ECO 365 Final Exam (August 2015) - Assignment.pdf

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Diminishing marginal productDecreasing returns to scaleConstant returns to scaleIncreasing returns to scale20). There are many restaurants in the city of Raleigh, each one offering food andservices that differ from those of its competitors. There is also free entry ofsellers into the market, and each seller serves a very small fraction of the totalnumber of meals served each day. The restaurant industry in Raleigh is bestcharacterized as:Perfectly competitive.Monopolistically competitive.A pure monopoly.An oligopoly.Want to see the complete Individual <strong>Assignment</strong> Check..??Click <strong>ECO</strong> <strong>365</strong>21). Suppose foreign shrimp prices drop by 32 percent and importers gain a 90percent market share. From this information, what would economists stronglysuspect about this industry?Foreigners have a comparative advantage in shrimping.The large sales of foreigners indicate they are better strategic businessbargainers than Americans are.Americans have a comparative advantage in shrimping.Foreign sellers probably are colluding on price to maximize profits.22). For a monopolist, the price of a product:Is less than the marginal revenue.Exceeds the marginal revenue.Equals the marginal cost.Equals the marginal revenue.Download Complete Answers <strong>ECO</strong> <strong>365</strong> Week 5 Knowledge Check

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