Unit of Inquiry How we express ourselves?

Unit of Inquiry How we express ourselves?

Unit of Inquiry How we express ourselves?


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with the key concept Responsibility,when children will learn values;assume responsibility towards family.We will learn about importance <strong>of</strong>the past <strong>of</strong> our families and the keyconcept Connection. Children willlearn about the past <strong>of</strong> their family.What is different and what is same.They will compare the mostimportant fact from their families.This will be achieved through theactivities in part 3 rd <strong>of</strong> the inquiry.Focus Skills for the unit: Communication,research and selfmanagementskillsthrough the 1 st part<strong>of</strong> the inquiry Communication skillsand social skillsthrough the 2 nd part <strong>of</strong> theinquiry Social and communication skillsthrough the 3 rd part <strong>of</strong> theinquiryLearner Pr<strong>of</strong>ile Attributes for theunit and Attitudes: Children will learn to be goodcommunicators when theycommunicate with their familymembers to get informationabout their families. They will become open-mindedand caring when theyrecognizetheirresponsibilities towards familyand friends. Children will learn to becomecaring and balanced, throughin depth study on thestructure, function anddifferent aspects <strong>of</strong> familylife.Summative assessment task(s):TASKSchool PROJECT: “Familytreasures” children will collectpictures over a period <strong>of</strong> time tomake a cube/collage,depicting the momentsspent with familymembers.EVIDENCEChildren will bring thepictures to the school.They will stick the pictures on thepaper box. They can use colourfulpaper and markers to decorate it.They can also write a sentence aboutit. They will also present it for theclass.ASSESSMENTChildren will self- assesses theirwork. They will say what they likethe most on it, what they would liketo change.TASKSchool PROJECT: “Role play”students will realize their role andresponsibility in their families.

EVIDENCEChildren will work in groups. They willprepare puppet play. During the ART<strong>we</strong> will make puppets. They shouldpick a family member, they would liketo play.TASKHome PROJECT: “FamilyStructure” children should collectthe pictures <strong>of</strong> the family, organizethem and present.EVIDENCEfamily members and try to maketheir family structure. The shape isnot important. It could be the treedriven on the paper, it could be a 3Dmade from paper, book, wood...ASSESSMENTTeacher will prepare a rubric toasses children`s work.Visits and learning experience:Children are supposed to visit themembers <strong>of</strong> their families and talkwith them about the past.They should speak with all <strong>of</strong> the

LANGUAESSlovakDuring this <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>we</strong> will focus onletters A a Á á, M m, E e, L l, I i Í i,J j, O o Ó ó, S s.We will learn how towrite them and read them.Speaking, listening and readingWe will continue to learn to connectthe letters to syllables and syllablesto words.Each day you should read withchildren the text from Slabikar atleast three times. It`s importantthat children will learn to readwithout double reading (Childrenread the firstquietly forthemselves andthen loudly.)Children shouldread bysyllables. Forchildren is alsoimportant acomprehension<strong>of</strong> the word =comprehensionreading.English with Mrs KongWe will continue to practice andreinforce work from the beginning <strong>of</strong>the year on the sounds and writing<strong>of</strong> the letters.The children should be able todiscriminate, write and read middle(short vo<strong>we</strong>l) sounds in simple words:‘a’ (fat), ‘e’ (<strong>we</strong>t),‘i’ (pig), ‘o’ (pot), ‘u’ (mug).They will start to practice somecommon letter blends and rules <strong>of</strong>pronunciation to help them to blendthe sounds and decode the unknownwords.After the autumn break they willstart to read simple books, spell andwrite CVC words.They will be in different centers toread aloud to the teacher, listen tothe stories in different genres on CDand play educational games.WritingChildren will learn to write the printletters. They will start to write withdictation. They will write the letters,syllables, easy sentences.

MATHSDuring this UoI <strong>we</strong> start with Understanding Addition and Subtraction. We willlearn that adding means joining things together and thatsubtracting means taking things away or comparing twogroups. The words <strong>we</strong> will learn are:ADDITIONS SENTENCE, ADD, SUM, PLUS, EQUALS,SUBSTRACT, MINES, DIFFERENCE.We will aslo learn about the TIME. We will you termsminutes, hours, days, <strong>we</strong>eks, months etc. (minit,quarterpast, half past, quarter to…)Problem SolvingFrom the begining <strong>we</strong> will start to solve the problem solvings. Most importantthink is find the Main Idea, which tells what a storyproblem is all about. Knowing the main idea can helpchildren solve story problems.Math Activity to Do at HomeGather a group <strong>of</strong> small toys or other objects.Tohether, use them to make up addition stories, suchas 4 cars plus 6 cars equals 10 cars. You can also makeup substraction stories, such as 9 cars minus 3 carsequals 6 cars.

Dear parents,Itisunbelievable but<strong>we</strong> alreadyfinished thefirst UoI. Thefirst I would liketo say thank youfor all <strong>of</strong> yourparticipationduring this unit.The most important part <strong>of</strong> this unit was to learn about PYP Learner Pr<strong>of</strong>iles. Iwould like to ask you to sometimes ask your child at home about some <strong>of</strong> them orwhat they mean.In the beginning <strong>of</strong> the unit children visited all <strong>of</strong> the class and important<strong>of</strong>fices in the school. They compared the life in KG and school. They <strong>we</strong>re lookingfor differences. Students made and singed the rules for our classroom. Theyunderstand all <strong>of</strong> the rules and try to follow them.We read the book about each learner pr<strong>of</strong>ile. We shared what was the bookabout and why is the book connect with the LP.Children draw the reflection where they explain their behavior during the <strong>we</strong>ek.We discussed in circle the behavior <strong>of</strong> each child. After each <strong>we</strong>ek on <strong>of</strong> thechild took at home our class toy Filip (a turtle) and looked after it.I hope children are enjoying the school and learning.Best regards,Ms. PatucovaPS: I really enjoyed children`s presentation

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