In the Beginning was Information



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would be known about his Person and his Nature. The Bible thushas <strong>the</strong> purpose of making God known to us. It is obvious that allpoly<strong>the</strong>istic representations are false: “I am <strong>the</strong> LORD, and <strong>the</strong>reis no o<strong>the</strong>r; apart from me <strong>the</strong>re is no God” (Isaiah 45:5). Godis Love (1 John 4:16), Life (1 John 5:20), and Light (1 John 1:5);He is holy (Isaiah 6:3) and hates sin so much that it carries <strong>the</strong>death penalty (Romans 6:23). We are abundantly informed aboutGod’s Son and his function as Saviour, and also about <strong>the</strong> HolySpirit who leads us in all truth. Jesus is <strong>the</strong> only Way to God. <strong>In</strong><strong>the</strong> words of Martin Lu<strong>the</strong>r: “If you do not find God throughChrist, you will never find Him, even if you search everywhereelse.”b) Perception: Creation <strong>was</strong> purposeful. When we read <strong>the</strong> firsttwo chapters of <strong>the</strong> Bible, it becomes clear that creation <strong>was</strong> systematicallyplanned and made purposefully. Man is <strong>the</strong> crowningglory at <strong>the</strong> pinnacle of creation. Seen in <strong>the</strong> light of <strong>the</strong> Bible,Nietzsche’s anti-apobetics is empty and not based on reality: “Manis a thread tied between animal and superman, a thread stretchingabove an abyss” (Zarathustra). According to <strong>the</strong> New Testamenthowever, everything <strong>was</strong> created by and for Christ (Colossians1:16).c) Perception: Who is man? Alexis Carrel, a Nobel laureate, wrotea book with <strong>the</strong> title “Man <strong>the</strong> unknown”. Apart from <strong>the</strong> Bible wecannot fathom who we really are; our true nature would remain amystery. The well-known German author Manfred Hausmann(1898 – 1986) testified as follows: “Every time I open <strong>the</strong> Bible, Iam astounded anew by its depth and many-sidedness. The picturedrawn of man is found nowhere else. Man is encompassed in hisentirety, his greatness and his pitiableness, his tenderness and brutality,his glory and his darkness. No o<strong>the</strong>r book reveals suchappalling and such splendid things about human nature than does<strong>the</strong> Bible. The background meanings of <strong>the</strong> stories told in it areinexhaustible.” We learn from <strong>the</strong> Bible that we were separatedfrom God through sin and are now on our way to hell. Everybodyneeds to be saved, and <strong>the</strong> religions encourage us to pull ourselvesup by our own bootstraps – self-salvation. On <strong>the</strong> way to judgment,we are met by <strong>the</strong> One Who is <strong>the</strong> “antidote” to sin: Jesus! If weunderstand ourselves in this light, <strong>the</strong>n we know who we are.148

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