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Jana Šubic Prislan, Goriški muzej, SlovenijaDepo Goriškog muzejaNije moguće opovrgnuti tvrdnju da su za uređenjeodgovarajućeg depoa, koji funkcioniše prema savremenimmuzeološkim principima, potrebna velika finansijskasredstva i određena znanja. Ali, na osnovuprimera uređenja depoa Goriškog muzeja u Novoj Goricimožemo da tvrdimo, da je takođe moguće, pored veomaograničenih sredstava, mnogo toga uraditi dobromvoljom, urođenim osećajem za red i takođe napornim radom.Svima koji su se uhvatili u koštac sa problematikomdepoa, želela bih da pokažem, kako je moguće polako,na zadovoljavajući način urediti i opremiti depo,pod uslovom da ne činimo ono što šteti predmetima i daradimo na osnovu plana, kako bi u budućnosti izbeglinepotreban rad i iznenađenja.Bez dvoumljenja - dobar depo mora da obezbedi sigurnoi primereno čuvanje predmeta, dakle odgovarajućubezbednost, odgovarajuća svojstva okoline, odgovarajućesisteme čuvanja, kao i odgovarajući pristup zbirci.Sređivanje depoa danas je glavni zadatak slovenačkihmuzealaca i zato o tome dosta govorimo u poslednjevreme. Međunarodna načela njihovog uređenja i rešenjaiz inostranstva takođe su poznata našim stručnim krugovima,mada je korisno, da jedni drugima predstavljamosvoja iskustva u vezi uređenja depoa, jer jedni oddrugih možemo puno da naučimo. S obzirom na stanje unekim drugim ustanovama, mislim da je Goriški muzejprilikom rešavanja problematike depoa bio uspešan, jersmo za to takođe dobili i javnu pohvalu od predstavnikaministarstva za kulturu, stoga mi se činilo da je jošprimerenije da pripremim ovaj članak. Kada sam nakontoga, prošlog decembra, na seminaru u Dijana Centru uBeogradu, dobila još neke potvrde od svojih srpskih kolegai od predstavnika ICCROM-a, postala sam, naime,svesna, da naši depoi i nisu tako loši, a u poređenju sanekim drugim čak i odlični, zato je ovo takođe prilika dase malo pohvalimo. Naime, u Goriškom muzeju je zauređenje depoa bila zadužena samo grupa saradnika,koja je, sa povremenim spoljnim pomoćnicima, obavilaveći deo posla, a prilikom uređenja većina muzejskihradnika je učestvovala svojim idejama, zbog čega ga svismatramo svojim.Goriški muzej je pokrajinski kompleksni muzej, kojije od osnivanja 1952. godine na različite načine stekaobrojne zbirke, mada većinu materijala koji se čuva nijemoguće videti, već je smešten u depoe. Sve do prošle godinerazne vrste predmeta smo čuvali na više lokacija napodručju Gorice, ali danas već možemo da kažemo da jevećina predmeta bezbedno smeštena u centralnoj zgradidepoa, u Ajdovščini, koja je auto-putem od sedištaGoriškog muzeja udaljena 35 kilometara.Kada smo odlučivali o adekvatnosti te zgrade, ustanovilismo da ako depoi ne mogu da budu u istoj zgradiu kojoj su zbirke i stručni radnici, dakle ako ih trebaprevoziti, svejedno je da li je ta razdaljina 3 ili 35 kilometara.U svakom slučaju treba se pobrinuti za siguranprevoz.Posle dugogodišnjeg truda Goriški muzej je dobioprostorije za depoe od Ministarstva za odbranu u kasarninekadašnje JNA u Ajdovščini, početkom 1998. godine.Zgrada je bila sastavni deo kasarne «Srećko Kosovel»u Ajdovščini i tada je, kao i neke druge zgrade ukompleksu, dobila novog vlasnika i namenu. Poredzgrade je veliki parking i uopšte rečeno, zgrada ima dobarpristup.Zgrada ima spoljašnje dimenzije 59m x 17m; ima visokoprizemlje i jedan sprat kao i prolazno potkrovlje.Jana Šubic Prislan, Goriški museum, SloveniaThe Depot of Goriški muzejIt cannot be denied that the arrangement of an appropriatedepot, which operates according to modernmuseological principles, requires a substantiable amountof financial means and certain expertise. However,as the case of the Goriški muzej depots shows, inspite ofbudgetary constraints much can be already done withgood will, a sense of orderliness and nonetheless hardwork. I would like to show those of you, who are dealingwith the problems of storage, how it is possible to slowlyand satisfactorily arrange and fit out store rooms –with the condition that we refrain from doing harm toobjects and that we carefully follow a plan, in order toavoid unnecessary work and surprises in the future.Doubtless to say that a good depot has to ensure asecure and suitable storage for objects – hence, an appropriatelevel of security, suitable climatic conditions,a proper storage system and an apropriate access to thecollections. The setting-up and management of depots istoday the main task of Slovenian museum curators. Thisis why the topic has sparkled much debate in the scientificcommunity. International standards and principles,as well as solutions from abroad for the arrangement ofdepots are not unfamiliar to Slovenian experts – however,it would be useful to exchange practical experiences,since much can be learned from each