In the Beginning was Information



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(lies, provocation, slander, mockery, and cursing) by listening andresponding to it. God detests both, and every evil word is recordedin God’s information registers. These books will be opened oneday (Revelation 20:12) and we will be judged accordingly, as Jesusprophesied: “But I tell you that men will have to give account on<strong>the</strong> day of judgment for every careless word <strong>the</strong>y have spoken. Forby your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you willbe condemned” (Mat<strong>the</strong>w 12:36-37).Valuable information: The most valuable information that has everbeen sent, is <strong>the</strong> Word of God. No o<strong>the</strong>r message is better and noo<strong>the</strong>r words ever brought more joy. There is no useless or falseinformation in <strong>the</strong> Bible, since God’s Word is absolutely true: “Godis not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He shouldchange his mind. Does He speak and <strong>the</strong>n not act. Does He promiseand not fulfil?” (Numbers 23:19). The Bible contains certainty andtruth, as well as eternal and divine words. No o<strong>the</strong>r information caneven approach being equal to this. The Psalmist testifies from hispersonal experience when he cries out: “I rejoice in your promiselike one who finds great spoil” (Psalm 119:162). Paul also refers to<strong>the</strong> treasure he has found: “But we have this treasure in jars of clay”(2 Corinthians 4:7). God wants us always to be receivers and transmittersof this information which He values exceedingly.1. As recipient: Many people follow various courses and takepains for <strong>the</strong> purpose of being successful in <strong>the</strong>ir private lives andin <strong>the</strong>ir careers. But already in <strong>the</strong> Old Testament God has givensimple advice which can easily be followed and can have greateffects: “Do not let this Book of <strong>the</strong> Law depart from your mouth;meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to doeverything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful”(Joshua 1:8). Contemplation of and obedience to <strong>the</strong> Word of<strong>the</strong> living God is extremely important: “Obey me, and I will beyour God and you will be my people. Walk in all <strong>the</strong> ways I commandyou, that it may go well with you” (Jeremiah 7:23).The Word brings understanding and wisdom and it keeps us fromgoing astray (Psalm 119:104). It renews (Psalm 119:154), enlightensand brings joy (Psalm 119:130) and shows us <strong>the</strong> way of salvation(James 1:21). Since we are dealing with <strong>the</strong> most valuable information– extremely important information, Figure 25 – we are unam-139

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