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nasleđa. Projekat predviđa savladavanje osnovne teorijei prakse brige za kulturna dobra, zajedno sa direktnimučešćem u konzervatorskom postupku, kako bi boljeshvatili koliko se kulturno dobro lako može oštetili i zaštoono mora da se konzervira i čuva na odgovarajući način.(Mila Popović-Živančević, Maja Živković).«Kodeks profesionalne etike za konzervatore»Cilj projekta je regulisanje profesionalnog ponašanjaprilikom kozervatorskog postupka sa muzejskim predmetima.Želimo da ustanovimo i definišemo standardeprofesionalnog odnosa prema svakom segmentu konzervatorskogposla. Sadržaj projekta se isključivo bavi aktivnimkonzervatorskim tretmanom i uključuje iskustvasvih značajnih organizacija zaštite u svetu.Radionica “Deca u muzeju”“Children in a museum” workshopwish to help development of programmes that contributeto better quality of life of handicapped persons, to helpthem “enjoy life”by direct participation in museum programmesand activities on preservation and <strong>conservation</strong>(Ana Kocjan,Vesna Živković, Bojan Georgijevski)Summer School of Heritage Protection 2004 <strong>for</strong> theYoung – This project is focused on secondary schoolchildren helping them to better understand the value ofcultural heritage as an important category in societydevelopment and teach them how to care about the heritagetogether with professionals. The project shouldenable mastering basics of theory and practice of culturalheritage care, and by participation in <strong>conservation</strong>treatments make children understand how easy it is todamage the cultural property and why it has to be conservedand adequately kept. (Mila Popović-Živančević,Maja Živković)Code of Ethics <strong>for</strong> Conservators - The project shouldset standards <strong>for</strong> professional behaviour and <strong>conservation</strong>treatment of museum objects. It should cover everystep in <strong>conservation</strong> treatment. The Code covers onlyactive <strong>conservation</strong> treatment and is based on worldwideexperience in the subject. (Danijela Stojković, BojanGeorgijevski, Tatjana Velenjek, Nemanja Mrdžić, AnaKocjan, Mila Popović-Živančević)Conservation of the Roman Limes Glass – The aim isto set standards <strong>for</strong> <strong>conservation</strong> treatment of the Romanglass by working on samples from the Roman limes.Comprehensive research of causes is planned in order tounderstand destruction processes of the surface andstructure of glass, methods <strong>for</strong> preventing the processand curing the glass, testing of adequate materials <strong>for</strong>cleaning, bonding, and particularly <strong>for</strong> restoration (IgorJonjić, Danijela Stojković, Nemanja Mrdžić)32(Danijela Stojiljković, Bojan Georgijevski, TatjanaVelenik, Nemanja Mrđić, Ana Kocjan, Mila Popović-Živančević).«Konzervacija stakla sa rimskog limesa»Cilj projekta je da standardizuje konzervatorski tretmanrimskog stakla, na primerima sa rimskog limesa.Projekat predviđa ozbiljna istraživanja uzroka destruktivnihprocesa površine i strukture stakla, metode sprečavanjadestruktivnih procesa i lečenja stakla, istraživanjematerijala pogodnih za čišćenje, lepljenje, posebnoza restauraciju.(Igor Jonić, Danijela Stojiljković i Nemanja Mrđić).“Kako napraviti plan preventivne zaštite “Cilj projekta je da pomogne muzejima oko implementacijemera preventivne zaštite u praksi. Sadržajprojekta treba metodološki da obuhvati snimanje stanjamuzejske zgrade, sa svim sadržajima i okruženjem, posebnodepoa i izložbenog prostora, analizu stanja, procenurizika, određivanje prioriteta, pripremanje planova zavanredne situacije, stalno praćenje stanja i evaluaciju,kontrolu svih aspekata uslova sredine muzejskih zbirki ipredmeta.(Mila Popović-Živančević, Vesna Živković, IvanaStojković)“Konzervacija na arheološkom terenu”Cilj projekta je da pomogne profesionalcima, istraživačimai konzervatorima da sagledaju arheološki lokalitetu integrativnom smislu, sa stanovišta rukovođenja.Polazi se od teorije baštine i zaštite nepokretnih i pokretnihdobara, do onoga što savremena nauka daje arheološkomlokalitetu u kulturološkom, istorijskom, es-How to Make a Preventive Conservation Plan – Theproject should help museums to implement <strong>preventive</strong><strong>conservation</strong> measures and offer methodology <strong>for</strong> surveysin museum buildings with all their contents andenvironments, particularly storages and exhibitionspaces, risk assessments, setting priorities, disaster preparednessplans, monitoring of the condition and evaluation,management of all environmental aspects ofmuseum collections and objects (Mila Popović-Živančević,VesnaŽivković, Ivana Stojković)Conservation on Archaeological Site – aimed at helpingprofessionals, researchers and conservators to treatthe archaeological site integratively, from the managementpoint of view. The project is based on the theory ofheritage and protection of movable and immovable culturalproperty and includes the achievements of contemporaryscience in sense of culturological, historic, esthetic,social, economic, commercial aspects of archaeologicalsites. (Mila Popović-Živančević, Vesna Živković,Aleksandra Džikić-Nikolić, Tatjana Nedeljković, MajaFranković, Ivana Stojković)Organisation of Centre <strong>for</strong> Conservation andProtection – One <strong>national</strong> centre <strong>for</strong> protection ofmuseum object, spreading over the Balkan regionshould be established. The organisational chart andmethodological standards of work with all segmentsaccording to contemporary procedures in <strong>conservation</strong>,passive and active <strong>conservation</strong> treatment andresearch are given. (Mila Popović-Živančević,Aleksandra Džikić-Nikolić, Tatjana Nedeljković, MajaŽivković, Maja Franković, Ana Vujić)Conservation Dictionary – this is a project of fundamentalimportance as it has to fill in the empty space

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