In the Beginning was Information



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mation as discussed above, are found here, as will now be illustrated bybee dancing:Bee dances: Bee dances, although simple, afford an illustrative exampleof <strong>the</strong> five aspects of information on <strong>the</strong> biological plane. The well knownAustrian zoologist Karl von Frisch (1886-1982) [F7] investigated anddescribed this phenomenon to some depth. The general situation betweensender and recipient is illustrated in Figure 39, as well as <strong>the</strong> syntactic,semantic, pragmatic, and apobetic levels. The transmitting bee, which hasdiscovered a new and plentiful source of food on its latest flight, nowpasses this essential information (intentional communication) on to <strong>the</strong>o<strong>the</strong>r bees in <strong>the</strong> hive (<strong>the</strong> recipients). The employed signals are bodymovements. Although only a few bees are involved simultaneously, <strong>the</strong>code convention did not originate with <strong>the</strong> sender bee, nor with <strong>the</strong> recipients.This is a typical example of <strong>the</strong> situation depicted in Figure 24.The syntax of <strong>the</strong> message is defined by various characteristics of <strong>the</strong>dance: namely <strong>the</strong> sequence of <strong>the</strong> motions, and <strong>the</strong> number of gyrationsper time unit, as well as <strong>the</strong> direction of <strong>the</strong> straight line part of <strong>the</strong> movement.The attendant bees understand <strong>the</strong> meaning (semantics) of <strong>the</strong>specifically encoded information:Distance of <strong>the</strong> food source: If <strong>the</strong> distance is say 100 m, <strong>the</strong> gyrations followone ano<strong>the</strong>r rapidly and <strong>the</strong> motions are fast. For greater distances <strong>the</strong>movements become less rapid, but <strong>the</strong> straight-line part is emphasised andprotracted. There is a nearly ma<strong>the</strong>matical relationship between <strong>the</strong> distanceof <strong>the</strong> food source in kilometres and <strong>the</strong> number of gyrations per minute.The direction of <strong>the</strong> food source: The direction of <strong>the</strong> straight part communicates<strong>the</strong> position of <strong>the</strong> food source in two ways, depending on whe<strong>the</strong>r<strong>the</strong> dancing is performed on a vertical wall of <strong>the</strong> hive, or on a horizontalplane such as <strong>the</strong> apron at <strong>the</strong> entrance. The sun is used as a compass.The kind of flower: Nectar ga<strong>the</strong>ring bees communicate <strong>the</strong> kind of blossomby means of <strong>the</strong> odour clinging to <strong>the</strong> bee’s body and to <strong>the</strong> honeycontainer. Ano<strong>the</strong>r indispensable source of nourishment is pollen. Whenpollen is ga<strong>the</strong>red, no nectar having an identifiable odour is carried, butsome part of <strong>the</strong> blossom is brought back.The gestural language of wolves: A wolf is able to communicate fine shadesof meaning by means of its eyes, lips, and tail. It can express eleven emotionalstates, including confidence, threat, uncertainty, depression, a defensiveattitude, and subjugation, by different tail positions [F8]. This seems to be acomplex system by means of which thousands of states could be encoded, butit lacks <strong>the</strong> decisive elements of a language, namely <strong>the</strong> ability to creativelycombine single language elements to construct a sentence.216

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