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JANA Centar sprovodi preko devet različitih oblika rada,međusobno tesno povezanih u jedinstven organizacionisistem aktivnosti.I EDUKACIJAII PRIMENA PASIVNE KONZERVACIJEIII PRIMENA AKTIVNE KONZERVACIJEIV ISTRAŽIVAČKI RADV DOKUMENTACIJAVI STRUČNA PUBLICISTIKA I IZDAVAŠTVOVII PARTNERSTVOVIII PREZENTACIJA I PROMOCIJAIX MARKETINGEDUKACIJAEdukacija koju sprovodi DIJANA Centar bazira sena sledećoj strategiji:- osnovno poznavanje preventivne zaštite- integrisanje preventivne zaštite u sve programestudija koji se tiču kulturne baštine- obezbeđivanje programa studija preventivne zaštiteza sve institucije koje su nadležne za poslove zaštite ikonzervacije- stvaranje mogućnosti za specijalizacije u preventivnojzaštiti; magistarske i doktorske studije- organizovanje stručnih skupova radi osavremenjivanjapreventivne zaštite (redovni seminari, radionice,okrugli stolovi i sl.)- stimulisanje istraživanja u preventivnoj zaštiti ikonzervacijiu cilju:- stvaranja široke baze profesionalnih mladih kadrova,koji će se zaštitom baviti na sveobuhvatan i interdisciplinarannačin, prema principima specijalizovane obuhelpthe energy stored in the new approach to protectionand museology to have bearing on museum staff structure.Staff revitalisation of the National Museum inBelgrade will be carried out in a much simpler way if thenew professional positions scheme and establishment ofa single Centre for Protection if based on young peoplefrom DIANA Centre. This means that all services andactivities of the new Centre would be closely connectedand focused on the one and same task of safeguardingmuseum cultural property. The unified protection serviceswould encompass as direct basic tasks all measuresaimed at care for cultural heritage including passive andactive conservation and research and as indirect onesthey would enhance development of specialist educationservices and PR. This would further help the professionalstaff in the new Centre for Protection to be organisedin a simple and efficient way.METHODOLOGY OF WORKDIANA Centre carries out its tasks in establishing aunique system of preventive conservation in theNational Museum, our country and beyond it throughdefined development strategies set by the Strategic Planof the National Museum in Belgrade in August 2002.These strategies are brought into line with the Europeanstrategy of preventive conservation (adopted in Vantaa in2000), adjusted however to our local, national andregional conditions and situations. DIANA Centre carriesout its strategic, short and long term goals anddevelopment strategies through the methodology ofwork for nine different segments, mutually closely connectedwithin a unique system of activities.III18EDUCATIONAPPLICATION OF PASSIVE CONSERVATIONStruktura DIJANA CentraStalno zaposleniMila Popović-Živančević, savetnik-konzervatorVesna Živković, kustos, Aleksandra Džikić Nikolić,konzervator, Maja Franković, konzervatorSaradnici -konzervatori: Tatjana Nedeljković, MajaŽivković i Ana Kocjan (u periodu oktobar 2003.-oktobar2004. bili su volonteri-pripravnici)Spoljni saradnici: Malena Stojčev, Ivana Stojković,Ana Vujić, Slađana Novković, Zvezdana Popović, TamaraLujak, Vesna Svoboda, Jelena Tucaković, Đurđinka Bogdanović,Srđan Radosavljević, Veljko Džikić, Danijela Stojiljković,Igor Jonić, Marija Matejčić, Dejan Milovanović,Bojan Georgijevski, Nemanja Mrđić, Lazar Rančić i dr.Stari polaznici : Aleksandar Joksimović, Marija Radin,Dušan Maksimović, Stanoje Davidović, Petar Vujošević,Branka Belošević, Miroslav Ristić, Senka Jovanović, TijanaPavlica, Tanja Minić, Tijana Aćimov.Novi polaznici (koji su nastavili sa aktivnostima u DI-JANA Centru nakon završetka Letnje škole): Ana Živković,Biljana Stamenić, Tamara Vasić, Suzana Konsulovski, SvetlanaHadži-Tonić, Nataša Krstić, Bojana Đonić, Nina Stefanović,Sonja Đuričić (Velika Hoča), Vesna Stanimirović.Stalno zaposlenih .................................................... 4Saradnika - konzervatora.......................................... 