In the Beginning was Information



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16 A Biblical Analogy of <strong>the</strong> FourFundamental Entities, Mass, Energy,<strong>In</strong>formation, and WillThe four basic quantities in creation: These four entities, namelymass (or matter), energy, information, and volition, were discussedin paragraph 3.3. The latter two were described as being nonmaterial.Both material quantities, mass and energy, are subject to conservationlaws, being linked by <strong>the</strong> equivalence formula E = m x c 2 .This means that <strong>the</strong>y cannot be created by any natural process nei<strong>the</strong>rcan <strong>the</strong>y be destroyed. Does this now mean that mass andenergy are by nature eternal? No, it should be noted that none of<strong>the</strong> natural laws has existed for ever, nei<strong>the</strong>r will any of <strong>the</strong>malways be valid in <strong>the</strong> future. They were created toge<strong>the</strong>r wi<strong>the</strong>verything else (see Theorem N10b in paragraph 2.3) and perform<strong>the</strong>ir wisely allocated functions only since creation week. “By<strong>the</strong> seventh day God had finished <strong>the</strong> work He had been doing”(Genesis 2:2).The question about <strong>the</strong> origin of matter and <strong>the</strong> energies weobserve in action is already answered in <strong>the</strong> first verse of <strong>the</strong> Bible:God created <strong>the</strong>m! Everything came into being through his inconceivablepower (Jeremiah 10:12, and Romans 1:20). The activePerson at creation <strong>was</strong> Jesus, “through Whom He made <strong>the</strong> universe”(Hebrews 1:2). Jesus is also <strong>the</strong> Sustainer of <strong>the</strong> entire creation,“sustaining all things by his powerful word” (Hebrews 1:3).His creative and his sustaining acts are not restricted to matter andenergy, but also hold for <strong>the</strong> information contained in biologicalsystems. We can now conclude (cf. John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:16,Hebrews 1:2):– Jesus is <strong>the</strong> Source of all energy,– Jesus is <strong>the</strong> Source of all matter, and– Jesus is <strong>the</strong> Source of all biological information.The totality of <strong>the</strong> information present in living organisms, designatedI, represents a value characterised by high quality as well asa large volume. <strong>In</strong> <strong>the</strong> beginning information <strong>was</strong> established162

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