other. In comparisonwith some other Slovenian institutions, I dare tosay that Goriški muzej successfully tackled the problemregarding depots. This was nevertheless publicly acknowledgedby the representatives of the Ministry of Culture,giving me an additional reason to prepare this contribution.As I received positive feedback from my Serbiancolleagues and the representatives of ICCROM atlast december’s seminar that was organised by the Dianacentre in Belgrade, I realised that our depots are farfrom being bad – actually, they are excellent in comparisonwith some others. I will therefore use this opportunityto boast a bit.The task to arrange the depots of the Goriški muzejwas originally assigned to a smaller team of colleagues,which – with the occasional help of external assistants– managed to do most of the work. However, from the“ideational”side most of the employees took part in theproject, that is why we all feel part of it.Sedište Goriškog muzeja na gradu Kromberk u Novoj GoriciThe Seat of Goriški Muzej at the Kromberk Castle in Nova GoricaGoriški muzej is a regional museum. Since its foundationin 1952, in different ways the museum acquirednumerous collections. However, most of the collectedmaterials are not displayed, but kept in depots. Up untillast year, the many different objects were stored onvarious locations in the Goriška region. In contrast, to-88

Zgrada za depoe Goriškog muzeja u AjdovščiniThe Building of the Goriški muzej depots in AjdovščinaSvaki sprat ima oko 860 m˛ korisne površine, koja je podeljenaotprilike na dva dela. U prvom delu je stepeništei nekoliko manjih prostorija, drugi, veći deo predstavljadugačak hodnik, od koga se na obe strane otvarajurelativno velike bočne prostorije (većinom imaju površinuoko 40 m˛). Na kraju su dovoljno velike sanitarneprostorije, sa tekućom vodom. Isti raspored je takođe ina gornjem spratu. Pošto nam je takav raspored odgovaraozadržali smo ga.Dobili smo ogromnu zgradu koja je bila u žalosnomstanju, jer je vojska ostavila za sobom zdanje u derutnomstanju, a kasnije su u nju bile useljene izbeglice.Za tu namenu, prostorije su bile prilagođene takošto su podeljene montažnim pregradnim zidovima. Prilikomnašeg preuzimanja zgrade, pokazalo se sledećestanje: parket je bio oštećen, kao i druge podne obloge,zidovi su bili oštećeni i ispisani, električne instalacijeiščupane iz zida, svetlosna tela demontirana, u sanitarnomdelu su bile razbijene pločice i sanitarna keramika.Na prozorima su nedostajala stakla ili cela prozorskakrila, oštećena su takođe bila i vrata.Prilikom preuzimanja zgrade proverili smo krov izaključili da, zbog bure, krovni materijal od eternitnihploča na betonskom zidu predstavlja problem, jer je dotrajaoi do danas nam nije uspelo da ga u celosti saniramo,tako da ga još uvek krpimo(na žalost ponekad podmećemokofe i polivinile folije). Pregledali smo takođe ioluke, koje redovno čistimo, tako da ne prokišnjavaju, anemamo problema ni sa kanalizacijom. Zgrada se nalazina obodu zanatskog kvarta. Taj deo grada je noću napušten,tako da se s vremena na vreme srećemo sa vandalizmom.Pošto se u napuštene zgrade rado naseljavajuglodari ili insekti, pregledali smo i zatvorili sve potencijalnekanale, kroz koje bi nepozvani mogli da dođuu zgradu.Godine 1998. i 1999. pobrinuli smo se za zaštitu i fizičkubezbednost zgrade i za prve sanacione radove.Uređena je bila bliža okolina, popravljen prilaz i montiranasu ulazna vrata i gvozdene rešetke na prozorima.Na vrata je ugrađena rampa sa kliznim mehanizmom, zaunošenje većih predmeta u zgradu i premošćenje ulaznogstepeništa. Prostorije na oba sprata su bile očišćene,uklonjene su pregrade, prozori zastakljeni i popravljenisvi metalni delovi. Odstranjen je malter koji se ljuštio sazidova, zidovi omalterisani, gletovani i okrečeni. Pod jepopravljen, veće rupe popunjene, a zamenjene su i podneobloge koje su nedostajale. Parket je ishoblovan iprelakiran, nameštene su i parket-lajsne. Sva vrata supopravljena i ofarbana, a zastakljen i ofarban je gornjipojas prozora u hodniku. Ponovo su razvedene električneinstalacije, a delimično su nameštena i svetla. Takodaymost of the objects are safely stored in the centraldepot in Ajdovščina, located 35 km away by a highwayfrom the seat of the museum. When deciding about theappropriateness of the location, we came to the conclusionthat if the depots cannot be in the same building asthe collections and the museum curators – hence, theyneed to be transported – then 3 or 35 km do not make adifference. In any case, a safe transport has to be providedfor.After years of endavours, Goriški muzej was finallyable to acquire the depot site from the Ministry of Defenceat the beginning of 1998. The building was part ofthe complex of the Srečko Kosovel army barracks of theformer Jugoslav national army (JNA), which at that timewere undergoing changes in ownership and purpose.The building has a big parking and is generally wellaccessed. It is 59 metres by 17 metres in size. It has ahigh ground floor, an upper floor and an attic. Eachfloor has approximately 860 sq. m of usable space,which is divided into two parts. In the first part there isa staircase and some smaller rooms, whereas the other,bigger part consists of a long corridor, with relativelybig rooms opening on each side (approx. 