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mogućnosti; afirmisanje razvitka;vizija razvitka; sagledavanje i aktiviranjepotencijala i snaga razvitka;izbor smernica i polaženje izabranimputem; držanje kursa na linijirazvitka; ocena razvitka i korekcijavizija, stavova i izabranogputa...).Krajnja <strong>for</strong>ma kulture jesteimanje perspektive - sagledavanjeudaljenih ciljeva, stanjâ, potreba,okolnostî (imanje svesti o budućnosti;afirmisanje futurističkog usmerenjaljudi i života; sagledavanjeočekivanih pozitivnih i negativnihstrana života i budućih okolnosti;ukazivanje i pokušaj obezbeđivanjabudućih pozitivnih i izbegavanjebudućih negativnih aspekata života...).Kako što se može videti iz oblikâu kojima se pojavljuje, kulturaje put, široka staza kojom idečovek kao vrsta i pojedinac. Na tomstalnom putovanju čovek se realizujekao specifično biće, koje jeprevazišlo samo prirodne osnovesvoje egzistencije i postoji krozsvoje mnogobrojne i mnogostranekvalitete, koji su istovremeno njegoveglavne moći. Tako ga i određujui nazivaju (ističući neku njegovukarakteristiku, koju nemajudruga bića): biće saznanja, umnesvetlosti (ens rationalis); biće stradanjai samilosti (čije bitno svojstvojeste samilost, empatičnost, tj.odnošenje u duhu parole na sanskritutat tvam asi = to si ti!); bićekoje živi sa drugim ljudima, s kojimadeluje zajedno da bi unaprediozajednički život (zoon politikon);biće rada (homo faber); stvaralačkobiće (koje u sebi ima snagu i duhkreacije); biće koja stvara alatke dabi delovalo (tool-making animal);biće igre (homo ludens); bićesmeška, morala, vrednostî, vaspitanja-nege,religioznog osećanja, stida,vizija, komunikacije..., bićeumetnosti.Za celinu postojanja ovakvogČoveka kao kulturnog bića bitna jeupravo etička dimenzija života -upitnost o vrednostima i o smisluživota, izbor vrednostî, podrška ipridržavanje pozitivnih, kreativnihvrednosti (onih koje stvaraju i grade)- nasuprot negativnim, nekreativnim,destruktivnim vrednostima(koje izražavaju mržnju i vodeuništavanju). Dobro traži svoje dominantnomesto nad Zlim - i ima tomesto u životu ljudi. Individualni iistovremeno opšti put Kulture poklapase sa Etikom. U obema životnimpojavama ujedinjuju se individualnoi zajedničko. Kod obeju seradi o jedinstvu misli, namera i delasvakog čoveka i svih ljudi. Etikajeste i srž, centralna osovina kulture,ne samo zbog značenja Dobrogza čovekov opstanak i napredovanje,već i zbog prisutnosti etičkog usredištu svih oblikâ kulture. I kulturui etiku ljudi afirmišu kao neštonajvrednije i najpotrebnije, i jedna idruga ih prate u životu, obe su smisaonjihovog postojanja, i kultura ietika unapređuju čovekovu egzistenciju.Kultura je suština ljudskogživljenja, a etika je najznačajnioblik kulture i njen najviši izrazi domet.Ova dva ljudska entiteta - kulturai etika - nisu samo povezani ijednako značajni, oni se i međusobnoizražavaju i izgrađuju. Kulturaživota i čoveka označava i njihovuodgovarajuću etiku. Kultura dajeetici nivo svog dostignuća. Krozsvoju univerzalnost ona širi etikunad svim prostorima ljudskog postojanja- od života, preko važnostii razvitka saznanja, kroz domenedelovanja, preko univerzalizacijevrednovanja, sve do postavljanjaprogresa kao najznačajnije vizijeljudske egzistencije.is the evolution of man, of the life and the world (creatingthe concept of evolution and understanding its possibilities;affirmation of evolution; vision of the evolution;perception and activation of potentials and <strong>for</strong>cesof evolution; choice of guidelines and following of thechosen path; keeping the course of evolution lines; evaluationof the evolution and correction of visions, standpointsand chosen paths…).The final <strong>for</strong>m of culture is to have perspective - toenvisage distant goals, conditions, needs, circumstances(awareness about the future; affirmation of futuristicguidance of people and life; conceiving the expectedpositive and negative sides of life and of future circumstances;indication and attempts to provide future positiveand avoiding future negative aspects of life…).As the <strong>for</strong>ms of culture indicate, culture is a road, abroad way the man as species and individual walks by.During this permanent travel man becomes accomplishedas a specific being, who overcame the very naturalfoundations of his existence and exists through hismany and various qualities, which are his main powersin the same time. This is how man is determined andnamed (pointing out some of his characteristics thatother beings lack): the being of cognition, mental light(ens rationalis); being of suffering and mercy (whosecrucial quality is mercy, empathy. i.e. acting in the senseof the Sanskrit words tat tvam asi - that is you!); beingwho lives in company with other beings and improveswith them their common life (zoon politikon), workingbeing (homo faber); creative being (having the powerand spirit of creation); being producing tools in order toact (tool-making animal); playing being (homo ludens);being of smiling, morals, values, education - caring, religiousfeelings, shame, vision, communication …, being ofart.For the completeness of existence of such a man ascultural being, it is the ethical dimension of living thatis essential - questioning the values and the life's mission,choice of values, support and abiding by positive,creative values (by those that create and build) - contraryto the negative, uncreative, destructive values(expressing hate and leading to destruction).The Good issearching <strong>for</strong> dominant place over the Evil - and in thelife of people it occupies that place. Individual and occasionallygeneral road of Culture coincides with that ofthe Ethics. In both phenomena the individual and communalare united. Both express the unity of thoughts,intentions and acts of every man and of all people.Ethics does mean the core, central axis of culture, notonly <strong>for</strong> the importance of Good <strong>for</strong> the survival of manand his progress, but also <strong>for</strong> the position of the ethics ascentral to all <strong>for</strong>ms of culture. Both culture and ethicsare enhanced as something most valuable and mostneeded, both accompany people throughout their lives,both represent the essence of their existence, and bothculture and ethics enhance the man's existence. Cultureis the essence of human living and ethics is the mostimportant <strong>for</strong>m of culture and its supreme expressionand achievement.These two human entities - culture and ethics - arenot only interconnected and equally important, theymutually express and build themselves. The culture ofthe life and of the man denotes their appropriate ethics.Culture offers the level of its achievements to the ethics.It is through its universality that the culture promotesethics in all segments of human existence - from the lifeitself, through the importance and development of cognition,domains of its activities, by universalisation ofevaluation up to progress as the most important visionof human existence.7

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