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“zelenih” nijansi izgledala sam kao bolesna. Najzadsam našla ogrlicu u “svojoj” nijansi i počela da se cenkam.Tu sam veštinu naučila u Indiji.Iznenadila nas je veličina komada žada i ametista uprodavnicama nakita. Bili su prave gromade. Dotlesam naivno mislila da ovo skupo poludrago kamenjepostoji samo u veličini šljunka. Kristali ametistablistali su kao dijamanti. Njihova ljubičasta boja bila jetamna, raskošna i jaka. Postalo mi je jasno da su blediametisti koje sam vidjala u draguljarnicama na zapadutek blede kopije.Veliki komadi žada se seku tako da sevidi ravna, dobro polirana ploha sa krugovima koji kaoduga sjaje zelenom bojom od mlečne do tamne bojemahovine u najdubljoj šumi.Otišle smo rano na spavanje. Sledećeg dana smoposetile pijacu na kojoj se prodavala sasvim sveža riba,poznata i nepoznata, egzotična, povrće, voće, mahunarkei nešto što nismo znale šta je. Recimo, zdela punatelašaca nekih buba bez krila. Ili druga sa kao olovkatankim, crnim bićima koja se uvijaju u zapenjenoj vodi.Mislim da su to bile mlade jegulje, jer u nekom vodičupiše da je jelo do jegulja regionalni specijalitet. Meso seprodavalo samo u radnjama. Brižljivoisečeni komadi poslagani kaoda su svilene maramice. Na meneje najveći utisak ostavio ginseng.Bilo ga je u velikim količinama.Zadivljujući prizor. U Evropi gaprodaju u sasvim malim količinamai veoma je skup. Koreja proizvodinajbolji ginseng u Aziji.Sledeće odredište bila je SekkuramGrotto, jedno od najlepšihBudinih svetilišta i nalazi sena UNESKO-voj Listi svetskebaštine. Da bismo stigle do mesta sa koga Buda gleda upravcu Istočnog mora (na geografskim kartama pišeJapansko more, ali ne i u Koreji) pele smo se putem kojije blago vijugao izmedju pinija i javora, a na krajupopele se uz nekoliko stepenika. Granitni Buda sedeo jesmireno u veličanstvenom skladu sa veštački zasvodjenompećinom sastavljenom od granitnih ploae još u VIveku. Okružen božanstvima u reljefu, savršeno izvajanim.Stajali smo sa strahopoštovanjem u predvorju ukome nas debela staklena ploča deli od Bude.Verovatno su ga mnogi poštovaoci dodirivali pošto jeovo mesto cilj hodočasnika. Prilikom silaska preplavilanas je potpuna smirenost. Monasi su prodavali suvenirei ja sam pokupovala gomilu minijaturnih drvenih simbolačije značenje nisam znala, ali su mi se veomadopali. Iznenadila sam se što u hramu nije bilo dece, alionda će možda dolaziti kad odrastu. Ovo je ionakomesto za hodočasnike.Opet su me ostavili u prodavnici žada (stidim se dakažem) a Mila je sa vodičima otišla u Bulguk-sa, ogromankompleks hramova iz VI veka, proširen 752. godinei takodje na UNESKO-voj Listi svetske baštine. Tadanisam shvatila značaj baš toghrama. Bio je izvanredno restaurisani predstavlja odličan primerarhitekture iz perioda Ujedinjenogkraljevstva Sila. Nažalost,regovala sam isto kao u Evropikada turistički obilazak podrazumevapreveliki broj crkava. Većsam videla mnoge japanske hramovei u neznanju pomislila samda je to samo još jedan hram više.A sada, dok čitam knjige o Koreji,osećam se neprijatno. Toliko samlace in ‘my’ shade and then set tobargain. I had learnt the art inIndia.But what surprised us in thejewellery shops also were thepieces of jade and amethyst thesize of small rocks. Until then Inaively thought that these semiprecious stones were found insizes of small pebbles. Theamethyst crystals sparkled likediamonds. The depth of their purplewas dark, rich and intense. Ithen realized that the paleamethysts that one saw at theordinary jewellery shops in theWest were but the poorest relatives.The huge pieces of jade werecut to show one flat, highly polished surface where inshape of a rainbow were circles in many different huesof green ranging from the milky pale to the dark mossof the thickest forest.We again went to bed early. Our first visit the nextday was to the teaming market full of very fresh, someknown and some unknown exotic fish, vegetables ,fruit,pulses and certain produce that we could not place. Forinstance a bowl full of wingless bodies of some beetle.Or another bowl with pencil thin, black creatures wrigglingaround in frothing water. I think that they werebaby eels, since one of the guide books said that the eelstew was the delicacy of the region. Meat was sold onlyin shops. Carefully cut pieces as neatly folded as if theywere silk scarves. For me the most impressive producewas ginseng. There was so much of it. It was an amazingsite. In Europe it is sold in tiny amounts and is