In the Beginning was Information



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easonable words (Acts 26:25) in human language, and not ininexpressible heavenly terms (2 Corinthians 12:4). We will nowconsider <strong>the</strong> various aspects of information with respect to <strong>the</strong>Bible:1. Statistics: The only value of statistical analyses of <strong>the</strong> Bible isfor storage purposes (see Appendix A1.2.1 and Figure 35). <strong>In</strong> addition,word counts may be of use in certain investigations.2. Syntax: God’s thoughts are available to us, encoded in humanlanguage, originally mostly in Hebrew and Greek. This messagecan in principle be translated into any o<strong>the</strong>r natural language. Allover <strong>the</strong> world many missionaries perform <strong>the</strong> blessed service oftranslation, so that <strong>the</strong> gospel can be proclaimed in all living languages.They thus fulfil Christ’s prophetic promise that all nationswill have heard <strong>the</strong> gospel message before his second coming(Mat<strong>the</strong>w 24:14).3. Semantics: The contents of <strong>the</strong> Bible make it a unique bookwhich cannot be compared with any o<strong>the</strong>r book. The Bible providesanswers to all vital questions on earth, and it is also <strong>the</strong> onlysure compass able to guide us to eternity. <strong>In</strong> thousands of booksphilosophers, founders of religions, and all kinds of scientists havetried to solve <strong>the</strong> great puzzles like: What is <strong>the</strong> origin of <strong>the</strong> earthand of life? What is man? Who is God? Is <strong>the</strong>re life after death?Nobody is able to make final and true statements about <strong>the</strong>se questions;only <strong>the</strong> Bible can do this on <strong>the</strong> authority and by <strong>the</strong> truth of<strong>the</strong> living God. For <strong>the</strong> purpose of understanding <strong>the</strong> semantics of<strong>the</strong> Bible, some fundamental differences which distinguish it fromo<strong>the</strong>r books, are now considered:Scientific results: It is useful to employ linguistic findings as wellas historical background information for a better understanding of<strong>the</strong> text. But even with <strong>the</strong> best erudition it might still happen that<strong>the</strong> essence of <strong>the</strong> message remains hidden. We wish to emphasisethat <strong>the</strong> so-called “historical-critical method” is not a suitableapproach for understanding <strong>the</strong> Bible.Spiritual understanding: The Bible is a spiritual book which <strong>was</strong>formulated under <strong>the</strong> supervision of <strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit. <strong>In</strong> <strong>the</strong> same143

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