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Slika 4 Bojenci - centralni trgFig. 4 Bojentsi - the central placeSlika 5 Bojenci - kafanaFig.5 Bojentsi- a tavernno nepokretno kulturno dobro. Prema njemu…nepokretnadobra, koja sadrže autentične materijalne dokazeljudskog postojanja i aktivnosti, zajedno sa okruženjemi sa svim pokretnim dobrima u tom okruženju proglašavajuse za izuzetna dobra nepokretnog kulturno-istorijskognasleđa (član 2)Postupak proglašenja uključuje četiri faze: 1) identifikacija,2) proglašenje, 3) konačna komplesna evaluacijai 4) potvrđivanje, publikovanje i registracija. Identifikacijapodrazumeva sistematski terenski rad i istraživanje,naučne ekspedicije, vazdušna i podmorska istraživanjai druge nedestruktivne metode. Pošto se nepokretnokulturno dobro identifikuje, mora se i proglasiti istavlja se pod prethodnu zaštitu, dok se sve činjenice neutvrde. Tada je neophodna stručna procena njegove autentičnostii stepena očuvanosti kulturnog dobra, njegovanaučna i estetska vrednost, interakcija sa okruženjemi sa društvom. Konačni predlog na stavljanje nalistu kulturnih dobara priprema Ministarstvo kulture, aodobrava ga Savet ministara, zatim se odluka objavljujeu Službenom listu, a sertifikat izdaje Nacionalni institutza spomenike kulture, kojim se potvrđuje da je lokalitetpod zaštitom države. Na taj način je i selo Bojanciproglašeno za istorijski i arheološki rezervat.Bojenci bi trebalo da predstavljaju važnu turističkuatrakciju Centralne Bugarske, ali nažalost, većina turističkihprograma ga izostavlja. Broj posetilaca je gotovoisti svake godine, tj. oko 19.000 i u ovom momentu nemaogućnosti da se njihov broj poveća, što donosi velike šteteselu i seljanima, posebno zbog očajničke potrebe safinansijskim sredstvima celog rezervata 10 .Jedini izvor prihoda za ljude koji tamo žive potiče odulaznica za muzeje i od turista koji posećuju prodavnice,kafiće, gostionice ili noće u selu. Kako kaže Svetla8410 In<strong>for</strong>macija – Svetlana Dimitrova, administrator i vodič u rezervatuBojenci, intervju – 15.04.2004. Ministarstva kulturewithout the approval of the Institute.Five of the houses in the reserve are museums 9 andthere is a monastery school and church. The other housesrepresent a library, wax workshop, inns, several tavernsand a sweet shop where old sweet production techniquescan be seen. This complex is preserved in its entirety andaccording to Bulgarian legislation it must stay as it is.The procedure of pronouncing a site as historicaland architectural reserve is complicated and describedin regulations No 5 from 1998 (which abrogate the previousregulations No 5 from 1969) and No 6 from 1979of the Ministry of culture. Regulations No 5 describesthe procedure to follow to declare a site an immovablemasterpiece of culture. According to it…immovable property, comprising authentic materialevidences of human existence and activities togetherwith their environment and all the movable valuables inthis environment shall be pronounced as immovablecultural-historical heritage (Art. 2)According to the procedure the way to declare a sitean immovable masterpiece of culture includes foursteps: 1) identification, 2) declaration, 3) final complexvaluation and 4) confirmation, publication and registration.Identification is made by systematic field work andresearch, by scientific expeditions, aero and submarinestudy and other non-destructive methods. Once the immovablecultural masterpiece identified it has to be declaredas such and is put under temporary protectionuntil all its features are well defined. Then an expert valuationis needed to determine the authenticity and degreeof preservation of the immovable cultural masterpiece,its scientific and aesthetic value, its interactionwith the environment and interaction with society. Thefinal proposal <strong>for</strong> inclusion in the list with culturalmasterpieces is made by the Minister of Culture and approvedby the Council of Ministers, the decision is thenpublished in the State Gazette and a certificate is issuedby the National Institute <strong>for</strong> Cultural Monuments thatthe site or the monument is protected by the State. Thisis the way which had been followed to declare the villageof Bojentsi historical and archaeological reserve.Bojentsi should be one of the major tourist attractionsin Central Bulgaria but un<strong>for</strong>tunately it is not partof most tourist itineraries. The number of visitors is almostthe same every year, i.e. about 19 000 with no possibilities<strong>for</strong> increase at this stage and this is disastrous<strong>for</strong> the village and its inhabitants, especially as thewhole reserve is in desperate need of money <strong>for</strong> maintenance10 . The only source of revenue <strong>for</strong> the people livingthere is the entrance fees <strong>for</strong> the museums and the tourists,who are able to visit the different shops, cafes, tavernsor just stay in the night at the inn. According toSvetla Dimitrova, administrator and guide in the village,Bojentsi has problems originating from the locationof the village itself. The idea when creating the village,according to the above mentioned legend, is that it wasinaccessible <strong>for</strong> enemies. Today there are 8 kilometers ofsharp turns in the road to it from the previous villageand it is the only way to reach the settlement. The interestof the tour operators to bring <strong>for</strong>eign tourist, whichare only about 800-900 a year (out of 19 000), is not great.When they organize tours they usually do not choseBojentsi because of its inaccessibility but prefer theEtara open – air museum which is very easily accessible.On the other hand according to Mrs. Dimitrova this ismaybe the reason why the village is so well preserved in9 Topalov house, Granny Raina’s House, Priest Doncho’s house,Ganka Kadieva’s House, Tsana Mihova’s House10 In<strong>for</strong>mation - Svetla Dimitrova, administrator and guide inBojentsi reserve, interview – 15.04.2004

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