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90Tabela iz 2003. godine, sa unesenim vrednostimamerenja i označavanje, ako je bio uključen sistem zaodvlaživanjeTable for 2003 with appropriate measures, indicatingwhether dehumidification was turned onđe je popravljena vodovodna instalacija, a u prostorijamaza pranje instalirani su bojler i kada. Takođe je bioprobijen otvor za pristup potkrovlju, koje je ponovo popločano.Zgrada je opremljena detektorima dima i protivprovalnimalarmima. Usput, što se tiče bezbednosti: poštodepo nije naše stalno radno mesto, ne bismo odmah primetiliako nešto nedostaje. Zbog toga nam se činilo da jeadekvatno da pored sistema za bezbednost (alarmi, kamere....)uspostavimo takođe i sistem unutrašnjeg nadzora,dakle proveru toga, pod kojim uslovima sme da seuđe u depo i u određene prostorije, ko i kada dolazi, kakavje pristup ključevima, a sve to - uz vođenje računao tome da se obezbedi redovan i nesmetan rad. S tim jetakođe povezana ideja, da ako hoćemo da se napravi depokoji može da se obilazi (što je i do sada bio slučaj zapredviđene grupe kolega i posetilaca), moramo da dopunimopravila za ulaženje i ponašanje i da rešimo problemnedostatka kadra. Depo je takođe opremljen protivpožarnimsistemom, sa univerzalnim aparatima saprahom i hidrantima. Cevi za vodu su razvučene tako dane ugrožavaju predmete direktno. Svi koji rade u depoumoraju da polože ispit iz bezbednosti na radu, poznavanjarada sa opasnim hemikalijama i protiv požarne zaštite.Godine 2000. i 2001. bili su obavljeni i dodatni restauratorskiradovi i bili su montirani liftovi: veći tovarnilift, kod stepeništa i manji lift, za potkrovlje. Intenzivnose počelo sa postavljanjem polica i prvi predmetisu počeli da dolaze u depo.Odmah pošto su prostorije bile zatvorene, želeli smoda proverimo kakvi su klimatski uslovi. Zbog toga smopočeli sa merenjem: nabavili smo digitalni merač temperaturei vlage i pobrinuli smo se da se tokom cele godinesvaki radni dan, u svim prostorijama, izmere vrednostitemperature i relativne vlažnosti, koje su nakontoga pažljivo beležene u poseban raspored.Pretpostavljali smo da, zbog debljine zidova (do 0,6m) i klasičnog načina gradnje, te zbog dvostruko zastakljenihi dobro zaptivenih prozora, prostorije neće trpetiveće spoljašnje uticaje, što biprouzrokovalo kratkoročnu oscilacijutemperature i vlage.Nismo poznavali uticaj slavnevipavske bure. Pred početak izvođenjamerenja bili smo u velikomstrahu, da će klimatski uslovibiti toliko nepovoljni, da biza održavanje konstantne adekvatneklime trošak za održavanjedepoa u budućnosti bio veliki.Merenja su pokazala da suuslovi u zgradi prihvatljivi, madazimi malo suviše vlažni (oko65% RH), zbog čega smo moralida preduzmemo mere. U zgradipostoji sistem centralnog grejanja,ali koji nije saniran i stogaje neupotrebljiv.Shvatili smo da bi svaki sofisticiranijisistem zahtevao velikepočetne troškove, a takođe iskupo održavanje, što nama nijedostupno. Zato smo se odlučiliza najjeftiniju varijantu - odvlaživanje.Bez dvoumljenja smonabavili odvlaživače i pokušali,koliko je moguće uz njihovu pomoć,da poboljšamo uslove. Namestilismo ih u hodnik u priinted,as were the fanlights in the corridor. The electricinstallation was set up anew and the lights were partlyput in place. The water conduct was also repaired and aboiler and a trough were placed in the amenities. Accessto the attic was enabled with a new opening and thefloor of the attic was set up.The building was equipped with fire and securityalarms. As regards security: since employees do notspend most of their working hours in the depots, anymissing items would not be easily noticed. Therefore itwas necessary to set up a system of internal monitoringbesides the alarm and camera systems, enabling us tohave an insight into the access modalities – i.e. who andwhen accesses and leaves the premises, who accesses thekeys etc – taking into account that regular and unobstructedwork of the employees should be enabled. Inthis context, we have been thinking of setting up a visitingdepot – which so far already was for preannouncedgroups of visitors and colleagues. However, we will haveto further elaborate the rules of access and procedure,whereby also solve the problem of HR shortages. Thedepot has an inbuilt fire-safety system, with fire extinguishersand