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- Materijali za konzervaciju keramike i stakla, restauracijuporcelana, fajansa i majolike- Materijali za uzimanje otisaka, pravljenje kalupa ikopija i replika- Sintetički materijali u konzervaciji kamena4. Ciklus o arheologiji- Putevi ćilibara kroz istoriju- Praistorijska keramika - proizvodnja i tipologija- Rimska keramika - tipologija5. Specijalistička predavanjaKao sastavni deo teorijske i praktične obuke, DIJA-NA Centar je tokom 2004. godine organizovao i specijalističkekurseve i predavanja, koja na poseban načinobrađuju pojedine i uže probleme zaštite, konzervacije,arheologije ili arheoloških predmeta, kao i neka opštijapitanja bitna za zaštitu kulturne baštine:“Upotreba Lasera u konzervaciji”, Vanja Jovanović,restaurator, Škola umetničkih zanata“Interdisciplinarnost u konzervaciji -ramanskaspektroskopija u muzeologiji i zaštiti”, Silvio Kečkeš iJelena Petrović, Fizičko-hemijski fakultet“Uzroci propadanja arheološkog stakla i metode zasprečavanje propadanja”, Sandra Dejvison, UKIC, Dejvisonstudio,Velika Britanija“Profesionalna zaštita konzervatora na radu”, PamelaVorner, Adington studio,Velika Britanija“Štetni agensi u konzervaciji”, Franc Curk, Narodnimuzej u Nišu“Rimska keramika u Evropi - proizvodnja, trgovinai kulturne veze u Evropi i na Balkanu”, Robin Sajmonds,Muzej grada Londona,Velika Britanija“Tradicionalne proizvodnje keramike u Srbiji”, VesnaSvoboda, magistar keramike“Muzeološki aspekti profesionalne etike - kultura ietika”, prof.dr Kiril Temkov, Filozofski fakultet Skoplje“Edukativni programi u Muzeju Makedonije”, SimonidaMiljković, Muzej Makedonije“Organizacija zaštite u skladu sa novim zakonodavstvomu Hrvatskoj”, Martina Blečić, Ministarstvo kultureHrvatske, Regionalni zavod za zaštitu, Rijeka“Kulturna politika, pozicija baštine i zaštite”, prof.dr Milena Šešić-Dragičević, Univerzitet umetnosti uBeograduPraktična obukaTokom 2004. godine teorija preventivne zaštite postepenoje uvođena u program praktične obuke, koji se sastojaood:1. Savladavanje primene mera preventivne zaštite -funkcioniše preko specijalizovanih radionica i timova, acilj je da se teorija preventivne zaštite primeni u muzejskojpraksi. Ovaj deo obuke se bavi analizom stanja muzejskihzgrada, analizom uslova čuvanja, izlaganja itransporta muzejskih predmeta, procenom rizika, određivanjemprioriteta, predlaganjem odgovarajućih merasanacije, organizovanjem i kontrolom mera preventivnezaštite i dr.2. Savladavanje konzervatorskih veština predstavljakombinaciju primene konzervatorskih praktičnih metodai teorijskih objašnjenja tih metoda i materijala koji sekoriste. Sastoji se od izučavanja i primene:- osnovnih aktivnih konzervatorskih tretmana i znanjaOrganisation of protection pursuant to new legislationin Croatia, Martina Blečić, Ministry of Culture ofCroatia, Regional Institute of Protection, Rijeka, CroatiaCultural policy, position of heritage and protection,Prof. Milena Šešić-Dragičević, PhD, BelgradePractical TrainingTheory of preventive conservation was adequatelyrepresented in the contents of practical training consistingof:Mastering preventive conservation measures applicationthrough specialised workshops and teams withthe aim to introduce the theory of preventive conservationinto daily museum practice. This part of the trainingwas dedicated to surveys in museum buildings; analysisof keeping conditions, of transporting and displaying ofmuseum objects, risk assessment, setting priorities, decision-makingrelated to salvaging actions, etc.Mastering conservation skills is a combination ofpractical conservation methods applied and of theoreticalexplanations of methods and materials used. It consistsof study and application of:- basic active conservation treatments and know how- specialised knowledge, artistic skills and craftsIt is conducted in workshops depending on the levelof previous theoretical education. It is applied to inorganic,organic and composite archaeological materials.At present the practical training is done on ceramics,glass, stone, plaster, synthetic materials, amber.At DIANA Centre other kinds of archaeologicalmaterial are not being treated until the adequate workingconditions and equipment shall have been provided.36Praktična konzervacijaPractical conservation

