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Jovanovića “Borba petlova”, koja ukazuje na važnostobičaja i tradicije za inspiraciju u umetnosti. Nakonpriče o slici i prizoru koji je na njoj prikazan, deca supozvana da kao poklon Galeriji nacrtaju svoje viđenjescene borbe petlova. Uz asistenciju slikara iz konzervatorskogodeljenja i svojih vaspitača, deca su stvarala uambijentu Galerije, pred delom Paje Jovanovića, a najboljiradovi su nagrađeni.Osim ovih samostalnih programa vezanih za obeležavanjesvetskog Dana muzeja, bili smo domaćini završnihdruženja dečijeg časopisa “Maštalica”, koji tesno sarađujesa predškolskim ustanovama u Novom Sadu. Tokomovih svečanosti upoznavali smo decu sa različitimsegmentima rada Galerije i omogućili im da prikažusvoje radove uz druženje.Učenje u muzeju ima prednosti nad učenjem istoggradiva u učionici, jer je ne<strong>for</strong>malnije, podstiče motivacijui usmerava na bitno u toj oblasti, a stručna tumačenjaposvećena eksponatima upotpunjuju opšte obrazovanjei podstiču proces memorisanja.Pozitivna iskustva ovih probnih projekata učvrstilasu nas u uverenju da edukativnom radu posvetimo značajnomesto u Strateškom planu 2004-2008. godine. Zauspešnu realizaciju ovih programa potrebno je imatiedukovan kadar, koji se može dobiti bilo popunjavanjemunutrašnje strukture zaposlenih pedagozima, bilo edukacijomzaposlenih koji su pokazali interes i entuzijazamza ovakve aktivnosti, kao i uspostavljanjem partnerskogodnosa sa drugim institucijama koje se baveobrazovanjem. Prvi kontakti napravljeni su sa Katedromza pedagogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerzitetau Novom Sadu, koja je pokazala izuzetno interesovanjeza saradnju na realizaciji seminarskih i diplomskih radovastudenata pedagogije.Drugi segment edukativnih aktivnosti u Galeriji74the intangible cultural heritage. Paja Jovanovich’s painting‘Cock fight’ was selected because of its representationof the significance of customs and tradition in inspiringart. After the story about the painting and thescene represented, the children were asked to draw theirown impression of the scene of a cockfight as their giftto the Gallery. With the assistance of the painters fromthe <strong>department</strong> of <strong>conservation</strong> and their teachers, thechildren were creating in the halls of the Gallery, infront of Jovanovich’s masterpiece and, afterwards, thebest works were rewarded.Beside these independent programs on the occasionof The Museums Day, the Gallery of Matica srpska hostedthe final gatherings of the ‘Mastalica’ children magazine,cooperating closely with several kindergartensof Novi Sad. During these occasions we were introducingthe children the various segments of Gallery’s activitiesand gave them and opportunity to present theircreations.Teaching in a museum has its advantages to teachingthe same subject in the classroom, as it is less <strong>for</strong>mal,encourages motivation and focuses on the important issueswithin the subject, while experts’ interpretations ofthe exhibits fill the empty spaces in general educationand encourage the process of memorizing.Positive effects of these test projects strengthenedour beliefs that the educational work should play an importantrole in the 2004-2008. Strategic plan. In order tosuccessfully realize these programs it is necessary to havean educated personnel, which can be <strong>for</strong>med eitherby complementing the inner structure of employed witheducators, or by educating employees that already showedinterest and enthusiasm <strong>for</strong> this kind of activities,as well as by making partnerships with other educationalinstitutions.The first contact was made with the Pedagogy <strong>department</strong>of Philosophical faculty at the University ofNovi Sad, which showed a great interest in cooperationand realization of seminar papers and final essays of pedagogystudents.The other part of educational activities in the Galleryof Matica Srpska is related to the continuous professionaleducation of the personnel. In the last 15 years,only a small number of curators had the opportunityprofessional visits to <strong>for</strong>eign institutions or professionaltraining, while during the same period the museum activitiesexpanded, thus creating a need <strong>for</strong> wider knowledgeand new skills.In the year 2003 and 2004, Gallery of Matica Srpskaused every opportunity, its financial resources meant <strong>for</strong>that purpose not being extensive, to organize and enablethe employees to modernize their knowledge throughorganizing and participating in professional seminarsand attending lectures.The employees of the Gallery thus participated inmany seminars organized in Belgrade: a series of lecturesand workshops within the project of aid to museumsorganized by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic ofSerbia and Italian Embassy, seminar entitled ‘The situationand tendencies in packing the works of art’ organizedby the National museum,Yugoslavian agency of authorsand Kunsttrans, ‘Management and marketing inmuseums’ at the University of Arts in Belgrade, ‘Fireprotection’ organized by ICOM National Committee,‘Safety in museums’ organized by the Association ofmuseums of Serbia, ‘Management in museums’ organizedby the Ministry of Culture and American Embassy.In the year 2003 a seminar on management in museumswas organized in the Gallery of Matica Srpska, <strong>for</strong>the museum employees in Vojvodina. It was entitled

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