3Spoljnih saradnika....................................................18Starih polaznika........................................................11Novih polaznika.......................................................10UKUPNO..................................................................46III APPLICATION OF ACTIVE CONSERVATIONIV RESEARCHV DOCUMENTATIONVI PUBLICATIONS AND PUBLISHINGVII PARTNERSHIPVIII PRESENTATION AND PROMOTIONIX MARKETINGEDUCATIONEducation pursued by DIANA Centre has the followingstrategic tasks:- developing basic knowledge about preventive conservation,- integration of preventive conservation into culturalheritage studies,- providing preventive conservation study programmesfor all institutions in charge of protection andconservation,- opening possibilities for specialisations in preventiveconservation, including MA and PhD,,- organisation of professional meetings in order tomodernize preventive conservation (permanent, regularseminars, workshops, round tables, etc.),- encouraging research in preventive conservationand conservation.with the aim to:- create a broad basis of young professional staff whowill engage in protection in a comprehensive and interdisciplinarymanner and in compliance with the principlesof specialist training in preventive conservation;- Introduce team work and persist on application ofprofessional ethics and behaviour;- build affirmation of the profession: a coherent conservationstrategy encompassing the entire care aboutcultural heritage leads to general change in understand-

ke iz preventivne zaštite- uspostavljanja timskog rada i insistiranje na primeniprofesionalne etike- afirmacije struke: koherentna konzervatorska strategija,koja obuhvata kompletnu brigu za kulturna dobrai predstavlja generalnu promenu u shvatanju zaštite,ali i konzervacije kao profesije- edukacije kadrova iz Srbije i Crne Gore, susednihzemalja Balkana i jugoistočne Evrope.Tri nivoa obrazovanja:- osnovni nivo, za nove polaznike- viši nivo, za stare polaznike- specijalizacije i usavršavanjaEdukacija u DIJANA Centru podrazumeva:Teorijsku obuku - opšta teorijska nastava, specijalizovanateorijska nastava, posebna predavanja (pojedinačnoili u ciklusima), specijalizovani i masters kursevi.Praktičnu obuku na neorganskom, organskom i kompozitnomarheološkom materijalu - primena aktivnihkonzervatorskih tretmana, specijalizovanih znanja, umetničkihveština i zanatskog umeća.PASIVNA KONZERVACIJAPasivna konzervacija ustanovljava optimalno okruženjeza muzejske zbirke u Narodnom muzeju i muzejskojmreži SCG i to sprovode timovi saradnika i polaznikaDIJANA Centra. Ovi poslovi se realizuju u saradnjisa drugim muzejskim službama i ekspertima. Ova metodologijatreba da pomogne:- Ustanovljavanju optimalnih uslova čuvanja, izlaganjai transporta muzejskih predmeta- Ustanovljavanju metoda pohranjivanja muzejskihThe Structure of DIANA CentreEmployees:Mila Popović-Živančević, councillor-conservatorVesna Živković, curator, Aleksandra Džikić NIkolić,conservator, Maja Franković, conservatorConservators/collaborators:Tatjana Nedeljković, Maja Živković and Ana Kocjan(until December 2004 they all volunteered as trainees)Part-time collaborators: Malena Stojčev, IvanaStojković, Ana Vujić, Sladjana Novković, ZvezdanaPopović, Tamara Lujak, Vesna Svoboda, Jelena Tucaković,Đurđinka Bogdanović, Srđan Radosavljević, Veljko Džikić,Danijela Stojković, Igor Jonić, Marija Matejčić, DejanMilovanović, Bojan Georgijevski, Nemanja Mrdžić, LazarRančićSenior students: Aleksandar Joksimović, Marija Radin,Dušan Maksimović, Stanoje Davidović, Petar Vujošević,Branka Belošević, Miroslav Ristić, Senka Jovanović, TijanaPavlica, Tanja Minić, Tijana AćimovJunior students (who continued to work at DIANACentre after the Summer School): Ana Živković, BiljanaStamenić, Tamara Vasić, Suzana Konsulovski, SvetlanaHadzi-Tonić, Bojana Djonić, Nina Stefanović, SonjaĐuričić (Velika Hoča), Vesna StanimirovićEmployees………………………………………………….…4Collaborators-conservators…………………………....3Part-time collaborators...………………………………..18Senior students……………………………………………..11Junior students……..………………………………………10TOTAL………………...………………………………….