In the Beginning was Information



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2 Principles of Laws of Nature2.1 The Terminology Used in <strong>the</strong> Natural SciencesThrough <strong>the</strong> natural sciences <strong>the</strong> world around us is observed for<strong>the</strong> purpose of discovering <strong>the</strong> rules governing it. Experimentationand observation (e. g. measuring and weighing) are <strong>the</strong> basic‘modus operandi’. Hans Sachsse, who specialised in natural philosophyand chemistry, described (natural) science as “a census ofobservational relationships which cannot say anything about firstcauses or <strong>the</strong> reasons for things being as <strong>the</strong>y are; it can only establish<strong>the</strong> regularity of <strong>the</strong> relationships.” The observational materialis organised systematically, and <strong>the</strong> principles derived from it areformulated in <strong>the</strong> most general terms possible (e. g. construction ofmachines). Questions about <strong>the</strong> origin of <strong>the</strong> world and of life, aswell as ethical questions, fall outside <strong>the</strong> scope of science, andsuch questions cannot be answered scientifically. Conclusionsabout matters that do fall within <strong>the</strong> scope of (natural) science, canbe formulated with varying degrees of certainty. The certainty oruncertainty of <strong>the</strong> results can be expressed in various ways.Law of Nature: If <strong>the</strong> truth of a statement is verified repeatedly ina reproducible way so that it is regarded as generally valid, <strong>the</strong>n wehave a natural law. The structures and phenomena encountered in<strong>the</strong> real world can be described in terms of <strong>the</strong> laws of nature in <strong>the</strong>form of principles which are universally valid. This holds for both<strong>the</strong>ir chronological development and <strong>the</strong>ir internal structural relationships.The laws of nature describe those phenomena, eventsand results which occur in <strong>the</strong> interplay between matter and energy.For <strong>the</strong>se reasons psychological emotions like love, mourning, orjoy, and philosophical questions, are excluded from <strong>the</strong> natural sciences.Statements about natural events can be classified accordingto <strong>the</strong> degree of certainty, namely: models, <strong>the</strong>ories, hypo<strong>the</strong>ses,paradigms, speculations, and fiction. These categories are now discussed:Model: Models are representations of reality. Only <strong>the</strong> mostimportant properties are reflected, and minor or unrecognised22

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