In the Beginning was Information



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iguously instructed to “Let <strong>the</strong> word of Christ dwell in you richly...”(Colossians 3:16). According to Helmut Matthies, director ofinformation services of <strong>the</strong> Evangelical Alliance of Germany, <strong>the</strong>average German works 38.5 hours per week and watches televisionfor 17.5 hours per week [M1]. The latter figure is increasing, and <strong>the</strong>watchers are exposed to an inconceivable amount of influencing, but<strong>the</strong>y neglect <strong>the</strong> one necessary influence. God’s will is that weshould let ourselves be impregnated with his eternal message.2. As sender: <strong>In</strong> our role as senders we will only pass on informationwhich has impressed us. Jesus expresses this general situation in <strong>the</strong>words: “For out of <strong>the</strong> overflow of <strong>the</strong> heart <strong>the</strong> mouth speaks”(Mat<strong>the</strong>w 12:34). The Psalmist always concerned himself with <strong>the</strong>Word, so that he could and would draw from this supply: “May mytongue sing of your word” (Psalm 119:172). Christians should berecognised from <strong>the</strong> well <strong>the</strong>y drink. This does not mean that no negativeinformation should proceed from <strong>the</strong>m, but that <strong>the</strong>y should bebearers of good news. God’s evaluation is obvious from Isaiah 52:7:“How beautiful ... are <strong>the</strong> feet of those who bring good news, whoproclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation.”This good news is <strong>the</strong> Gospel of Jesus Christ which saves everyonewho believes and accepts it. Jesus often emphasised that we shouldbe senders of this message (Mat<strong>the</strong>w 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Luke10:3, and Luke 12:8-9). When <strong>the</strong> Samaritan woman met Jesus atJacob’s well and recognised Him as <strong>the</strong> Christ, she put her jardown and immediately went back to <strong>the</strong> town to proclaim <strong>the</strong> messageof salvation (John 4:25-30). Paul also tried any possible wayof winning over different people of all backgrounds (1 Corinthians9:19-22), and he even tells himself: “Woe to me if I do not preach<strong>the</strong> gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16). He combines assignment andcontents in <strong>the</strong> following words: “We implore you on Christ’sbehalf: Be reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 5:20).This message is not only <strong>the</strong> most important and <strong>the</strong> most urgent,it is also <strong>the</strong> most certain message. The well-known evangelist,C. H. Spurgeon (1834 – 1892) calls out [S9]: “If you don’t have aneternal gospel to proclaim, <strong>the</strong>n your message is only worth20 pennies. You can get uncertainties elsewhere and everywhere,but matters of eternal life are only found in <strong>the</strong> Bible.”140

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