PSY 355 Week 5 Discussion Question 1

For more course tutorials visit www.psy355.com As you read last week, stress is not only a great motivator, on along-term or redundant basis, it is also responsible for a plethora ofphysical illnesses ranging from the common cold, to allergic reactions,to heart disease and even cancer. It is also a major contributor tomany psychological disorders including depression, anxiety, cognitivedisruption and learning disorders. Usually, stress motivates one toadopt various coping mechanisms, including understanding the cause ofthe stress, realigning one’s beliefs about the stressors, changingone’s lifestyle to eliminate the stress, and learning how to manage thephysical symptoms of the stress. Once in a while, however, you will meet people whose lives are beingcontrolled by stress, but who will resist making any of the changesnecessary to take the control back and learn how to effectively copewith, or eliminate the sources of, their stress. When this happens(assuming the person is mentally and physically capable of “coping”) itoften is helpful to remember that a person will continue a behavior aslong as it continues to work for him or her. We see this in people whocontinue to return to dangerous or exploitive relationships; people whocontinue addiction behavior even though their health is being ruined,their finances are in shambles, or they are facing significant legalconsequences; or people who procrastinate to the point of jeopardizingtheir health, careers or credit ratings, just to name a few examples. Please post your response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply: Think of an acquaintance in your own personal or professionalexperience (i.e., not yourself, and preferably not anyone in yourimmediate family) who is more motivated to continue his or herstressful behavior, than to learn how to cope with the stress (meet thedemands of life head-on) and take back control of his or her life. Howis the stress working for this person, and how would you use thisknowledge to motivate him or her towards a more manageable, stress-freelife?

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As you read last week, stress is not only a great motivator, on along-term or redundant basis, it is also responsible for a plethora ofphysical illnesses ranging from the common cold, to allergic reactions,to heart disease and even cancer. It is also a major contributor tomany psychological disorders including depression, anxiety, cognitivedisruption and learning disorders. Usually, stress motivates one toadopt various coping mechanisms, including understanding the cause ofthe stress, realigning one’s beliefs about the stressors, changingone’s lifestyle to eliminate the stress, and learning how to manage thephysical symptoms of the stress.

Once in a while, however, you will meet people whose lives are beingcontrolled by stress, but who will resist making any of the changesnecessary to take the control back and learn how to effectively copewith, or eliminate the sources of, their stress. When this happens(assuming the person is mentally and physically capable of “coping”) itoften is helpful to remember that a person will continue a behavior aslong as it continues to work for him or her. We see this in people whocontinue to return to dangerous or exploitive relationships; people whocontinue addiction behavior even though their health is being ruined,their finances are in shambles, or they are facing significant legalconsequences; or people who procrastinate to the point of jeopardizingtheir health, careers or credit ratings, just to name a few examples.

Please post your response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply:

Think of an acquaintance in your own personal or professionalexperience (i.e., not yourself, and preferably not anyone in yourimmediate family) who is more motivated to continue his or herstressful behavior, than to learn how to cope with the stress (meet thedemands of life head-on) and take back control of his or her life. Howis the stress working for this person, and how would you use thisknowledge to motivate him or her towards a more manageable, stress-freelife?

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