…....46predmeta - opreme za odlaganje, čuvanje i transport- Organizovanju i kontroli mikroklime u depoima, izložbenimsalama i u transportu- Organizovanju i kontroli zaštite muzejskih predmetaod zagađenja iz okoline- Organizovanju i kontroli zaštite pri radu u konzervatorskimradionicama1. Organizovanje, praćenje i kontrola uslova okruženja- čuvanja, izlaganja i transportaPraktična primena preventivne zaštite u ovoj oblastitokom 2004. godine je počela sve dinamičnije da se ostvarujeu muzejskoj mreži naše zemlje. Sve više muzejapočinje da shvata značaj obezbeđivanja odgovarajućegokruženja za muzejske zbirke. I zaista, rezultat našeuporne aktivnosti je neka vrsta „samoorganizovanja“ i„okupljanja“ muzejskih profesionalca, koji žele svoje institucijeda usmere na kompletnu brigu za muzejskepredmete i zgrade oko DIJANA Centra. Sve više muzejau zemlji traži profesionalne usluge i pomoć od DIJANACentra na implementaciji mera preventivne zaštite usvojim sredinama. Mora se primetiti da se prvi znaci preduzimanjaprioritetnih mera i poboljšanja u tretiranimmuzejima skoro uvek primećuju vrlo brzo nakon našihmisija. Opširni izveštaji i elaborati, koje pripremamonakon obilaska nekog muzeja, sadrže analizu stanja ipredlog mera sanacije sa procenom rizika i određivanjemprioriteta. Sve više se pokazuje da su ova dokumentaključan elemenat kod „ubeđivanja“ nadležnih zapomoć u revitalizaciji muzejske institucije.Snimanje, analiza stanja i procena rizika čuvanja i izlaganjamuzejskih predmeta i kulturnih dobara uopšteing protection but also in conservation as profession;- educate staff from Serbia and Montenegro, from theneighbouring countries of the Balkans and south-eastEurope.Three levels of education:- basic level for beginners- higher level for seniors- specialisations and upgradingEducation in DIANA Centre involves:Theoretical education: general and specialised theoreticallectures, specific lectures (either as series of lecturesor separate ones), specialised and master coursesPractical training: on inorganic, organic and compositearchaeological materials; application of activeconservation treatments, specialised know-how, artisticskills and crafts.PASSIVE CONSERVATIONPassive conservation should provide the best environmentfor museum collections in the National Museumin Belgrade and in the museum network of Serbia andMontenegro and it is carried out by the teams of collaboratorsand students of DIANA Centre. These programmesare realized in cooperation with other museumservices and specialised experts. This methodology is tohelp in:- establishing optimum conditions for keeping, displayingand transporting of museum objects;- establishing methods for storing museum objects -adequate equipment for storing, keeping and transport;- monitoring microclimate in storages, display roomsand during transport;- managing protection of museum objects againstenvironmental pollution;19

JANA Centar sprovodi preko devet različitih oblika rada,međusobno tesno povezanih u jedinstven organizacionisistem aktivnosti.I EDUKACIJAII PRIMENA PASIVNE KONZERVACIJEIII PRIMENA AKTIVNE KONZERVACIJEIV ISTRAŽIVAČKI RADV DOKUMENTACIJAVI STRUČNA PUBLICISTIKA I IZDAVAŠTVOVII PARTNERSTVOVIII PREZENTACIJA I PROMOCIJAIX MARKETINGEDUKACIJAEdukacija koju sprovodi DIJANA Centar bazira sena sledećoj strategiji:- osnovno poznavanje preventivne zaštite- integrisanje preventivne zaštite u sve programestudija koji se tiču kulturne baštine- obezbeđivanje programa studija preventivne zaštiteza sve institucije koje su nadležne za poslove zaštite ikonzervacije- stvaranje mogućnosti za specijalizacije u preventivnojzaštiti; magistarske i doktorske studije- organizovanje stručnih skupova radi osavremenjivanjapreventivne zaštite (redovni seminari, radionice,okrugli stolovi i sl.)- stimulisanje istraživanja u preventivnoj zaštiti ikonzervacijiu cilju:- stvaranja široke baze profesionalnih mladih kadrova,koji će se zaštitom baviti na sveobuhvatan i interdisciplinarannačin, prema principima specijalizovane obuhelpthe energy stored in the new approach to protectionand museology to have bearing on museum staff structure.Staff revitalisation of the National Museum inBelgrade will be carried out in a much simpler way if thenew professional positions scheme and establishment ofa single Centre <strong>for</strong> Protection if based on young peoplefrom DIANA Centre. This means that all services andactivities of the new Centre would be closely connectedand focused on the one and same task of safeguardingmuseum cultural property. The unified protection serviceswould encompass as direct basic tasks all measuresaimed at care <strong>for</strong> cultural heritage including passive andactive <strong>conservation</strong> and research and as indirect onesthey would enhance development of specialist educationservices and PR. This would further help the professionalstaff in the new Centre <strong>for</strong> Protection to be organisedin a simple and efficient way.METHODOLOGY OF WORKDIANA Centre carries out its tasks in establishing aunique system of <strong>preventive</strong> <strong>conservation</strong> in theNational Museum, our country and beyond it throughdefined development strategies set by the Strategic Planof the National Museum in Belgrade in August 2002.These strategies are brought into line with the Europeanstrategy of <strong>preventive</strong> <strong>conservation</strong> (adopted in Vantaa in2000), adjusted however to our local, <strong>national</strong> andregional conditions and situations. DIANA Centre carriesout its strategic, short and long term goals anddevelopment strategies through the methodology ofwork <strong>for</strong> nine different segments, mutually closely connectedwithin a unique system of activities.III18EDUCATIONAPPLICATION OF PASSIVE CONSERVATIONStruktura DIJANA CentraStalno zaposleniMila Popović-Živančević, savetnik-konzervatorVesna Živković, kustos, Aleksandra Džikić Nikolić,konzervator, Maja Franković, konzervatorSaradnici -konzervatori: Tatjana Nedeljković, MajaŽivković i Ana Kocjan (u periodu oktobar 2003.-oktobar2004. bili su volonteri-pripravnici)Spoljni saradnici: Malena Stojčev, Ivana Stojković,Ana Vujić, Slađana Novković, Zvezdana Popović, TamaraLujak, Vesna Svoboda, Jelena Tucaković, Đurđinka Bogdanović,Srđan Radosavljević, Veljko Džikić, Danijela Stojiljković,Igor Jonić, Marija Matejčić, Dejan Milovanović,Bojan Georgijevski, Nemanja Mrđić, Lazar Rančić i dr.Stari polaznici : Aleksandar Joksimović, Marija Radin,Dušan Maksimović, Stanoje Davidović, Petar Vujošević,Branka Belošević, Miroslav Ristić, Senka Jovanović, TijanaPavlica, Tanja Minić, Tijana Aćimov.Novi polaznici (koji su nastavili sa aktivnostima u DI-JANA Centru nakon završetka Letnje škole): Ana Živković,Biljana Stamenić, Tamara Vasić, Suzana Konsulovski, SvetlanaHadži-Tonić, Nataša Krstić, Bojana Đonić, Nina Stefanović,Sonja Đuričić (Velika Hoča), Vesna Stanimirović.Stalno zaposlenih .................................................... 4Saradnika - konzervatora.......................................... 3Spoljnih saradnika....................................................18Starih polaznika........................................................11Novih polaznika.......................................................10UKUPNO..................................................................46III APPLICATION OF ACTIVE CONSERVATIONIV RESEARCHV DOCUMENTATIONVI PUBLICATIONS AND PUBLISHINGVII PARTNERSHIPVIII PRESENTATION AND PROMOTIONIX MARKETINGEDUCATIONEducation pursued by DIANA Centre has the followingstrategic tasks:- developing basic knowledge about <strong>preventive</strong> <strong>conservation</strong>,- integration of <strong>preventive</strong> <strong>conservation</strong> into culturalheritage studies,- providing <strong>preventive</strong> <strong>conservation</strong> study programmes<strong>for</strong> all institutions in charge of protection and<strong>conservation</strong>,- opening possibilities <strong>for</strong> specialisations in <strong>preventive</strong><strong>conservation</strong>, including MA and PhD,,- organisation of professional meetings in order tomodernize <strong>preventive</strong> <strong>conservation</strong> (permanent, regularseminars, workshops, round tables, etc.),- encouraging research in <strong>preventive</strong> <strong>conservation</strong>and <strong>conservation</strong>.with the aim to:- create a broad basis of young professional staff whowill engage in protection in a comprehensive and interdisciplinarymanner and in compliance with the principlesof specialist training in <strong>preventive</strong> <strong>conservation</strong>;- Introduce team work and persist on application ofprofessional ethics and behaviour;- build affirmation of the profession: a coherent <strong>conservation</strong>strategy encompassing the entire care aboutcultural heritage leads to general change in understand-

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