40 sq. m in size).At the end of the corridor, there are amenities withwarm water (washroom). The same room order can befound in the upper floor. Since we were satisfied withsuch a room disposition, we decided not to change it.At the time the huge building was turned over to themuseum it was in a gloomy state. The army left a havocafter its departure and later on refugees were settled inthe building. Therefore the rooms were adapted for livingand were partitioned with mounted walls. The initialsituation was as follows: damaged parquett and otherflooring, walls were damaged and written all over,the electrical wiring was grubbed up out of the wall, thelights were removed, the amenities had broken tiles andappliances. Window panes and in some cases casementswere missing from the windows and even the doors weredamaged.We also checked the status of the roof where we discoveredpossible problems with the etrnite plates on theconcrete roof in case of a stronger wind (bora). The platesare old and until today we did not succeed to fullyrenovate the roof though we continually patch it up(and unfortunately sometimes use buckets and nylons aswell). We checked the gutters which are now regularlycleaned so that they do not wet and there are no problemswith the sewage. The building is situated at theedge of the industrial part of the town. This area is desertedby night so there were instances of vanadalismfrom time to time. Empty buildings can host differentrodents and insects therefore we checked and closed allpossible channels where these could access the building.In the years 1998 and 1999 we firstly provided forthe protection and physical security of the building andcommenced with the first reparation works. The outsideof the building was put in order and the access road repaired.The entrance door was mounted as well as theiron grids on the windows. On one side of the front doora ramp with a towing mechanism was set up that nowserves for the introduction of larger objects into the buildingand for bridging the entrance staircase. The roomsin both floors were cleaned, the partition walls were removed,the windows were glazed and the casements repaired.The roughcast that was falling off was removedand the walls consequently mortared, luted and repainted(whitewashed). The pavements were also fixed – largerholes were filled up and the missing floors were replaced.The parquett was wheted and varnished andfurnished with borders. The doors were fixed and repa-89

Zgrada za depoe Goriškog muzeja u AjdovščiniThe Building of the Goriški muzej depots in AjdovščinaSvaki sprat ima oko 860 m˛ korisne površine, koja je podeljenaotprilike na dva dela. U prvom delu je stepeništei nekoliko manjih prostorija, drugi, veći deo predstavljadugačak hodnik, od koga se na obe strane otvarajurelativno velike bočne prostorije (većinom imaju površinuoko 40 m˛). Na kraju su dovoljno velike sanitarneprostorije, sa tekućom vodom. Isti raspored je takođe ina gornjem spratu. Pošto nam je takav raspored odgovaraozadržali smo ga.Dobili smo ogromnu zgradu koja je bila u žalosnomstanju, jer je vojska ostavila za sobom zdanje u derutnomstanju, a kasnije su u nju bile useljene izbeglice.Za tu namenu, prostorije su bile prilagođene takošto su podeljene montažnim pregradnim zidovima. Prilikomnašeg preuzimanja zgrade, pokazalo se sledećestanje: parket je bio oštećen, kao i druge podne obloge,zidovi su bili oštećeni i ispisani, električne instalacijeiščupane iz zida, svetlosna tela demontirana, u sanitarnomdelu su bile razbijene pločice i sanitarna keramika.Na prozorima su nedostajala stakla ili cela prozorskakrila, oštećena su takođe bila i vrata.Prilikom preuzimanja zgrade proverili smo krov izaključili da, zbog bure, krovni materijal od eternitnihploča na betonskom zidu predstavlja problem, jer je dotrajaoi do danas nam nije uspelo da ga u celosti saniramo,tako da ga još uvek krpimo(na žalost ponekad podmećemokofe i polivinile folije). Pregledali smo takođe ioluke, koje redovno čistimo, tako da ne prokišnjavaju, anemamo problema ni sa kanalizacijom. Zgrada se nalazina obodu zanatskog kvarta. Taj deo grada je noću napušten,tako da se s vremena na vreme srećemo sa vandalizmom.Pošto se u napuštene zgrade rado naseljavajuglodari ili insekti, pregledali smo i zatvorili sve potencijalnekanale, kroz