In the Beginning was Information



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11 Questions Often Asked About<strong>the</strong> <strong>In</strong>formation ConceptMy talks at universities and technical institutes are usually followedby lively discussions. A small selection of <strong>the</strong> frequentlyasked questions are now listed and answered briefly:Q1: Have you now proved <strong>the</strong> existence of God?A1: Conclusions must always be based on scientific results and<strong>the</strong>se may give rise to fur<strong>the</strong>r ideas. It is, however, scientificallyimpossible to prove <strong>the</strong> existence of God, but very many aspects ofthis world cannot be understood at all if God is excluded.Q2: Do your assertions refute evolution?A2: The information <strong>the</strong>orems are natural laws and many fallacieshave been revealed by means of natural laws. The basic flaw of allevolutionary views is <strong>the</strong> origin of <strong>the</strong> information in living beings.It has never been shown that a coding system and semantic informationcould originate by itself in a material medium, and <strong>the</strong>information <strong>the</strong>orems predict that this will never be possible. Apurely material origin of life is thus precluded.Q3: Does <strong>the</strong> definition of information not depend on <strong>the</strong> individual?<strong>In</strong> contrast to matter and energy, information does not exist assuch of itself.A3: Yes, of course. Consider three persons, Albert, Ben, andCharles who want to inform Dan which one of <strong>the</strong>m <strong>was</strong> in <strong>the</strong>room. They decided that colours would be used to distinguishbetween <strong>the</strong>m: Albert = yellow, Ben = blue, and Charles = red.When Dan arrives later, he finds a blue note, and concludes thatBen is <strong>the</strong>re. Any o<strong>the</strong>r person would not regard this piece of paperas information. This code agreement exists only between Albert,Ben, Charles, and Dan (see <strong>the</strong>orems 6, 7, and 9). It is obvious thatinformation can only be created by a cognitive mental process.Q4: Please give a brief definition of information.A4: That is not possible, because information is by nature a verycomplex entity. The five-level model indicates that a simple formulationfor information will probably never be found.124

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