In the Beginning was Information



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with God (Ephesians 5:18-20). The phrase “in Christ” occurs 196times in <strong>the</strong> New Testament (e. g. John 15:4, Romans 6:1, 1 Corinthians1:30, Galatians 3:28), referring to somebody who has tiedhis life to Jesus and who is sure of his eternal life (1 John 5:13).Such a person eagerly hears and reads God’s Word (Revelation1:3) and has access to <strong>the</strong> spiritual dimension of <strong>the</strong> Bible.The four basic entities, mass, energy, information, and will, areillustrated in Figure 30, each time with <strong>the</strong> appellation “spiritual”in analogy to <strong>the</strong> biblical description of a spiritual person. It is nowclear that <strong>the</strong>se four created entities originated from God, <strong>the</strong> Creator.When a natural man is changed into a spiritual person, it isalso a creative act of God, working through Jesus: “Therefore, ifanyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; <strong>the</strong> old has gone, <strong>the</strong> newhas come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). This creative transformation fromold to new, from <strong>the</strong> natural to <strong>the</strong> spiritual, and from lost to saved,is called both repentance in <strong>the</strong> Bible (Luke 22:32, Acts 3:19) andbeing born again (John 3:3, and 1 Peter 1:23). This act can only beaccomplished through our own will (e. g. Mat<strong>the</strong>w 23:37b, Luke19:14b). Our willingness or our rejection is decisive for life anddeath, comprising <strong>the</strong> choice between heaven and hell. The fourspiritual foundations take a central place for a born-again, a believing,or a spiritual person:1. Spiritual information: <strong>In</strong> <strong>the</strong> Old Testament God said parabolicallythat He has a fixed purpose when sending his Word to arecipient: “As <strong>the</strong> rain and <strong>the</strong> snow come down from heaven, anddo not return to it without watering <strong>the</strong> earth and making it bud andflourish, so that it yields seed for <strong>the</strong> sower and bread for <strong>the</strong> eater,so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return toMe empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve <strong>the</strong> purposefor which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:10-11). This clearly illustrates<strong>the</strong> purpose-achieving and <strong>the</strong> human-assisting way of divineinformation.By means of several technological and biological examples we willillustrate (see Appendix A3) that in such systems, in each case– energy is saved,– <strong>was</strong>te of energy is prevented,164

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