In the Beginning was Information



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The corresponding value for English is H 1 = 4.04577 bits per letter. Weknow that <strong>the</strong> probability of a single letter is not independent of <strong>the</strong> adjacentletters. Q is usually followed by u, and, in German, n follows e muchmore frequently than does c or z. If we also consider <strong>the</strong> frequency ofpairs of letters (bigrams) and triplets (trigrams), etc., as given in Table 4,<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> information content as defined by Shannon, decreases statisticallybecause of <strong>the</strong> relationships between letters, and we have:H 0 > H 1 > H 2 > H 3 > H 4 > ... > H ∞ . (13)With 26 letters <strong>the</strong> number of possible bigrams is 26 2 = 676, and <strong>the</strong>recould be 26 3 - 26 = 17,550 trigrams, since three similar letters are neverconsecutive. Taking all statistical conditions into consideration, Küpfmüller[K4] obtained <strong>the</strong> following value for <strong>the</strong> German language:H ∞ = 1.6 bits/letter. (14)For a given language <strong>the</strong> actual value of H 0 is far below <strong>the</strong> maximumvalue of <strong>the</strong> entropy. The difference between <strong>the</strong> maximum possible valueH max and <strong>the</strong> actual entropy H, is called <strong>the</strong> redundance R . The relativeredundance is calculated as followsr = (H max - H)/H max . (15)For written German, r is given by (4.755 – 1.6)/4.755 = 66%. Brillouinobtained <strong>the</strong> following entropy values for English [B5]:= 4.03 bits/letter,= 3.32 bits/letter,= 3.10 bits/letter,H ∞ = 2.14 bits/letter.H 1H 2H 3We find that <strong>the</strong> relative redundance for English, r = (4.755 - 2.14)/4.755= 55 % is less than for German. <strong>In</strong> Figure 32 <strong>the</strong> redundancy of a languageis indicated by <strong>the</strong> positions of <strong>the</strong> different points.Languages usually employ more words than are really required for fullcomprehensibility. <strong>In</strong> <strong>the</strong> case of interference certainty of reception isimproved because messages usually contain some redundancy (e. g. illegiblywritten words, loss of signals in <strong>the</strong> case of a telegraphic message, orwhen words are not pronounced properly).2. Syllables: Statistical analyses of <strong>the</strong> frequencies of German syllableshave resulted in <strong>the</strong> following value for <strong>the</strong> entropy when <strong>the</strong>ir frequencyof occurrence is taken into account [K4]:197

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