do know. The American biophysicist Albert L. Lehniger[L1] regards <strong>the</strong>se unresolved questions as some of <strong>the</strong> most fascinatingbiological problems. All solar energy engineers dream of devising aprocess which can convert sunlight directly into fuel. Although photosyn<strong>the</strong>sistakes place in every single green leaf of all plants, having beenconceived in an astoundingly brilliant way, even <strong>the</strong> most inventiveengineer is unable to imitate <strong>the</strong> process. Every phototropic cell is suppliedwith <strong>the</strong> information required to undertake such an optimal energyconversion process.A3.3 The Consumption of Energy in BiologicalSystems: Strategies for MinimisationEvery cell requires energy continuously for its vital functions like <strong>the</strong> syn<strong>the</strong>sisof new molecules, or <strong>the</strong> production of a daughter cell. <strong>In</strong> multicellularorganisms <strong>the</strong>re are fur<strong>the</strong>r purposeful reactions (e. g. locomotion, and<strong>the</strong> control of body temperature). The conversion of energy in every cell,whe<strong>the</strong>r animal, vegetable, or microbial, is based on <strong>the</strong> same principlesand mechanisms. <strong>In</strong> contrast to technological practices, living organismsavoid <strong>the</strong> inefficient use of heat as an intermediate energy form. Cellularprocesses are iso<strong>the</strong>rmic; this means that <strong>the</strong> temperature does not change.The concept of energy: It should be emphasised that <strong>the</strong> energy-carryingnutrient molecules do not generate heat when <strong>the</strong>y are oxidised. The molecularconcept of biological oxidation involves numerous precisely tuned233

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