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Ðurinka Bogdanović, akad. keramičar,saradnik DIJANA CentraMetamorfoza tradicijeDIJANA Centar za preventivnu zaštitu Narodnogmuzeja u Beogradu sukcesivno razrađuje programeiz svog projekta: “Eksperimentalna arheologija - tradicionalneproizvodnje keramike”, autora M. Popović-Živančević i V. Svobode. 1Za realizaciju programa rekonstrukcije tehnike itehnologije vinčanske keramike preduzeta su opsežnaeksperimentalna istraživanja.S obzirom da je to veoma kompleksan interdisciplinaranzadatak, koji zahteva naučnu i stručnu verifikaciju,u saradnju su ukljucene referentne naučno-istraživačkeinstitucije i kompetentni strucnjaci. 2Prvo se analizom sastava gline neolitske keramikesa arheološkog lokaliteta u Vinči došlo do pretpostavkeda se adekvatne sirovine za rekonstrukciju mogu naćina okolnim terenima:Vinča - Belo brdo, okolina manastira Sv. Stefan, Ciglanai Slanci. Od uzoraka tih sirovina napravljene suprobne “test-pločice” 3 , predviđene za pečenje na tradicionalannačin.Za taj opus angažovan je jedan od naših malobrojnih,vrsnih, autentičnih grnčara, Jovan Vacić, stručni saradnikna Katedri keramike FPUD u Beogradu.To je bioi povod da geneza njegovog grnčarskog iskustva, budepredstavljena u sadržaju ovog teksta.U organizaciji eksperimenta tradicionalnog pečenjaovih “test-pločica” učestvovali su : saradnici DIJANACentra (mr Vesna Svoboda akad. keramičar, Tatjana Nedeljković,arheolog, pripravnik DIJANA Centra, IvanaStojković, apsolvent arheologije, Dejan Milovanović iDušan Maksimović, studenti arheologije, ĐurđinkaBogdanović, akad. keramičar i Branka Belošević, turizmolog)i Jasna Vuković, arheolog, asistent-pripravnik(Filozofski fakultet, katedra za arheologiju).Ogledom tradicionalnog pečenja na neolitskom lokalitetuu Vinči, počela je “reanimacija”daleke prošlostii grnčarskog umeća “uživo”.Ekipa saradnika se, zajedno sa majstorom, našla uulozi aktera svojevrsnog “ritualnog per<strong>for</strong>mansa”.Srele su se prošlost i sadašnjost.Na istom mestu, na obali Dunava, deset arheološkihstratigrafskih slojeva niže, pečena je neolitska praistorijskakeramika. Sličan pokušaj izveden je ponovo,ali sada sa pisanjem dnevnika, upotrebom digitalnihfotoaparata i mernih instrumenata.Pre pečenja, učesnici ekipe su, na otvorenom terenu,iskopali jamu, kao repliku neolitske peći. Majstor Jovaje u peć stručno složio ogledne “test-pločice”, zaštićeneod direktnog plamena, slojem fragmentovane arheološkekeramike.Članovi ekipe, stvaralački uzbuđeni, motivisani željomda eksperiment uspe, vredno i sa entuzijazmom su prikupljalisa lokaliteta drva za vatru i donosili majstoru.1 Mila Popović - Živančević, muzejski savetnik - konzervatorNarodnog muzeja u Beogradu i rukovodilac DIJANA Centra i VesnaSvoboda, magistar keramike i saradnik DIJANA Centra2 Katedra za arheologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, sasvojim projektom: “Vinčanska kultura, kontekst, sirovine i komunikacije”,docent dr Nenad Tasić i Jasna Vuković, asistent-pripravnikprof. dr Slobodan Knežević (Rudarsko - geološki fakultet Beograd),Petar Nići<strong>for</strong>ović, geolog, dr Branko Matović i mr Dušan Kićević(Institut za nuklearne nauke “Vinča”Beograd), dr Ljubica Pavlović(naučni savetnik ITNMS-a Beograd), dr Dušan Izvonar (Fakultetprimenjenih umetnosti Beograd), dipl. ing. Mira Miladinović, (Višatehnološka škola u Aranđelovcu)Za DIJANA Centar: Mila Popović Živancević, autor, koordinatori supervizor Projekta, mr Vesna Svoboda, keramičar, autor i koordinatorProjekta3 mr Vesna Svoboda, akademski keramičarÐurinka Bogdanović, ceramic artist,DIANA Centre collaboratorMetamorphosis of traditionDIANA Centre <strong>for</strong> Preventive Conservation of theNational Museum in Belgrade successively developsprograms of the project named “Experimental archaeology– traditional production of ceramics” whoseauthors are M. Popović-Živančević and V. Svoboda. 