In the Beginning was Information



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and defects of <strong>the</strong> information sent by us: “The Spirit helps us inour weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray, but <strong>the</strong>Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannotexpress” (Romans 8:26).4. Pragmatics: God is described as a Doer in <strong>the</strong> Bible: “I, <strong>the</strong>Lord, do all <strong>the</strong>se things” (Isaiah 45:7). It is clear from <strong>the</strong> creationaccount that his words immediately become deeds, and <strong>the</strong> Biblecould have <strong>the</strong> subtitle: “The great deeds of God”. Jesus’s life onearth <strong>was</strong> a unique life of witnessing through deeds. He did notonly preach with authority, He also acted at every conceivableopportunity: He healed those who were ill, He raised people from<strong>the</strong> dead, He forgave sins, He exorcised demons, He fed largecrowds, and He controlled <strong>the</strong> wea<strong>the</strong>r. Eye witnesses cried out inamazement: “Who is this? Even <strong>the</strong> wind and <strong>the</strong> waves obeyHim!” (Mark 4:41).His greatest deed <strong>was</strong> <strong>the</strong> salvation he wrought on Calvary. This<strong>was</strong> already prophesied by God through Isaiah: “The Lord has laidon Him <strong>the</strong> iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6). Today <strong>the</strong> power offorgiveness reaches out to all sinners. Nobody need be lost. Weonly have to turn to <strong>the</strong> One who has <strong>the</strong> required authority, JesusChrist. He has never ever rejected anybody who prayed to Him inearnest. God always answers our prayers in <strong>the</strong> way that is best forus, because He knows <strong>the</strong> correct time much better than we, aswell as <strong>the</strong> action which will benefit us most. But <strong>the</strong>re is oneprayer which is always answered immediately; <strong>the</strong>re is no delayand no alternative when a sinner prays for salvation. If you call on<strong>the</strong> name of Jesus for this purpose, you are immediately accepted(Romans 10:13). There is no delay between call and answer, noteven one millisecond: “Before <strong>the</strong>y call I will answer; while <strong>the</strong>yare still speaking I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24). When <strong>the</strong> one criminalon <strong>the</strong> cross next to <strong>the</strong> Son of God asked Him: “Jesus, rememberme when You come into your kingdom”, he <strong>was</strong> immediatelygiven <strong>the</strong> unconditional and instantaneously effective promise:“I tell you <strong>the</strong> truth, today you will be with Me in paradise” (Luke23:42-43).5. Apobetics: <strong>In</strong> <strong>the</strong> “Our Fa<strong>the</strong>r” prayer God gives us goalswhich correspond to his purposes: “Your will be done” (Matt154

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