In the Beginning was Information



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13 The Quality and Usefulness of Biblical<strong>In</strong>formationThe semantic value of information versus usability is graphed inFigure 25, resulting in four different areas (quadrants). Accordingto biblical assertions all information given out by humans is evaluatedby God.Useless information: We have subdivided useless information intotwo parts, namely indifferent and injurious information, and wefind a permanent criterion in God’s commandments: “You shall notgive false testimony against your neigbour” (Exodus 20:16),because “The Lord detests lying lips” (Proverbs 12:22). Such peopleare described in Jeremiah 8:6: “I have listened attentively, but<strong>the</strong>y do not say what is right. No one repents of his wickedness,saying, ‘What have I done?’ Each pursues his own course like ahorse charging into battle.” The tongue is a small part of <strong>the</strong> body,but it can have enormous effects: “Consider what a great forest isset on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire ...” (James3:5-6). These quotations are restricted to cases where we, assenders, transmit injurious information. But God also wants to protectus from being recipients of such information, and He warns usemphatically against association with such senders:Proverbs 1:10: “My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to<strong>the</strong>m.”Proverbs 14:7: “Stay away from a foolish man, for you will notfind knowledge on his lips.”Psalm 1:1: “Blessed is <strong>the</strong> man who does not walk in <strong>the</strong> counselof <strong>the</strong> wicked or stand in <strong>the</strong> way of sinners or sit in <strong>the</strong> seatof mockers.”<strong>In</strong> this connection we want to point out that Adam and Eve’s sin<strong>was</strong> introduced by <strong>the</strong> evil information: “Did God really say...?”(Genesis 3:1). The response of <strong>the</strong> first persons to this informationwhich threw doubt upon God’s word, had inconceivable consequences:It resulted in death and suffering, pain and illness, warand wailing, and all of us are still suffering from <strong>the</strong> disastrouseffects of sin. Man can both send and receive injurious information138

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