1Large-scale research is being carried out in order toimplement the program of reconstruction of Vinča ceramicstechniques and technology.Being a very complex interdisciplinary task, demandingscientific and professional verification, the projectgathers relevant scientific-research institutions andcompetent experts 2 .First analysis of the Neolithic ceramics clay compoundfrom the archaeological site of Vinča led to thehypothesis that the raw material adequate enough <strong>for</strong>the reconstruction could be found in the surroundings:Vinča – Belo Brdo, surroundings of the Monastery of St.Stephen, Ciglana and Slanci. These samples were used<strong>for</strong> making testing pieces 3 , meant <strong>for</strong> traditional firingprocess.One of a few highly skilled and authentic potters inour country, Jovan Vacić, professional collaborator withthe Ceramics Department at the Faculty of AppliedArts, was engaged in this experiment. At the same time,his engagement in the project was the motive of presentinghis potter’s experience in this article.Participants in the experiment with traditional firingof these testing pieces included: collaborators ofDIANA Centre (Vesna Svoboda, M.A. in ceramics art,Tatjana Nedeljković, archaeologist, Ivana Stojković,student of archaeology, Dejan Milovanović, student ofarchaeology, Dušan Maksimović, student of archaeology,Đurđinka Bogdanović, ceramics artist and Branka Belošević,tourismologist) and Jasna Vuković, archaeologist,apprentice teacher (Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade,Archaeology Department).This experiment of traditional firing at the Neolithicsite of Vinča started a sort of “reanimation”of ancient timesand of potter skills “live”.The team of collaborators, together with the headpotter, found themselves involved in kind of “ritual per<strong>for</strong>mance”.The past and the present met.At the same spot, on the bank of the Danube, just tenstratigraphic layers below, Neolithic, prehistoric ceramicsused to be fired. Similar process was redone, butthis time it was documented in a diary and with the helpof digital camera and measuring devices.Prior to the firing process, the participants dug outa pit, a replica of Neolithic kiln.The head potter Jova setthe testing pieces very skillfully in the kiln, well protec-1 Mila Popović-Živančević, museum councillor of the NationalMuseum Belgrade and the head of DIANA Centre <strong>for</strong> PreventiveConservation and Vesna Svoboda, M.A. in ceramics and a collaboratorof DIANA Centre <strong>for</strong> Preventive Conservation2 The Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Philosophyin Belgrade, with its project: “The Culture, Context, Raw Materialsand Communications of Vinča”, Prof. Nenad Tasić, Ph.D. in archaeologyand Jasna Vuković, teaching assistent;Prof. Dr. Slobodan Knežević, Faculty of Mining and Geology,Petar Nići<strong>for</strong>ović, geologist, Branko Matović, Dr.Sci. and Dušan Kićević,M.Sc. (Institute <strong>for</strong> Nuclear Sciences “Vinča”), Ljubica Pavlović,Dr.Sci. (Scientific advisor of ITNMS), Dušan Izvonar, Ph.D. (Facultyof Applied Arts), Mira Miladinović, engineer (TechnologySchool in Aranđelovac, Serbia)For DIANA Centre: Mila Popović-Živančević, the author, coordinatorand supervisor of the project, Vesna Svoboda, M.A. in ceramics,author and coordinator of the project3. Vesna Svoboda, M.A. in ceramics179

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