- specijalizovanih znanja, umetničkih veština i zanatskogumeća.Sprovodi se u okviru radionica, koje su usklađene sanivoom teorijske obuke.Primenjuje se na neorganskom, organskom i kompozitnomarheološkom materijalu, za sada na keramici,staklu, kamenu, gipsu, sintetičkim materijalima, ćilibaru.Za druge vrste arheološkog materijala DIJANA Centarjoš uvek nema uslova, dok se ne reše problemi odgovarajućegradnog prostora i opreme.Praktični deo programa se odnosi na izvođenje svihfaza konzervatorskog tretmana:- Konzervatorska dokumentacija (tradicionalna i digitalna)- Konzervatorska ispitivanja (makroskopska, mikroskopska,hemijska i dr.)- Čišćenje (mehaničko i hemijsko)- Stabilizaciju strukture i površine (konsolidacijahemijskim putem)- Spajanje fragmenata- Restauracija i rekonstrukcija- Završna zaštita- Savladavanje posebnih umetničkih veštinaCiklusi praktične obukeU toku 2004. godine praktična obuka se vršila naneorganskom i kompozitnom arheološkom materijalu.Konzervacija keramike- trošna i čvrsta keramika, sa bojenim i glačanimpremazima, glazurama i gleđosanim površinama. OvajPractical training should enable application of allstages of conservation treatments and artistic skills:- Conservation documentation (traditional and digital)- Conservation investigations (macroscopic, microscopic,chemical, etc.)- Cleaning (mechanical and chemical)- Stabilization of the structure and surfaces (consolidationwith chemicals)- Bonding of fragments- Restoration and reconstruction- Final protection- Mastering special artistic skillsPractical training cyclesIn 2004 practical training included inorganic andcomposite archaeological materialsConservation of ceramicsSoft body and solid ceramics, with painted and burnishedcoatings, glazes and glazed surfaces. This type ofarchaeological material originates from the Neolithic,Bronze and Iron ages, Greek and Roman periods, earlyand late Middle Ages.Restoration of porcelain, faience and majolicaMedieval majolica originating from Italy, 18 th and19 th centuries porcelain from west and mid-EuropeanfactoriesConservation of glassRoman and medieval glass. This training was designedfor seniors (5 th ,6 th and 7 th term of training) onlywho have already successfully mastered basics of ceramicsconservation.Praktičan rad na kursu konzervacije stakla sa Sandrom DejvisonPractical training in glass conservation with Sandra Davisonarheološki materijal potiče iz neolita, bronzanog i gvozdenogdoba, grčkog i rimskog perioda, ranog i kasnogsrednjeg veka.Restauracija porcelana, fajansa i majolike- srednjovekovna majolika, poreklom iz Italije, porcelan18. i 19. veka, iz manufaktura zapadne i srednjeEvrope.Konzervacija stakla- iz rimskog i srednjovekovnog perioda. U obuku izkonzervacije stakla bili su uključeni isključivo stari polaznici(V,VI,VII sezona obuke), koji su prethodno uspešnosavladali osnove konzervacije keramike.Konzervacija kamena- kameni artefakti od krečnjaka, peščara ili merme-Conservation of stoneStone artefacts, from sandstone, lime or marble, suchas sculptures, inscriptions , architectural parts originatingfrom the Mesolithic and Roman periods. This trainingwas designed for seniors (5 th ,6 th and 7 th term oftraining) onlyMaking copies and replicasFor the first time the students were expected to mastertaking of prints and preparation of moulds with siliconeresins and polyester, as well as casting clay and firingclay casts.This course was open to all interested students.Repair of old conservationsCollections of the National Museum in Belgrade containlots of archaeological material, particularly ceramicsand glass. They represent a huge problem today, asthe old conservation has not passed the time test and theobjects need new treatment.Conservation and salvaging action of copies made inplaster, polyester and other materialsThe National Museum in Belgrade disposes with anumber of plaster copies of tombstones (stećci) and variousstone plastic. These copies were done tens of yearsago and show significant damages and signs of timepassed.Team workThe students are engaged in all segments of organisationand work of DIANA Centre and are included inteams with senior and more experienced collaboratorsand students.This kind of team work proved to be a good37

