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Mila Popović-Živančević, savetnik-konzervatorNarodni muzej u BeograduRukovodilac DIJANA CentraRadionica iz preventivne zaštiteKako zaštitisopstvenu baštinuVelika Hoča, Kosovo i Metohija, 2004.DIJANA Centar za preventivnu zaštitu - Narodnimuzej u Beogradu, u periodu od 27. jula do 3. avgusta2004. godine, priključio se aktivnostima Drugogsaziva likovne kolonije ART Foruma Velika Hoča. BoravakDIJANA Centra u Velikoj Hoči bio je sastavni deoredovnih edukativnih programa Letnje škole DIJANA2004, organizovan kao Radionica iz Preventivne zaštite,pod nazivom «Kako zaštiti sopstvenu baštinu»Tim DIJANA Centra koji je učestvovao u realizacijiprograma ove Radionce u Velikoj Hoči je bio: Mila Popović-Živančević,savetnik-konzervator; Malena Stojčev,lektor za engleski jezik; Vesna Živković, arheolog; SrđanRadosavljević, apsolvent istorije i Jelena Tucaković, apsolventetnologije.Velika Hoča na Kosovu i Metohiji predstavlja danasizolovanu srpsku enklavu, sa oko 750 stanovnika, i pripadaopštini Orahovac. Ima dosta mladog stanovništvakoje je bez posla i ne školuje se. U sadašnjem okruženjuoni nemaju uslova za to. Imaju organizovane redovneautobuske konvoje sa bezbednosnom pratnjom, dva putanedeljno do Mitrovice, svake druge subote do Gračanice,do Orahovca..... U jednostranoj su in<strong>for</strong>mativnojblokadi, mogu da koriste samo albanske medije; nemajunikakvo organizovano dostavljanje novina, radio iliTV programa na srpskom jeziku ili iz SCG.Ime Velika Hoča-Golema Oča se u istoriji prvi putspominje kod velikog župana Srbije, Stefana Nemanje(1198.-1199.), u pismu kojim Golemu Oču daruje manastiruHilandaru kao metoh.Velika Hoča danas predstavlja jedinstven kompleksmaterijalnog i nematerijalnog kulturnog nasleđa, sa sadržajemkoji čine:- Nepokretna kulturna baština- Pokretna kulturna baština- Nematerijalna kulturna baštinaManastir DečaniDečani monasteryMila Popović-Živančević, councillor-conservatorHead of DIANA Centre <strong>for</strong> Preventive ConservationNational Museum in BelgradePreventive Conservation WorkshopHow to ProtectOne’s Own HeritageVelika Hoča, Kosovo i Metohija, 2004.DIANA Centre <strong>for</strong> Preventive Conservation of theNational Museum in Belgrade participated in theactivities of the Second Meeting of the Art Colony ArtForum Velika Hoča from 27th July to 3 rd August 2004.The stay of DIANA Centre team in Velika Hoča was anintegral part of the regular educational programmeswithin the Summer School DIANA 2004 and organizedas a <strong>preventive</strong> <strong>conservation</strong> workshop with the theme“How to Protect One’s Own Heritage”.The team of DIANA Centre participating in the realizationof the programme of this Workshop in VelikaHoča made: Mila Popović-Živančević, councillor-conservator,Malena Stojčev, English language editor,VesnaŽivković, archaeologist, Srdjan Radosavljević, seniorundergraduate in archaeology and Jelena Tucaković, seniorundergraduate in ethnology.Velika Hoča in Kosovo and Metohija today is an isolatedSerbian enclave with some 750 inhabitants, administrativelyincluded in the municipality of Orahovac.The name Velika Hoča is mentioned <strong>for</strong> the first time inhistory by the Great Iupannus Stefan Nemanja (1198-1199) who presented Velika Hoča by a charter to Hilandarmonastery as its metochion.In Velika Hoča live quite a few young people who donot have job or attend schools as the present circumstancesoffer no possibility <strong>for</strong> that. Twice a week thereare organised regular bus convoys under escort going toKosovska Mitrovica (Orahovac included) and twice amonth (on Saturdays) to Gračanica. In the sense of in<strong>for</strong>mationthey are also blocked out, as only Albanianmedia are accessible; there is no organised distributionof newspapers or broadcasting of radio and TV programmesin Serbian or from Serbia and Montenegro.Velika Hoča is a unique complex of tangible and intangiblecultural heritage, and its contents include:- Immovable cultural heritage- Movable cultural heritage- Intangible cultural heritageVelika Hoča is among rare places in Kosovo and Metohijawith well preserved almost all heritage contentsand <strong>for</strong>ms of cultural property ranging from ancient timesuntil present. Prehistoric and Roman periods materialremains are found there as well as rich choice ofsamples of the medieval culture and of dynamic economicand civilian life in 18 th ,19 th and 20 th centuries.Today Velika Hoča is distinctive <strong>for</strong> its:- thirteen churches still in service, and remains ofthree churches, ranging from the 14 th to the 19 thcenturies- Valuable items of church movables and exquisiteworks of art such as icons, paintings, frescoes,books, icon lamps, candelabres, etc.- historical graveyards with tombstones, from 14 thC.There are some indications that they are even olderthan that- Traditional architecture with the Balkan type of95

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