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opasnost od požara. Svaki muzej treba da ima odgovarajućuopremu za dojavu požara.Planiranje muzeja ne podrazumeva samo poznavanjetrenutne potrebe muzejskih institucija, već i vizionarskehipoteze o budućim potrebama. Moraju se pretpostavitii buduće potrebe društva, kao i budući načiniispunjavanja tih potreba.Da bi planiranje bilo uspešno moraju se koristiti sviizvori saznanja, koji izražavaju potrebe i težnje društva.- Radovi stručnjaka, njihovi stavovi, debate i ostalo- Ankete, kojima se ispituju posetioci muzeja, ali ijavno mnjenje.- Statistički podaci- Studije o životu (zaposlenost, slobodno vreme, aktivnosti...)Saradnja muzeja sa drugim institucijamaPostoji više vrsta institucija sa kojima muzej možeda ima veze, koje doprinose njegovom planiranju i razvoju:- Vlade, na svim nivoima- Fondacije- Naučne institucije- Drugi muzeji, i muzejske asocijacije- Specijalne organizacije (istorijske, naučne, arheološke,itd. )- Turističke organizacije- Školske i prosvetne organizacije- Privatni sektorSaradnja muzeja sa navedenim institucijama je veomavažna. Muzeji su u obavezi da održavaju veoma čvrsteveze sa turističkim organizacijama, jer su upravo onivitalni deo jedne od najvećih svetskih industrija - turizma.Muzeji su ustanove u kojima se kultura predstavljajavnosti i populariše. Danas su, nažalost, masovni medijiti koji utiču na formiranje kulturnih potreba. Dužnostmuzeja je da deluje na razvijanje kulturnih potreba udruštvu i estetskog osećaja. Zato muzej mora da osmisliprogram koji će ga učiniti atraktivnim i interesantnimza široki krug posetilaca. Ni jedno značajnijepredstavljanje sa svim pratećim manifestacijama, o bilokom vidu umetnosti da je reč, bez obzira na poreklo i sadržaj,ne može biti lišeno menadžersko-markentiškihaktivnosti i zahteva profiterske logike.Muzeji moraju da ostvaruju saradnju sa svimsredstvima javnog informisanja(televizijama, štampom, radio stanicama, internetom...),čime će se omogućiti dostupnost svim slojevimastanovništva. Muzej će se sa uspehom osnovati isključivoako se za prikupljanje i čuvanje kolekcije angažuješto širi krug ljudi koji žive i rade u tom kraju, ljudi kojipoznaju kraj i onih koji makar i najmanje mogu pomoćirealizaciju te ideje. Pored inicijativnog odbora muzejavažno je da sve relevantne organizacije i organi vlastina toj teritoriji posvete pažnju pitanju osnivanja muzeja,čime će najbolje pomoći toj važnoj kulturnoj institucijiu nastajanju. Zatim, potrebno je preko lokalnihmedija razviti diskusiju, postavljati pitanja i rešavatiprobleme muzeja, pisati o tome gde se šta može naći, štobi moglo da dođe u obzir za muzej, itd.Muzeji su kao i ljudi, imaju individualne odlike, zaviseod kolekcije, i od zgrade i od mnogo čega još. Muzejimogu da budu mnogo više od interpretacije materijalakoji izlažu. Oni mogu da budu rezervoari velikesvetlosti i lepote, indikatori ličnog i kolektivnog identiteta,mogu da stimulišu maštu i um, mogu da budu žižasocijalnih i umetničkih događaja, mogu da budu, onomeko to želi, sve.72Electrical utilities should be adequately installed andregularly checked in order to diminish fire threat. Everymuseum should have and adequate fire-alarm system.Planning of a museum refers not only to understandingcurrent needs of museum institutions, but also havingvision of their future needs. Future needs of societyshould also be presupposed, as well as future ways ofsatisfying these needs.In order to conduct successful planning, all the sourcesof knowledge, expressing needs and aspiration ofsociety, should be used:- Works of experts, their attitudes, debates, etc.- Questionnaires for visitors and the public- Statistics- Life studies (employment, leisure, activities...)Partnership with other museumsThere are several types of institutions that museumcan collaborate with and that can contribute to its planningand development:- Governments and authorities on all levels- Foundations- Scientific institutions- Other museums and museum associations- Special organisations (historicl, scientific, archeological,etc)- Tour operators- Schools and educative organisations- Private sectorCollaboration between a museum and mentioned institutionsis highly important. Museums should establishgood connections with tour operators, since they make avital part of one of the largest industries – tourism.Museums are institutions were culture is presentedto the public and popularized. Unfortunately, today themedia are the ones that influence creation of culturalneeds. Museum’s task is to create cultural needs in a societyand its aesthetic sense.Therefore, museums have todesign programs that would make them attractive andinteresting to a wide range of visitors. No importantpresentation, with additional manifestations, no matterwhich type of creativity it refers to and what is its originand content, can be deprived of management andmarketing activities and profit-making logics.Museums have to collaborate with all the media (television,press, radio-stations, Internet...) to provideaccess to every level of population. Museum will be successfullyestablished only if the individuals involved incollecting and safeguarding of collections belong to awider group of people living and working in the region,being familiar with it and being able to give at least thesmallest contribution to the realization of the idea.Apart from initiative board of a museum, it is of greatimportance that every relevant organisation and levelsof authority in the region pay the attention to establishingof a museum, and in that way help this establishingcultural institution the best they can. Further, it isnecessary to start discussions through local media, askquestions and solve problems of museums, write aboutwhat can be found where, what could be taken into considerationfor a museum, and so on.Museums are like people, they have their individualcharacteristics, they depend on collections, on a building,on many other things.They can be much more than interpretationof objects they display. They can be sources ofgreat light and beauty, indicators of personal and collectiveidentity, they can stimulate imagination and mind,they can be a focal point of social and artistic events, theycan be everything to the ones that want that.

