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ma koji upravlja aparatimaza kontrolu i regulaciju klime,kao i alarmnog sistemazgrade. Naime, u dnu zgradeje smešten centralni pogonza ventilaciju, grejanjei hlađenje, sa ugrađenimovlaživačima i odvlaživačimakoji se uključuju po potrebi.Aparati za merenjetemperature i relativnevlažnosti su raspoređeni poprostorijama u kojima jeneophodno kontrolisanjeklime (radionice, depoi), arade na principu radio-vezesa aparaturom za sakupljanjepodataka, koja je povezanasa kompjuterom.Osim digitalnog sistema,Odeljenje ima i kartoteku upisanoj <strong>for</strong>mi, gde se nalazedosijei svih prostorija, sapodacima o klimi i svimkontakt-telefonima i adresamaneophodnim za održavanjeklimatskih uslovau radionicama i ateljeima.U okviru depoa slika konstruisanaje i jedna izolovanaprostorija, tzv. klimatskakomora, gde se čuvajunajosetljiviji predmeti i ukojoj se uslovi čuvanja najstrožekontrolišu specijalnougrađenom aparaturom za regulaciju temperature, relativnevlažnosti i kvaliteta vazduha.Poslednje nedelje boravka posetili smo nekolikodrugih institucija zaštite u Parizu: CRCDG, tj. Centar zaistraživanja i konzervaciju grafičkih dokumenata,LRMH – Laboratoriju za istraživanje konzervacije istorijskihspomenika, INP – konzervatorski fakultet u SenDeniju, Arheološki institut Sen Denija i njegovu laboratorijuza konzervaciju metala i organskih materijala(UTICA). Osim toga, pružila se prilika i za posetu jednogod depoa slika u Luvru, kao i Odeljenja za prijem i otpremupredmeta u Direkciji muzeja Francuske.Na kraju bih želela da se zahvalim svima koji su pomoglida se staž u C2RMF-u uopšte ostvari, a onda i dase ostvari na najbolji mogući način. Osnovna ideja izaovog boravka bila je upoznavanje sa strukturom i načinomfunkcionisanja jednog velikog centra za konzervacijui konzervatorska istraživanja. S obzirom da sam,zahvaljujući razumevanju čelnih ljudi ovog centra, imalaodrešene ruke, ali i pomoć, u organizovanju posetasvim Odeljenjima, kao i u upoznavanju onih segmenatanjegovih delatnosti koje sam smatrala najkorisnijim inajinteresantnijim za dalji razvoj sistema zaštite kodnas, smatram da je cilj staža u potpunosti ostvaren. Tatjana Nedeljković, konzervatorStudijsko putovanje u Nemačku10-23. oktobra 2004., Minhen176Radionica u LRMH-uWorkshop at LRMHAtelje za restauraciju papira u INP-uPaper <strong>conservation</strong> atelier at INPNa poziv Bayerisches Staatsministerium fur Wissenschaft,bilo mi je, kao jednom od predstavnika Narodnogmuzeja u Beogradu, omogućeno da posetim restauratorskeradionice u Minhenu i upoznam materijalei tehnike, koji se primenjuju u konzervaciji i restauracitive<strong>conservation</strong> is organizedin accordance withmodern principles. Safekeepingconditions are providedby the means of climatecontrol and regulationdevices and alarm system,both operated by computersoftware. There is a centralventilation, heating andcooling facility, with humidifiersand dehumidifiersbuilt in and used in case ofneed. Data loggers are situatedin rooms where measuringis necessary (workshops,storages) and theyare radio-connected with adata-collecting device attachedto a computer. Besidedigital system, the Departmentalso has a classicaldatabase, in written<strong>for</strong>m, where every roomhas its file with all the dataon climate and contactphone numbers necessaryto keep the climate controlsystem operational. In thepaintings storage area, anisolated chamber is constructed,so-called climaticchamber, with a special device<strong>for</strong> temperature, relativehumidity and air qualitycontrol, where the most sensitive objects are kept instrictly controlled conditions.The last week of my internship was dedicated to thevisiting of several other <strong>conservation</strong> institutions in Paris:CRCDG (Centre <strong>for</strong> Research and Conservation ofGraphic Documents), LRMH (Laboratory <strong>for</strong> Researchof Conservation of Historical Monuments), INP (ConservationSchool in Saint Denis), Archaeological Instituteof Saint Denis with UTICA (private laboratory <strong>for</strong> <strong>conservation</strong>and restoration of metals and organic materials).In addition, visits to one of the paintings storagesin Louvre and to the Reception and Dispatching Sectionof the French Museum Direction were organized.At the end, I would like to thank everyone who helpedus to realize this internship, especially to carry it outin the best possible way. The basic idea was getting acomplete picture of the structure of a large <strong>conservation</strong>and research centre like this one. Having, thanks to understandingof the management, free hands and help inorganizing visits to all the Departments, as well as in exploringthe segments of the Centre’s activities that I consideredthe most useful and the most interesting <strong>for</strong> furtherdevelopment of <strong>conservation</strong> system in our country, Ishould say that the goal of this internship is fulfilled. Tatjana Nedeljković, ConservatorA study visit to Germany10-23 October 2004, MunichUpon invitation from Bayerisches Staatsministeriumfur Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst, as one ofthe representatives of the National Museum Belgrade, Ihad the opportunity to visit restoration workshops inMunich and see materials and techniques they use in

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