hydrants. The fireplugs are set up in such away that they do not pose a threat to the objects. Everyoneworking in the depot has to pass a test on safety atwork, on handling dangerous chemicals and fire safety.In the years 2000 and 2001 further renovation workwas done on the building. A larger hoist was mounted inthe staircase and a smaller lift leading to the attic. Shelveswere intesively being put in place and the first objectswere transported to the depot.As soon as the rooms were closed, we began measuringthe climatic conditions in the building.We acquireda digital thermometer and hygrometer and we ensuredthat temperature and relative humidity were measuredevery working day in every room throughout the wholeyear. The measurements were carefully annotated inspecial worksheets/tables.Due to thick walls (0.6 m) and the classical constructionof the building, as well as the double-pane and tightenedwindows, we anticipatedthat the rooms will not besubject to strong external climaticinterferences, whichwould cause short-term variationsin temperature and humidity.However, we were not familiarwith the effects of thenotorious Bora wind of the Vipavskavalley. Before commencingthe measuring, we wereafraid that due to unfavourableconditions, which would requirethe mantainance of constantclimatic conditions, the operationof the depot will be toocostly. Though, the measurementresults showed a satisfactoryenough picture: the generalclimatic conditions in thebuilding were acceptable, butslightly too humid in winter(approx. 65 % RH). Thereforewe had to take action. The inbuiltcentral heating systemwas not fixed and was thususeless. Since any sophisticatedsystem would require highinitial and maintainance cost,the budgetary constraints com-

zemlju i otvorilivrata bočnihprostorija, takoda je vazduh cirkulisao.Dalji rezultatimerenja su pokazalida periodičnimuklapanjemuređajamožemo da uspostavimosistem«klimatizacije»,koji daje zadovoljavajućerezultate.Tokom celegodine relativnavlažnost variraod 42 do 57 %,pri čemu su promeneveoma spore,a dnevne promenesu zanevačimaPogled u unutrašnjost depoa s odvlažimarljive.Na Insight into the interior of the depottemperaturu uwith dehumidifiersprostorijama nemoramo da utičemo i ona varira od 6°C zimi i 27°C u letnjemperiodu. Tako, u suštini, govorimo o prirodnom variranjuRH u zavisnosti od temperature. Opaža se razlikau vrednostima između prostorija koje su severnije ijužnije orjentisane (najmanje 1% RH i temperatura do1°C), kao i između oba sprata. Da bismo što više umanjilispoljašnje uticaje sunčeve svetlosti i samim tim umanjilitakođe i celokupnu količinu svetlosti, na prozoresmo kasnije postavili zastore. Za one predmete, koji ćebiti čuvani u mraku, predvideli smo potpuno zatamnjenje.Merenja sada izvodimo redovno i beležimo na istinačin kao ranije, a voleli bismo da postepeno prelazimona digitalni sistem merenja s radijskim prenosom podatakau restauratorsku radionicu u Solkanu, gde se naovaj način već sakupljaju podaci za zbirku na graduKromberk.Možemo, dakle, da tvrdimo, da su temperatura i relativnavlažnost pod kontrolom, a merenja dokumentovana,i da ne moramo u potpunosti da obezbedimo njihovoregulisanje.Danas imamo šest odvlaživača i uređaje na hodnicimai otvorena vrata između prostorija. U sledećoj fazi,ako bude moguće, preći ćemo na odvojeno čuvanje materijalakoji zahtevaju strožiji režim (trenutno zajednočuvamo samo predmete od metala etnološkog odeljenja),moramo ćemo da nabavimo dodatne odvlaživače iovlaživače, koji nam do sada nisu bili potrebni.Prostorije u depou su označene brojevima i podeljeneu odnosu na potrebe odeljenja, uspostavljamo takođesistem obeležavanja metalnih regala. Na taj način najvišeprostorija ima etnološko odeljenje (pošto takođe imamoveliku zbirku vozova imamo još i poseban depo, naodvojenoj lokaciji), sledi istorijsko odeljenje, najmanjeje pripalo kulturnoj istoriji i istoriji umetnosti, kao i arheologiji,gde su predviđeni posebni uslovi čuvanja.Svako odeljenje ima prostorije na oba sprata, čime jeomogućeno da se eventualni veći i teži predmeti čuvajuu prizemlju.Mada smo se mi, muzejski radnici, sve ove godinemnogo trudili, na žalost, zaista nismo mogli da se pohvalimo,da na dobar način brinemo o predmetima. Zatosmo sada požurili i 2003. i 2004. godine, uz pomoć