very190“Emille” zvono (Devine zvono) uNacionalnom muzeju u Gyeongju-uThe 'Emille' bell (Devine Bell) at theGyeongju National Museumexpensive. Korea is the producerof the best ginseng in Asia.Our next stop was at SekkuramGrotto one of the world’sfinest shrines of Buddha, which ispart of the Unesco World CulturalHeritage List. To reach the placewhere Buddha is set looking easttowards the East Sea (on the mapsit’s called the Japanese Sea, butnot in Korea) we climbed a gentlepath meandering among pinesand maples and then up somesteps. The granite Buddha sat inrepose in magnificent proportionto the domed artificial grotto builtout of granite slabs in 6 th centuryAD. He was surrounded by deitiesin relief, faultlessly executed. We stood in awe in theante-chamber separated from Buddha by a thick sheetof glass. Since it is a place of pilgrimage he was probablytouched by too many worshippers. Coming downfrom the shrine we experienced a complete sense ofpeace. Monks were selling souvenirs and I bought awhole lot of miniature wooden symbols which representI am not sure what but I loved them. I was surprisedthat there were no children at the temple butthey will probably come when they grow up. After allthis was a place for pilgrims.They left me at the jade shop again (I am ashamedto say) whereas Mila and the guides went to Bulguk-sa,the sprawling 6 th century AD temple complex, enlargedin A.D. 752, which is also on the Unesco World CulturalHeritage List. At that time I had not realized theimportance of that particular temple. It has been

pogrešila. Koreja i Japan su potpuno različiti i sigurnasam da je Bulguk-sa sasvim drugačiji od budističkihhramova u Kjotu i okolini. Mila se oduševila hramomBulguk-sa.Za nama je ostala kulturna svečanost Gyeongjua ipošli smo na istok, ka moru. Istočno more, odmaralištai plaže sa belim peskom, male luke, ribarski čamcisvi su nam uputili dobrodošlicu i stvorili nam osećajslobode. Našem vodiču, koji se ipak nije uklopio, biloje dosta nas, ali i nama je bilo dosta njega. Stvar je usvoje ruke uzeo prijatan i miran mladi čovek koji nasje vozio. Za razliku od našeg vodiča koji je uvek išaou suprotnom smeru, on je shvatao šta mi želimo. Biloje vreme ručku i predložio nam je korejski restoran umalom ribarskom selu. Na spoljnom zidu je bio akvarijum,kao izlog, i vi samo pokažete ribu koju želite zaručak. Prepustile smo izbor vozaču i ušle u prazanrestoran. Leto je prošlo. Ljubazno su nas pozdravili.Restoran je bio tradicionalan, pa smo skinule cipele iprišle niskom stolu. Smislila sam kako da sednemuljudno – klekla sam, stavila dva jastuka na noge itako sela. Sveža riba, povrće, školjke, rakovi, sve ljutoi začinjeno. Bilo je drugih priloga:kiseli beli luk, morska trava,povrće u činijcama, nekakav crnipasulj i kimči. Posle ručka šetalesmo izmedju ribarskih čamaca iredova i redova oka¬enih lignjikoje su se sušile na konopcimakao sveže oprano rublje. Lignjekoje se suše pratile su nas celimputem pored obale. Spustilo seveče a sa njim su se pojavile isvetiljke na ribarskim čamcima udaljini. Bilo je jasno da nećemostići u hotel u planinama. Naš vodič je postao nervozan.Svaki čas je razgovarao sa svojom agencijom iodluka je doneta. Stizali smo, ali gde? Znale smo danismo stigle do planina, jer smo stali ubrzo pošto smoskrenuli sa obalnog puta.Novi hotel je bio porodični, u korejskom stilu. Dosoba smo stigle preko veoma dobro snabdevenog supermarketa.Dobile smo apartman sa dve sobe. U jednoj jebio dupli krevet, u drugoj dušeci na podu. Osim togaimale smo i dobro opremljenu kuhinju i kupatilo kojenismo umele da koristimo. Morale smo da ostavimocipele pred vratima. Bile smo isuviše umorne da bismoobraćale pažnju na tuš.Ujutru smo videle da smo se prevarile. Planine subile pred nama i kasnije tokom puta do Seula uživalesmo u pejsažu. Sa puta smo mogle da posmatramoplaninske lance na horizontu i zlatne doline u dubini,vijuganje sporih reka. Zastajale smo da slikamo i daupijemo sve utiske i ponesemo ih zauvek.Celo Korejsko poluostrvo presecaju šumovite, stenoviteplanine. Samo 20 procenata poluostrva je ravnica,pa ipak planine nisu visoke.Najviši vrh u Južnoj Koreji iznosi1915 metara. Koreja se nalazi najednom od najstarijih kopnenihdelova sveta, i kao što je nekoobjasnio poluostrvo se naginje kazapadu, a zatim se obrušava uŽuto more. Zbog toga je obalaoivičena stotinama ostrva. A naistočnoj obali planine se spuštajudirektno na obalu sa mnoštvommalih uvala. Predeo izmedjuistočne obale gde smo prespavali iapparently superbly