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Tu možemo dodati i osmu funkciju, koja obuhvata iizvršava prethodne funkcije.Sakupljanje je prva i možda najvažnija muzejskafunkcija. Kustos je taj koji osmišlja kolekciju. Pre negošto se počne sa obrazovanjem kolekcije veoma je važnoda kustos postavi sledeća pitanja:- O kakvoj se vrsti muzeja radi ? Da li je to jedanumetnički muzej ili je to pak prirodnjački, istorijski ilimuzej nauke i tehnologije?- Koje discipline će predstavljati muzej? Ako je to istorijskimuzej, na primer, koje specifične discipline ćebiti predstavljene u kolekciji ?- Šta će biti sastavni deo kolekcije ? Da li su to :1). artefakti2). kopije3). sprave4). uzorci5). umetnički radovi6). dokumenti7). fotografije, film8). diskete9). audio snimci- Koja je vremenska granica kolekcije ?- Da li postoji prostorna granica i kako je treba definisati?- Koji je kvalitativni standard za ulazak artefakta uzbirku ?- Koji su prioriteti pri stvaranju kriterijuma ?Takođe, pri stvaranju kolekcije, treba voditi računa o:- veličini predmeta- proveri originalnosti- dokumentu o vlasništvu- društvenoj važnosti- vrednosti dela i- reprezentativnom karakteru delaPreventivna zaštitaSa preventivnom zaštitom počinje se još u toku osnivanjamuzeja, dobro razrađenim planovima i merama.Cilj preventivne zaštite je očuvanje muzejskih dobara zabuduće generacije, a iz te osnovne funkcije proističe ineprekidna briga za muzejsku građu.Uvođenjem preventivne zaštite kao prioritetnemuzejske aktivnosti, moguće je sačuvati predmet i održatiga u nepromenjenom stanju dugi niz godina.Predmetima u muzeju ne prete samo elementarnenepogode, požar, poplave i katastrofalna ratna razaranja,tu su i svakodnevna dejstva vlage, svetlosti, promenetemperature, kao i mnogi drugi fizički i hemijski uticaji.Iz tog razloga važno je još u početku obezbeditisredstva za kupovinu opreme neophodne za bolje uslovečuvanja kulturnih dobara; istrumenata za merenjemikroklime - termohigrografa, filtera za prečišćavanje,odgovarajućih polica, ambalaža i dr. Na primer, visoketemperature omogućavaju bujanje buđi i gljivica, a naglepromene temperature dovode do promene količinevlažnosti u vazduhu. Sve to doprinosi destrukciji predmeta.Cilj planiranja je da se ti problemi još u začetkuuvide i iskorene dobrom izolacijom, nabavkom i upotrebomodgovarajuće opreme, itd. Pri planiranju treba izbegavatinabavku električnih grejalica, reflektora i sl.Muzejski planer treba da ima u vidu i druge nedaćekoje mogu da zadese muzej. Požari, zemljotresi, poplave,krađe, vandalizami nanose ogromne štete muzejima.Smeštanjem muzeja u odgovarajuće lokacije izbegavajuse vibracije, poplave i druge neželjene pojave.Električne instalacije moraju da budu propisno izvedenei da se redovno kontrolišu, čime se smanjujeCollecting is the first and probably the most importantmuseum function. Curator is the one responsible<strong>for</strong> the concept of a collection. Be<strong>for</strong>e beginning withcreation of a collection, it is very important <strong>for</strong> a curatorto pose himself following questions:What is the type of my museum? Is it an art museumor natural history museum, historical or a museum ofscience and technology?What disciplines will be presented in the museum? Ifit is a historical museum, <strong>for</strong> instance, which specificdisciplines will be presented in the collection?What will make a collection? Is it:- Artifacts- Copies- Devices- Samples- Works of art- Documents- Photographs, films- Floppy disks- Audio-recordings- What is time limit of the collection?- Is there a space limit and how to define it?- What is quality standard <strong>for</strong> artifacts to becomepart of the collection?- What are the priorities in <strong>for</strong>ming criteria?It is also necessary, in creating collection, to pay attentionto:- Size of the objects- Authenticity check- Ownership documents- Social significance- Value of objects- Representative character of objectsPreventive <strong>conservation</strong>Preventive <strong>conservation</strong> starts already with establishinga museum, through well-elaborated plans and measures.Theaim of <strong>preventive</strong> <strong>conservation</strong> is preservationof museum objects <strong>for</strong> future generations, and this basicfunction results with constant care <strong>for</strong> museum objects.By introducing <strong>preventive</strong> <strong>conservation</strong> as primarymuseum activity, it is possible to preserve an object andmaintain its unchanged condition <strong>for</strong> a long period oftime.Museum objects are threatened not only by natural disasters,fire, floods and armed conflicts, but also by everydayactivity of relative humidity, light, temperature changes,as well as many other physical and chemical factors.For this reason, it is important to provide, from thevery beginning, funding <strong>for</strong> equipment necessary <strong>for</strong>better safekeeping conditions – climate monitoring devices:termohygrographs, filters, adequate shelving, boxes,etc. For instance, high temperatures encourage developingof moulds and fungi, and sudden changes oftemperature lead to relative humidity level changes. Allthis contributes to deterioration of objects. Planningpurpose is to take into account and prevent these problemsfrom evolving at the very beginning, through isolation,use of adequate equipment, etc. At the same time,use of electric heaters, reflectors and similar devicesshould be avoided.Museum planner should have in mind some other inconveniencesthat could happen in a museum. Fire,earthquakes, floods, thefts, vandalisms can seriously damagea museum.Choosing an appropriate location <strong>for</strong> a museum, vibrations,inundations and other inconveniences can beavoided71

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