mladeradne snage, u depoe u Ajdovščini je preseljeno punopredmeta, mada zbirke nisu do kraja postavljene ipelled us to adopt the cheapest solution – dehumidification.Wequickly acquired dehumidifiers and tried to improvethe general climatic conditions in the building.Weplaced them in the corridor in the ground floor and openedthe doors of the side rooms, enabling an unimpededcirculation of air. The new tests proved that we can setup a satisfactory climatisation system with the periodicaluse of dehumidification devices. The yearly variationsin humidity now are between 42 and 57 %, wherebythe changes are gradual and the daily variations almostnegligible. On the other hand, we cannot influencethe temperature in the building, which varies between 6°C in winter and 27 °C in summer. Thus, we can speakabout natural variations of RH also as a result of changesin temperature. A slight difference in values can benoticed between northernmost and southernmost rooms(min. 1 % RH and up to °C in temperature), as well asbetween both floors. To further limit the influences ofsunlight – thus also limiting the overall amount of light– shaders have been installed on windows. For those objectsthat are supposed to be stored in the dark, completedarkening has been provided.In the meanwhile, measurements have been unimpededlycarried out and annotated the same way as before.Later on, however, we would like to introduce a digitalmeasurement system, which would allow remoteaccess from the conservation workshop in Solkan (NovaGorica), where data from the Castle of Kromberk are alreadybeing collected in the same way.We can claim thatthe temperature and relative humidity are under controland all measurements documented. However, we arestill not able to ensure their proper regulation.Today we have 6 dehumidification devices at ourdisposal, which are installed in the corridors, with thedoors open. In the next phase, where the separate storageof materials is foreseen (so far we keep together onlymetal objects from the etnological department), whichin turn requires a stricter climatic regime, we will haveto acquire more dehumidification devices, as well as humidifiers,which were not needed so far.Each of the rooms in the depot has its number and asystem for the numbering of shelves is being set up. Therooms are divided according to the requirements of eachdepartment – the etnological department has mostrooms (it also has a special depot on a separate locationbecause the museum hosts a large collection of carriagesand coaches), followed by the historical department,with the cultural-, art-historical and archaeological deparmentshaving the fewest rooms, since special storageconditions are required. Each department has rooms inboth floors, enabling us to keep the heavier and largerobjects in the ground floor.Primer neadekvatnog načina čuvanja u starim prostorijamaAn example of unsuitable storage in an old storage room91

zemlju i otvorilivrata bočnihprostorija, takoda je vazduh cirkulisao.Dalji rezultatimerenja su pokazalida periodičnimuklapanjemuređajamožemo da uspostavimosistem«klimatizacije»,koji daje zadovoljavajućerezultate.Tokom celegodine relativnavlažnost variraod 42 do 57 %,pri čemu su promeneveoma spore,a dnevne promenesu zanevačimaPogled u unutrašnjost depoa s odvlažimarljive.Na Insight into the interior of the depottemperaturu uwith dehumidifiersprostorijama nemoramo da utičemo i ona varira od 6°C zimi i 27°C u letnjemperiodu. Tako, u suštini, govorimo o prirodnom variranjuRH u zavisnosti od temperature. Opaža se razlikau vrednostima između prostorija koje su severnije ijužnije orjentisane (najmanje 1% RH i temperatura do1°C), kao i između oba sprata. Da bismo što više umanjilispoljašnje uticaje sunčeve svetlosti i samim tim umanjilitakođe i celokupnu količinu svetlosti, na prozoresmo kasnije postavili zastore. Za one predmete, koji ćebiti čuvani u mraku, predvideli smo potpuno zatamnjenje.Merenja sada izvodimo redovno i beležimo na istinačin kao ranije, a voleli bismo da postepeno prelazimona digitalni sistem merenja s radijskim prenosom podatakau restauratorsku radionicu u Solkanu, gde se naovaj način već sakupljaju podaci za zbirku na graduKromberk.Možemo, dakle, da tvrdimo, da su temperatura i relativnavlažnost pod kontrolom, a merenja dokumentovana,i da