Danijela Korolija – Crkvenjakov i Tijana Palkovljević,Matica Srpska, Novi SadMuzej kaoedukativni centarAktivnosti realizovane u Galeriji Matice srpske uNovom Sadu, tokom 2003. i 2004. godineJedan od osnovnih zadataka muzeja, kao institucije uslužbi društva, je komunikacija sa publikom, ali iedukacija publike, što je istaknuto i u ICOM-ovoj definicijimuzeja.U dugoj istoriji muzeja, edukativni faktor je dobiona značaju tek kada su privatne, vladarske i crkvene kolekcijeprerasle u javno dobro, tačnije u nacionalne muzeje.Otvaranje muzejskih kolekcija za javnost i publikupostavilo je pred muzeje novi zadatak: da aktivno komunicirajusa posetiocima, da pruže informaciju i dauzmu učešća u procesu obrazovanja. Još je, svojevremeno,1922. godine, Žan Kapar (Jean Capart) pisao o dvostrukojfunkciji muzeja: naučnoj i okrenutoj “premaunutra” i komunikacijskoj ili okrenutoj “prema spolja”.Koliki značaj se pridaje edukativnoj ulozi muzejanaglašeno je i činjenicom da je CECA, Komitet za edukacijui kulturnu akciju, jedan od najvećih komitetaICOM-a.U eri masovnih medija, kompjuterske komunikacijei brzog tempa života, muzeji moraju da se prilagode, daprivuku posetioce atraktivnim programima i da izboresvoje mesto kao centri edukacije. Pri tome ne treba zaboravitida ne postoji medij ili nova tehnologija, kojamože da zameni i nadmaši ono što muzeje čini jedinstvenim- direktni kontakt sa eksponatom. Modernatehnologija nije konkurent muzejskim edukatorima,već instrument koji može da unapredi i poboljša edukativneprograme muzeja.U toku izrade Strateškog plana Galerije Matice srpskei napora da se uvedu savremeni metodi rada, posebnapažnja posvećena je edukativnim aktivnostima. Onesu bile postavljene u dve osnovne kategorije: rad organizovanprema spoljnim korisnicima, publici, i rad kojije organizovan “prema unutra”, usmeren na profesionalnuedukaciju samih zaposlenih muzealaca.Treba napomenuti da Galerija Matice srpske nemaposebno edukativno odeljenje, sa kadrovima specijalizovanimza ovaj vid aktivnosti, već po sistematizacijiima samo mesto kustosa-pedagoga, istoričara umetnosti.Svesni značaja ovakvih programa, u protekle dve godinezapočeli smo realizaciju pilot projekata sa decompredškolskog i nižeg školskog uzrasta, sopstvenim snagama,oslanjajući se na saradnike i njihov entuzijazam iiskustvo stečeno na studijskim boravcima u inostranstvu.Tokom 2003. godine, povodom Svetskog dana muzejaposvećenog temi Muzeji i građenje prijateljstva, realizovanje program namenjen najmlađima, jer se upravona tom uzrasti pridobijaju budući prijatelji Galerije.Izabrane su četiri poznate slike iz fonda Galerije Maticesrpske i po jedna grupa dece je upoznata sa po jednimdelom. Uz priču o određenoj slici upoznali su se saosnovnim funkcijama i zadacima muzeja. Zatim su decasa svojim vaspitačicama i učiteljicama angažovanaoko teme viđenih slika, a njihove kreacije (likovne radove,pesmice, igre) su izložene u Galeriji.Tokom 2004. godine ponovo je realizovan programpovodom Svetskog dana muzeja, ovaj put posvećen nematerijalnojkulturnoj baštini. Odabrana je slika PajeDanijela Korolija-Crkvenjakov i Tijana Palkovljević,Matica Srpska, Novi SadMuseum as aneducational centreActivities realized during the year 2003 and 2004in the GMS in Novi SadOne of the primary goals of a museum, being an institutionin community service, is communicationwith the public, but also education of the public, whichis pointed out in ICOM’s definition of museums.The educational factor of museums was acknowledgednot before the private, royal and clerical collectionsbecame public property, more precisely when they becamenational museums. Opening museum collections forthe public set a new task for museums: an active communicationwith the visitors, information and the participationin the educational processes. 