koje bi nepozvani mogli da dođuu zgradu.Godine 1998. i 1999. pobrinuli smo se za zaštitu i fizičkubezbednost zgrade i za prve sanacione radove.Uređena je bila bliža okolina, popravljen prilaz i montiranasu ulazna vrata i gvozdene rešetke na prozorima.Na vrata je ugrađena rampa sa kliznim mehanizmom, zaunošenje većih predmeta u zgradu i premošćenje ulaznogstepeništa. Prostorije na oba sprata su bile očišćene,uklonjene su pregrade, prozori zastakljeni i popravljenisvi metalni delovi. Odstranjen je malter koji se ljuštio sazidova, zidovi omalterisani, gletovani i okrečeni. Pod jepopravljen, veće rupe popunjene, a zamenjene su i podneobloge koje su nedostajale. Parket je ishoblovan iprelakiran, nameštene su i parket-lajsne. Sva vrata supopravljena i ofarbana, a zastakljen i ofarban je gornjipojas prozora u hodniku. Ponovo su razvedene električneinstalacije, a delimično su nameštena i svetla. Takodaymost of the objects are safely stored in the centraldepot in Ajdovščina, located 35 km away by a highwayfrom the seat of the museum. When deciding about theappropriateness of the location, we came to the conclusionthat if the depots cannot be in the same building asthe collections and the museum curators – hence, theyneed to be transported – then 3 or 35 km do not make adifference. In any case, a safe transport has to be provided<strong>for</strong>.After years of endavours, Goriški muzej was finallyable to acquire the depot site from the Ministry of Defenceat the beginning of 1998. The building was part ofthe complex of the Srečko Kosovel army barracks of the<strong>for</strong>mer Jugoslav <strong>national</strong> army (JNA), which at that timewere undergoing changes in ownership and purpose.The building has a big parking and is generally wellaccessed. It is 59 metres by 17 metres in size. It has ahigh ground floor, an upper floor and an attic. Eachfloor has approximately 860 sq. m of usable space,which is divided into two parts. In the first part there isa staircase and some smaller rooms, whereas the other,bigger part consists of a long corridor, with relativelybig rooms opening on each side (approx. 40 sq. m in size).At the end of the corridor, there are amenities withwarm water (washroom). The same room order can befound in the upper floor. Since we were satisfied withsuch a room disposition, we decided not to change it.At the time the huge building was turned over to themuseum it was in a gloomy state. The army left a havocafter its departure and later on refugees were settled inthe building. There<strong>for</strong>e the rooms were adapted <strong>for</strong> livingand were partitioned with mounted walls. The initialsituation was as follows: damaged parquett and otherflooring, walls were damaged and written all over,the electrical wiring was grubbed up out of the wall, thelights were removed, the amenities had broken tiles andappliances. Window panes and in some cases casementswere missing from the windows and even the doors weredamaged.We also checked the status of the roof where we discoveredpossible problems with the etrnite plates on theconcrete roof in case of a stronger wind (bora). The platesare old and until today we did not succeed to fullyrenovate the roof though we continually patch it up(and un<strong>for</strong>tunately sometimes use buckets and nylons aswell). We checked the gutters which are now regularlycleaned so that they do not wet and there are no problemswith the sewage. The building is situated at theedge of the industrial part of the town. This area is desertedby night so there were instances of vanadalismfrom time to time. Empty buildings can host differentrodents and insects there<strong>for</strong>e we checked and closed allpossible channels where these could access the building.In the years 1998 and 1999 we firstly provided <strong>for</strong>the protection and physical security of the building andcommenced with the first reparation works. The outsideof the building was put in order and the access road repaired.The entrance door was mounted as well as theiron grids on the windows. On one side of the front doora ramp with a towing mechanism was set up that nowserves <strong>for</strong> the introduction of larger objects into the buildingand <strong>for</strong> bridging the entrance staircase. The roomsin both floors were cleaned, the partition walls were removed,the windows were glazed and the casements repaired.The roughcast that was falling off was removedand the walls consequently mortared, luted and repainted(whitewashed). The pavements were also fixed – largerholes were filled up and the missing floors were replaced.The parquett was wheted and varnished andfurnished with borders. The doors were fixed and repa-89

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