ne moramo u potpunosti da obezbedimo njihovoregulisanje.Danas imamo šest odvlaživača i uređaje na hodnicimai otvorena vrata između prostorija. U sledećoj fazi,ako bude moguće, preći ćemo na odvojeno čuvanje materijalakoji zahtevaju strožiji režim (trenutno zajednočuvamo samo predmete od metala etnološkog odeljenja),moramo ćemo da nabavimo dodatne odvlaživače iovlaživače, koji nam do sada nisu bili potrebni.Prostorije u depou su označene brojevima i podeljeneu odnosu na potrebe odeljenja, uspostavljamo takođesistem obeležavanja metalnih regala. Na taj način najvišeprostorija ima etnološko odeljenje (pošto takođe imamoveliku zbirku vozova imamo još i poseban depo, naodvojenoj lokaciji), sledi istorijsko odeljenje, najmanjeje pripalo kulturnoj istoriji i istoriji umetnosti, kao i arheologiji,gde su predviđeni posebni uslovi čuvanja.Svako odeljenje ima prostorije na oba sprata, čime jeomogućeno da se eventualni veći i teži predmeti čuvajuu prizemlju.Mada smo se mi, muzejski radnici, sve ove godinemnogo trudili, na žalost, zaista nismo mogli da se pohvalimo,da na dobar način brinemo o predmetima. Zatosmo sada požurili i 2003. i 2004. godine, uz pomoć mladeradne snage, u depoe u Ajdovščini je preseljeno punopredmeta, mada zbirke nisu do kraja postavljene ipelled us to adopt the cheapest solution – dehumidification.Wequickly acquired dehumidifiers and tried to improvethe general climatic conditions in the building.Weplaced them in the corridor in the ground floor and openedthe doors of the side rooms, enabling an unimpededcirculation of air. The new tests proved that we can setup a satisfactory climatisation system with the periodicaluse of dehumidification devices. The yearly variationsin humidity now are between 42 and 57 %, wherebythe changes are gradual and the daily variations almostnegligible. On the other hand, we cannot influencethe temperature in the building, which varies between 6°C in winter and 27 °C in summer. Thus, we can speakabout natural variations of RH also as a result of changesin temperature. A slight difference in values can benoticed between northernmost and southernmost rooms(min. 1 % RH and up to °C in temperature), as well asbetween both floors. To further limit the influences ofsunlight – thus also limiting the overall amount of light– shaders have been installed on windows. For those objectsthat are supposed to be stored in the dark, completedarkening has been provided.In the meanwhile, measurements have been unimpededlycarried out and annotated the same way as be<strong>for</strong>e.Later on, however, we would like to introduce a digitalmeasurement system, which would allow remoteaccess from the <strong>conservation</strong> workshop in Solkan (NovaGorica), where data from the Castle of Kromberk are alreadybeing collected in the same way.We can claim thatthe temperature and relative humidity are under controland all measurements documented. However, we arestill not able to ensure their proper regulation.Today we have 6 dehumidification devices at ourdisposal, which are installed in the corridors, with thedoors open. In the next phase, where the separate storageof materials is <strong>for</strong>eseen (so far we keep together onlymetal objects from the etnological <strong>department</strong>), whichin turn requires a stricter climatic regime, we will haveto acquire more dehumidification devices, as well as humidifiers,which were not needed so far.Each of the rooms in the depot has its number and asystem <strong>for</strong> the numbering of shelves is being set up. Therooms are divided according to the requirements of each<strong>department</strong> – the etnological <strong>department</strong> has mostrooms (it also has a special depot on a separate locationbecause the museum hosts a large collection of carriagesand coaches), followed by the historical <strong>department</strong>,with the cultural-, art-historical and archaeological deparmentshaving the fewest rooms, since special storageconditions are required. Each <strong>department</strong> has rooms inboth floors, enabling us to keep the heavier and largerobjects in the ground floor.Primer neadekvatnog načina čuvanja u starim prostorijamaAn example of unsuitable storage in an old storage room91

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