restored, andis a splendid example of UnifiedSilla-era architecture. UnfortunatelyI had reacted the way Ireact in Europe when during a siteseeing tour I see too many churches.I had already seen quite a numberof Japanese temples whilestaying in Kyoto and I thought inmy ignorance that too many templeswere just one temple toomuch. Now, having read aboutKorea I feel embarrassed. I was sowrong. Korea and Japan are twosuch totally different countriesthat I am certain that Bulguk-sa isvery different from the Buddhisttemples in and around Kyoto. Mila loved the temple ofBulguk-sa.We left the cultural feast of Gyeongju behind andheaded eastward in the direction of the sea. Seeing theEast Sea and the resorts with white sand beaches, smallports, and fishing boats gave us a very welcoming feelingof freedom. Our not so compatible guide was gettingfed up with us and us with him. The nice and quietyoung man who acted as a driver then took over. Heunderstood our tastes unlike our official guide whoalways headed in the opposite direction. It was time forlunch and he then proposed a meal at a Korean restaurantin a small fishing-resort village. There was anaquarium on the outside wall, just like a shop window,and you chose your menu by pointing to the fish youwanted.We left the choice to the driver and walked intoa deserted restaurant. The summer was over. We weregraciously welcomed. Since it was a Korean restaurant,Koreanka prodaje lignje na obaliA Korean fisherwoman selling squids by thesea-sidewe took our shoes off and approacheda very low table. I inventeda way of sitting in a polite way bykneeling, putting two cushions onmy bent legs, and then sitting ontop. It took a bit of time to preparethe stew, but when it arrived itwas a dream. Fresh fish, vegetables,shells, crabs, all hot andspicy. There were a few side dishesas well: pickled garlic, seeweed, vegetables in separate smalldishes, some black beans, andkimchi. After lunch we walkedamong the fishing boats and rowsupon rows of squids hanging likefreshly hung laundry on ropes todry. Squids also hung all along the coast road as wedrove by. The dusk came and with it in the distancelanterns on fishing boats. We saw that we were notgoing to reach the hotel in the mountains. Our guidewas nervous. He talked a lot to his office and a decisionwas made. We were arriving but where? We knew thatwe had not reached the mountains, since we stoppedsoon after turning off the coast road.The new hotel was a family place, Korean style. Wearrived to our room by going through a very wellstocked super-market. We had a two bedroom apartment.One room had a double bed, the other mattresseson the floor. There was also a fully equipped kitchenand a bathroom which we did not know how to work.You had to take your shoes off. We were too tired, tocare about showers.In the morning we saw that we were wrong. Themountains were there and later as we drove along191

“zelenih” nijansi izgledala sam kao bolesna. Najzadsam našla ogrlicu u “svojoj” nijansi i počela da se cenkam.Tu sam veštinu naučila u Indiji.Iznenadila nas je veličina komada žada i ametista uprodavnicama nakita. Bili su prave gromade. Dotlesam naivno mislila da ovo skupo poludrago kamenjepostoji samo u veličini šljunka. Kristali ametistablistali su kao dijamanti. Njihova ljubičasta boja bila jetamna, raskošna i jaka. Postalo mi je jasno da su blediametisti koje sam vidjala u draguljarnicama na zapadutek blede kopije.Veliki komadi žada se seku tako da sevidi ravna, dobro polirana ploha sa krugovima koji kaoduga sjaje zelenom bojom od mlečne do tamne bojemahovine u najdubljoj šumi.Otišle smo rano na spavanje. Sledećeg dana smoposetile pijacu na kojoj se prodavala sasvim sveža riba,poznata i nepoznata, egzotična, povrće, voće, mahunarkei nešto što nismo znale šta je. Recimo, zdela punatelašaca nekih buba bez krila. Ili druga sa kao olovkatankim, crnim bićima koja se uvijaju u zapenjenoj vodi.Mislim da su to bile mlade jegulje, jer u nekom vodičupiše da je jelo do jegulja regionalni specijalitet. Meso seprodavalo samo u radnjama. Brižljivoisečeni komadi poslagani kaoda su svilene maramice. Na meneje najveći utisak ostavio ginseng.Bilo ga je u velikim količinama.Zadivljujući prizor. U Evropi gaprodaju u sasvim malim količinamai veoma je skup. Koreja proizvodinajbolji ginseng u Aziji.Sledeće odredište bila je SekkuramGrotto, jedno od najlepšihBudinih svetilišta i nalazi sena UNESKO-voj Listi svetskebaštine. Da bismo stigle do mesta sa koga Buda gleda upravcu