1922. Jean Capartwrote about two functions of museums- scientific or introvertedone and communicational or extroverted one.The importance of educational role of museums isaccentuated by the fact that CECA (Committee for Educationand Cultural Action) is one of the most prominentcommittees of ICOM.In the era of mass media, computerized communicationand fast living, museums have to adjust, to lure visitorswith attractive programs and to fight for their rolesas educational centres. In doing so, the thing thatmakes museums unique and irreplaceable by any mediumor technological achievement must not be forgotten- direct contact with an exhibit. Modern technology isnot an adversary to museum educators, but an instrumentthat can improve educational programs of a museum.During the work on the Strategic plan for the Galleryof Matica Srpska and the efforts to introduce modernworking methods, educational activities were given specialattention. These activities were divided into two basiccategories: the work organized for outer users, thepublic, and the work organized for professional educationof the museum employees themselves.It has to be pointed out that the Gallery of MaticaSrpska does not include a specific educational departmentwith experts specialized in this field, but only aposition of curator-pedagogue, an art historian. Beingaware of the importance of these programs, in the pasttwo years we have initiated the realization of pilot programswith children from kindergartens and first gradesof elementary schools, with our own resources, relyingon our associates, their enthusiasm, as well as on theexperience gained during professional visits abroad.In the year 2003, on the occasion of The MuseumsDay dedicated to the topic entitled ‘Museums and buildingfriendship’, a program intended for the youngestwas realized, because the youngest are the most eligibleto become friends of the Gallery. Four famous paintingswere selected and each painting was presented to one ofthe groups of children. Along with a story about a certainpainting, the children were also introduced thefunctions and the tasks of museums. Later, the children,with the help from their nurses and teachers, were animatedwith the subject of the paintings and their creations(paintings, poems and songs, games) were exhibitedin the Gallery.In the year 2004, a program on the occasion of TheMuseums Day was realized again, this time dedicated to73

Danijela Korolija – Crkvenjakov i Tijana Palkovljević,Matica Srpska, Novi SadMuzej kaoedukativni centarAktivnosti realizovane u Galeriji Matice srpske uNovom Sadu, tokom 2003. i 2004. godineJedan od osnovnih zadataka muzeja, kao institucije uslužbi društva, je komunikacija sa publikom, ali iedukacija publike, što je istaknuto i u ICOM-ovoj definicijimuzeja.U dugoj istoriji muzeja, edukativni faktor je dobiona značaju tek kada su privatne, vladarske i crkvene kolekcijeprerasle u javno dobro, tačnije u nacionalne muzeje.Otvaranje muzejskih kolekcija za javnost i publikupostavilo je pred muzeje novi zadatak: da aktivno komunicirajusa posetiocima, da pruže in<strong>for</strong>maciju i dauzmu učešća u procesu obrazovanja. Još je, svojevremeno,1922. godine, Žan Kapar (Jean Capart) pisao o dvostrukojfunkciji muzeja: naučnoj i okrenutoj “premaunutra” i komunikacijskoj ili okrenutoj “prema spolja”.Koliki značaj se pridaje edukativnoj ulozi muzejanaglašeno je i činjenicom da je CECA, Komitet za edukacijui kulturnu akciju, jedan od najvećih komitetaICOM-a.U eri masovnih medija, kompjuterske komunikacijei brzog tempa života, muzeji moraju da se prilagode, daprivuku posetioce atraktivnim programima i da izboresvoje mesto kao centri edukacije. Pri tome ne treba zaboravitida ne postoji medij ili nova tehnologija, kojamože da zameni i nadmaši ono što muzeje čini jedinstvenim- direktni kontakt sa eksponatom. Modernatehnologija nije konkurent muzejskim edukatorima,već instrument koji može da unapredi i poboljša edukativneprograme muzeja.U toku izrade Strateškog plana Galerije Matice srpskei napora da se uvedu savremeni metodi rada, posebnapažnja posvećena je edukativnim aktivnostima. Onesu bile postavljene u dve osnovne kategorije: rad organizovanprema spoljnim korisnicima, publici, i rad kojije organizovan “prema unutra”, usmeren na profesionalnuedukaciju samih zaposlenih muzealaca.Treba napomenuti da Galerija Matice srpske nemaposebno edukativno odeljenje, sa kadrovima specijalizovanimza ovaj vid aktivnosti, već po sistematizacijiima samo mesto kustosa-pedagoga, istoričara umetnosti.Svesni značaja ovakvih programa, u protekle dve godinezapočeli smo realizaciju pilot projekata sa decompredškolskog i nižeg školskog uzrasta, sopstvenim snagama,oslanjajući se