- specijalizovanih znanja, umetničkih veština i zanatskogumeća.Sprovodi se u okviru radionica, koje su usklađene sanivoom teorijske obuke.Primenjuje se na neorganskom, organskom i kompozitnomarheološkom materijalu, za sada na keramici,staklu, kamenu, gipsu, sintetičkim materijalima, ćilibaru.Za druge vrste arheološkog materijala DIJANA Centarjoš uvek nema uslova, dok se ne reše problemi odgovarajućegradnog prostora i opreme.Praktični deo programa se odnosi na izvođenje svihfaza konzervatorskog tretmana:- Konzervatorska dokumentacija (tradicionalna i digitalna)- Konzervatorska ispitivanja (makroskopska, mikroskopska,hemijska i dr.)- Čišćenje (mehaničko i hemijsko)- Stabilizaciju strukture i površine (konsolidacijahemijskim putem)- Spajanje fragmenata- Restauracija i rekonstrukcija- Završna zaštita- Savladavanje posebnih umetničkih veštinaCiklusi praktične obukeU toku 2004. godine praktična obuka se vršila naneorganskom i kompozitnom arheološkom materijalu.Konzervacija keramike- trošna i čvrsta keramika, sa bojenim i glačanimpremazima, glazurama i gleđosanim površinama. OvajPractical training should enable application of allstages of <strong>conservation</strong> treatments and artistic skills:- Conservation documentation (traditional and digital)- Conservation investigations (macroscopic, microscopic,chemical, etc.)- Cleaning (mechanical and chemical)- Stabilization of the structure and surfaces (consolidationwith chemicals)- Bonding of fragments- Restoration and reconstruction- Final protection- Mastering special artistic skillsPractical training cyclesIn 2004 practical training included inorganic andcomposite archaeological materialsConservation of ceramicsSoft body and solid ceramics, with painted and burnishedcoatings, glazes and glazed surfaces. This type ofarchaeological material originates from the Neolithic,Bronze and Iron ages, Greek and Roman periods, earlyand late Middle Ages.Restoration of porcelain, faience and majolicaMedieval majolica originating from Italy, 18 th and19 th centuries porcelain from west and mid-EuropeanfactoriesConservation of glassRoman and medieval glass. This training was designed<strong>for</strong> seniors (5 th ,6 th and 7 th term of training) onlywho have already successfully mastered basics of ceramics<strong>conservation</strong>.Praktičan rad na kursu konzervacije stakla sa Sandrom DejvisonPractical training in glass <strong>conservation</strong> with Sandra Davisonarheološki materijal potiče iz neolita, bronzanog i gvozdenogdoba, grčkog i rimskog perioda, ranog i kasnogsrednjeg veka.Restauracija porcelana, fajansa i majolike- srednjovekovna majolika, poreklom iz Italije, porcelan18. i 19. veka, iz manufaktura zapadne i srednjeEvrope.Konzervacija stakla- iz rimskog i srednjovekovnog perioda. U obuku izkonzervacije stakla bili su uključeni isključivo stari polaznici(V,VI,VII sezona obuke), koji su prethodno uspešnosavladali osnove konzervacije keramike.Konzervacija kamena- kameni artefakti od krečnjaka, peščara ili merme-Conservation of stoneStone artefacts, from sandstone, lime or marble, suchas sculptures, inscriptions , architectural parts originatingfrom the Mesolithic and Roman periods. This trainingwas designed <strong>for</strong> seniors (5 th ,6 th and 7 th term oftraining) onlyMaking copies and replicasFor the first time the students were expected to mastertaking of prints and preparation of moulds with siliconeresins and polyester, as well as casting clay and firingclay casts.This course was open to all interested students.Repair of old <strong>conservation</strong>sCollections of the National Museum in Belgrade containlots of archaeological material, particularly ceramicsand glass. They represent a huge problem today, asthe old <strong>conservation</strong> has not passed the time test and theobjects need new treatment.Conservation and salvaging action of copies made inplaster, polyester and other materialsThe National Museum in Belgrade disposes with anumber of plaster copies of tombstones (stećci) and variousstone plastic. These copies were done tens of yearsago and show significant damages and signs of timepassed.Team workThe students are engaged in all segments of organisationand work of DIANA Centre and are included inteams with senior and more experienced collaboratorsand students.This kind of team work proved to be a good37

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