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i zakonska regulativa, koji obezbeđuju doslednost uoblasti delovanja muzeja i srodnih ustanova. Pored federalnih,svaka provincija ima svoja udruženja, koja sebave lokalnim problemima i okupljaju muzeje oko zajedničkihprograma. Autor ovih redova napravila je listusa 32 vodeće asocijacije, koje deluju na kanadskomfederalnom nivou i na nivou provincije Ontario. Ciljsvake od njih je da započne i omogući dijalog, i izgrađujeosećaj pripadnosti profesiji. Svaka od njih ima svojestranice na Internetu, na kojima je moguće naći detaljanopis pojedinačnih aktivnosti kojima se one bave.Savremena kretanja u muzeološkoj profesijiŠto su doprinosi za muzeje manji, Kanadski muzejise sve više ponašaju kao samostalna preduzeća, kojapreuzimaju odgovornost za prihod i troškove. Sami pokrivajuveći deo svojih rashoda putem prodaje usluga idrugih proizvoda.Profesionalci muzealci su postali izuzetno fleksibilni.Sve je više profesionalaca «slobodnjaka», a sve manje imastalnih zaposlenja. Prema potrebi pojedinog projekta,<strong>for</strong>miraju se timovi koji okupljaju najbolje u struci, da bise, po završetku projekta, saradnici razišli. Mnogi profesionalciobezbeđuju usko specijalizovane usluge za dva iliviše muzeja. Istovremeno, u porastu je broj mlađih ljudi,koji imaju čvrstu želju da uspeju u takvoj sredini.Da bi održali korak sa najnovijim saznanjima i trendovimau profesiji, muzealci se okreću permanentnomusavršavanju, što je deo opšteg trenda neprestanog usavršavanjai obnavljanja znanja (lifelong relarning). Naraspolaganju su im veoma široke mogućnosti, poštopostoji odlična organizacija edukacije na nivou sektorapri lokalnim, provincijskim i federalnim asocijacijama iuniverzitetima.Zapaženoje da ljudi zaposleni u kanadskim muzejimaimaju jak osećaj ličnog zadovoljstva, koji proizilaziiz uverenja da daju važan doprinos stvarima od značajaza sredinu u kojoj zive i rade. Svesni su da je uspeh najednom poslu, najbolja preporuka za svaki sledeći.Muzeji imaju vrlo važnu ulogu u životu kanadskezajednice. Oni predstavljaju odraz i omogućavaju uvid upitanja i problematiku koja se tiče ljudi koji žive u neposrednojokolini muzeja, i njegovih posetilaca. Njihovauloga u privredi zemlje je opštepoznata. Oni su centarkulturnih zbivanja u svojoj zajednici.I na kraju, na sledećim web stranicama dostupno jeobilje zanimljivog i korisnog materijala:Canadian Museums Association:http://www.museums.ca/Cma1/About/AboutCMA.htmCanadian Heritage In<strong>for</strong>mation Network:http://www.chin.gc.ca/English/index.htmlOntario Museums Association:http://www.museumsontario.com/ICOM Canada:http://www.chin.gc.ca/Resources/Icom/Selection from Museums of Canada:http://www.museumsofcanada.ca/Ana Glišić, istoričar umetnosti, HolandijaDigitalni depoDigitalni depo je od 2003. godine deo stalne postavkemuzeja Boijmans van Beuningen, u Roterdamu.U tom trenutku Muzej je u svojim zbirkama posedovao161.232 predmeta, sakupljena tokom 150 godina. Muzejskifond sadrži umetnička dela od srednjeg veka do savremeneumetnosti. Koncept ovog depoa razvili su, u saradnjisa Muzejem, arhitektonski studio Kossmann Deyou will be able to find a detailed description of theirservices and activities.Some of the Current TrendsTo adjust the steady decline in government funding,museums in Canada have strived to become very entrepreneurial.They earn a considerable portion of theirfunds through sales of services and related products.The museum community has become highly mobile.There are many freelance workers. There are fewer ‘permanent’jobs. Project teams bring together the best andthe brightest in the profession, and then disband afterthe project is completed. Some museum professionalsprovide specialized services to two or more museums.Young people express a strong interest in a museum career.The museum work<strong>for</strong>ce engages in self-directed andcontinuous learning. They acquire skills and competenciesthat will help them in their career. Learning opportunitiesacross the sector are very good.People working in museums feel a strong sense ofpersonal satisfaction that they are making a contributionto projects.They hope that their success on one projectmay lead to their next work.Museums are recognized as playing a significant rolein the continuous development of their communities.They reflect and provide insight on areas of relevance toresidents and visitors. Their economic significance is recognized.They are the centre of community cultural activities.In conclusion, it will be useful to visit the followingweb sites <strong>for</strong> more in<strong>for</strong>mation:Canadian Museums Association:http://www.museums.ca/Cma1/About/AboutCMA.htmCanadian Heritage In<strong>for</strong>mation Network:http://www.chin.gc.ca/English/index.htmlOntario Museums Association:http://www.museumsontario.com/ICOM Canada:http://www.chin.gc.ca/Resources/Icom/Selection from Museums of Canada:http://www.museumsofcanada.ca/Ana Glišić, art historian, NetherlandsDigital depot of theMuseum Boijmans vanBeuningen in RotterdamSince 2003, the Digital depot has been part of thepermanent exhibition of the Museum Boijmans vanBeuningen in Rotterdam. At that time the museum had161 232 works of art in its collections, acquired in theperiod of 150 years. The collection consists of the worksof art from the Middle Ages to contemporary art. Theconcept of this depot was developed by architecturalstudio Kossman. De Jong from Amsterdam and the studioLUST from Den Haag, in cooperation with the Museum.Tejo Remy and Rene Veenhuizen designed the furniture.Digital depot is dedicated to the collector Willemvan der Vorm.The digital depot is one of the basic features of theMuseum Boijman van Beuningen in Rotterdam. It is avery spectacular and interesting way of presentation ofa collection and the accessibility of the depot to the visitors.Besides, digital depot is a unique strategy, which67

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