na saradnike i njihov entuzijazam iiskustvo stečeno na studijskim boravcima u inostranstvu.Tokom 2003. godine, povodom Svetskog dana muzejaposvećenog temi Muzeji i građenje prijateljstva, realizovanje program namenjen najmlađima, jer se upravona tom uzrasti pridobijaju budući prijatelji Galerije.Izabrane su četiri poznate slike iz fonda Galerije Maticesrpske i po jedna grupa dece je upoznata sa po jednimdelom. Uz priču o određenoj slici upoznali su se saosnovnim funkcijama i zadacima muzeja. Zatim su decasa svojim vaspitačicama i učiteljicama angažovanaoko teme viđenih slika, a njihove kreacije (likovne radove,pesmice, igre) su izložene u Galeriji.Tokom 2004. godine ponovo je realizovan programpovodom Svetskog dana muzeja, ovaj put posvećen nematerijalnojkulturnoj baštini. Odabrana je slika PajeDanijela Korolija-Crkvenjakov i Tijana Palkovljević,Matica Srpska, Novi SadMuseum as aneducational centreActivities realized during the year 2003 and 2004in the GMS in Novi SadOne of the primary goals of a museum, being an institutionin community service, is communicationwith the public, but also education of the public, whichis pointed out in ICOM’s definition of museums.The educational factor of museums was acknowledgednot be<strong>for</strong>e the private, royal and clerical collectionsbecame public property, more precisely when they became<strong>national</strong> museums. Opening museum collections <strong>for</strong>the public set a new task <strong>for</strong> museums: an active communicationwith the visitors, in<strong>for</strong>mation and the participationin the educational processes. 1922. Jean Capartwrote about two functions of museums- scientific or introvertedone and communicational or extroverted one.The importance of educational role of museums isaccentuated by the fact that CECA (Committee <strong>for</strong> Educationand Cultural Action) is one of the most prominentcommittees of ICOM.In the era of mass media, computerized communicationand fast living, museums have to adjust, to lure visitorswith attractive programs and to fight <strong>for</strong> their rolesas educational centres. In doing so, the thing thatmakes museums unique and irreplaceable by any mediumor technological achievement must not be <strong>for</strong>gotten- direct contact with an exhibit. Modern technology isnot an adversary to museum educators, but an instrumentthat can improve educational programs of a museum.During the work on the Strategic plan <strong>for</strong> the Galleryof Matica Srpska and the ef<strong>for</strong>ts to introduce modernworking methods, educational activities were given specialattention. These activities were divided into two basiccategories: the work organized <strong>for</strong> outer users, thepublic, and the work organized <strong>for</strong> professional educationof the museum employees themselves.It has to be pointed out that the Gallery of MaticaSrpska does not include a specific educational <strong>department</strong>with experts specialized in this field, but only aposition of curator-pedagogue, an art historian. Beingaware of the importance of these programs, in the pasttwo years we have initiated the realization of pilot programswith children from kindergartens and first gradesof elementary schools, with our own resources, relyingon our associates, their enthusiasm, as well as on theexperience gained during professional visits abroad.In the year 2003, on the occasion of The MuseumsDay dedicated to the topic entitled ‘Museums and buildingfriendship’, a program intended <strong>for</strong> the youngestwas realized, because the youngest are the most eligibleto become friends of the Gallery. Four famous paintingswere selected and each painting was presented to one ofthe groups of children. Along with a story about a certainpainting, the children were also introduced thefunctions and the tasks of museums. Later, the children,with the help from their nurses and teachers, were animatedwith the subject of the paintings and their creations(paintings, poems and songs, games) were exhibitedin the Gallery.In the year 2004, a program on the occasion of TheMuseums Day was realized again, this time dedicated to73

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