Istočnog mora (na geografskim kartama pišeJapansko more, ali ne i u Koreji) pele smo se putem kojije blago vijugao izmedju pinija i javora, a na krajupopele se uz nekoliko stepenika. Granitni Buda sedeo jesmireno u veličanstvenom skladu sa veštački zasvodjenompećinom sastavljenom od granitnih ploae još u VIveku. Okružen božanstvima u reljefu, savršeno izvajanim.Stajali smo sa strahopoštovanjem u predvorju ukome nas debela staklena ploča deli od Bude.Verovatno su ga mnogi poštovaoci dodirivali pošto jeovo mesto cilj hodočasnika. Prilikom silaska preplavilanas je potpuna smirenost. Monasi su prodavali suvenirei ja sam pokupovala gomilu minijaturnih drvenih simbolačije značenje nisam znala, ali su mi se veomadopali. Iznenadila sam se što u hramu nije bilo dece, alionda će možda dolaziti kad odrastu. Ovo je ionakomesto za hodočasnike.Opet su me ostavili u prodavnici žada (stidim se dakažem) a Mila je sa vodičima otišla u Bulguk-sa, ogromankompleks hramova iz VI veka, proširen 752. godinei takodje na UNESKO-voj Listi svetske baštine. Tadanisam shvatila značaj baš toghrama. Bio je izvanredno restaurisani predstavlja odličan primerarhitekture iz perioda Ujedinjenogkraljevstva Sila. Nažalost,regovala sam isto kao u Evropikada turistički obilazak podrazumevapreveliki broj crkava. Većsam videla mnoge japanske hramovei u neznanju pomislila samda je to samo još jedan hram više.A sada, dok čitam knjige o Koreji,osećam se neprijatno. Toliko samlace in ‘my’ shade and then set tobargain. I had learnt the art inIndia.But what surprised us in thejewellery shops also were thepieces of jade and amethyst thesize of small rocks. Until then Inaively thought that these semiprecious stones were found insizes of small pebbles. Theamethyst crystals sparkled likediamonds. The depth of their purplewas dark, rich and intense. Ithen realized that the paleamethysts that one saw at theordinary jewellery shops in theWest were but the poorest relatives.The huge pieces of jade werecut to show one flat, highly polished surface where inshape of a rainbow were circles in many different huesof green ranging from the milky pale to the dark mossof the thickest <strong>for</strong>est.We again went to bed early. Our first visit the nextday was to the teaming market full of very fresh, someknown and some unknown exotic fish, vegetables ,fruit,pulses and certain produce that we could not place. Forinstance a bowl full of wingless bodies of some beetle.Or another bowl with pencil thin, black creatures wrigglingaround in frothing water. I think that they werebaby eels, since one of the guide books said that the eelstew was the delicacy of the region. Meat was sold onlyin shops. Carefully cut pieces as neatly folded as if theywere silk scarves. For me the most impressive producewas ginseng. There was so much of it. It was an amazingsite. In Europe it is sold in tiny amounts and is very190“Emille” zvono (Devine zvono) uNacionalnom muzeju u Gyeongju-uThe 'Emille' bell (Devine Bell) at theGyeongju National Museumexpensive. Korea is the producerof the best ginseng in Asia.Our next stop was at SekkuramGrotto one of the world’sfinest shrines of Buddha, which ispart of the Unesco World CulturalHeritage List. To reach the placewhere Buddha is set looking easttowards the East Sea (on the mapsit’s called the Japanese Sea, butnot in Korea) we climbed a gentlepath meandering among pinesand maples and then up somesteps. The granite Buddha sat inrepose in magnificent proportionto the domed artificial grotto builtout of granite slabs in 6 th centuryAD. He was surrounded by deitiesin relief, faultlessly executed. We stood in awe in theante-chamber separated from Buddha by a thick sheetof glass. Since it is a place of pilgrimage he was probablytouched by too many worshippers. Coming downfrom the shrine we experienced a complete sense ofpeace. Monks were selling souvenirs and I bought awhole lot of miniature wooden symbols which representI am not sure what but I loved them. I was surprisedthat there were no children at the temple butthey will probably come when they grow up. After allthis was a place <strong>for</strong> pilgrims.They left me at the jade shop again (I am ashamedto say) whereas Mila and the guides went to Bulguk-sa,the sprawling 6 th century AD temple complex, enlargedin A.D. 752, which is also on the Unesco World CulturalHeritage List. At that time I had not realized theimportance of that particular temple. It has been

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