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Valeri Magar i Korado Pedeli pripremaju sledeće predavanjeValerie Magar and Corado Pedelli preparing a lectureDr Nikolas Stenli Prajs je predstavio trenutni pristupu konzervaciji na arheološkom terenu, koji podrazumevaprimenu cikličnog procesa rukovođenja baštinom.U odnosu na stari model linearanog procesa arheološkihistraživanja, ovaj drugačiji pristup obuhvata proverurezultata, razmatranje novih in<strong>for</strong>macija i reviziju plana.Dr Stenli Prajs je ukazao na to da je da je važnostkonzervacije arheološkog lokaliteta uslovljena jedinstvenošćulokaliteta, rizicima koje predstavljaju prirodnii ljudski faktori i činjenicom da konzervacijapredstavlja ključ za razumevanje prošlosti.Odgovor na pitanje šta zaštititi zavisi od naše definicijebaštine i od toga šta se smatra vrednim i autentičnimizvorom. Konačna odluka o konzervatorskom pristuputreba da predstavlja izbalansiranu procenu, baziranuna razmatranju etičkih pitanja, svih ciljeva konzervacije,opsega tretmana, vremena i raspoloživihsredstava i želja zainteresovanih strana. Različiti pristupiu odlučivanju o konzervaciji su uvek mogući i nepostoji univerzalan ili savršen odgovor.U konzervaciji pristup mora da se bazira na identifikacijivrednosti lokaliteta/predmeta (duhovna, društvena,istorijska, naučna, estetska...) i njihovoj proceni(mogu se koristiti kao smernice). Budući da postoje razlikeu sistemu vrednosti jednog predmeta/spomenika imeđu različitim interesnim grupama (arheolozi, konzervatori,lokalna zajednica...) u pristupu ka prošlosti, procenevrednosti su relativne. Cilj je da različite vrednostiostanu nepromenjene, ali pristup mora da bude prilagodljivkulturnom okruženju, društvenim vrednostima,da brani kulturne specifičnosti i bude usmeren od dnaka vrhu (u odnosu na zainteresovane strane).Postojeći problemi u procesu rukovođenja arheološkombaštinom su tendencije da se odmah prelazi na rešenjepre nego što se proceni i planira. Prave se planovikoji ne odgovaraju sredini u kojoj treba da budu primenjeni.Važećistav je da su vrednosti i problemi lokalitetaveoma dobro poznati i da je potreba za konzervatoromposlednje rešenje.Valeri Magar je istakla da u proces treba uključitiprocenu stanja u kome se nalazi lokalitet, utvrditi potencijalnerizike i stepen propadanja. Zatim je potrebnoda se identifikuju mogućnosti i ograničenja u procesurukovođenja. Ovi problemi zavise od političkog statusalokaliteta, finansijskih i drugih izvora, koliko rukovodilaciskopavanja učestvuje u donošenju odluka, od položajalokaliteta, konteksta okruženja i stanja u kome senalazi lokalitet, upotrebe zemljišta i planiranog razvojaoblasti, postojećeg i planiranog modela za posetioce i170chaeological <strong>conservation</strong>.Dr Nicholas Stanley Price presented current trendsin archeological <strong>conservation</strong>, which include employmentof cyclic process of heritage management. In comparisonwith old, liner process of archaeological excavation,this approach is different and involves check of results,consideration of new in<strong>for</strong>mation and review ofthe plan.Dr Stanley Price pointed out that importance of archaeologicalsite was characterized by uniqueness of thelocality, risks such as natural and human factors and bythe fact that <strong>conservation</strong> represented key <strong>for</strong> understandingpast.The answer to the question what we should protectdepends on our definition of heritage and what is consideredas valuable and authentic source. The final decisionabout <strong>conservation</strong> approach should be a balancedestimate, based on scrutinized ethical issues, all theaims of <strong>conservation</strong>, extent of <strong>conservation</strong> treatment,deadlines, available means and wishes of interested parties.Different approaches to decision making in the<strong>conservation</strong> are always possible and universal as thereis no perfect answer to the issues involved.In <strong>conservation</strong> the approach should be founded onidentification of values of site/object (spiritual, social,historical, scientific, esthetic) and their assessment(they can be used as guidelines). Considering that thereare differences in the system of values of one object/monumentand between different groups (archaeologist,conservators, local community) in their approach towardspast, assessing values is a relative term. Differentvalues should remain unchanged, but approach has tobe adaptable to cultural surroundings and social values.It has to observe cultural particularities and to havebottom-up approach (having in mind all the interestedparties).The existing problems in the process of archaeologicalheritage management are the tendencies to apply solutionimmediately, be<strong>for</strong>e assessment and planning.Furthermore, plans which are not appropriate <strong>for</strong> thebackground where they should be realized are made.The common attitude is that values and problems of thesite are very well known and that need <strong>for</strong> conservatoris only a final solution.Valerie Magar pointed out that the assessment of thesite condition, the identification of potential risks andthe level of deterioration should be included in the process.The next step is the recognition of possibilities andlimits which exist in the management process. Theseproblems depend on political status of the site, financialand other sources and how much the responsible <strong>for</strong> thesite participate in decision making. Other factors arethe position of the site, the context of the surroundings,the state of the site, the use of the land, the planned developmentof the area and the planned and existing model<strong>for</strong> visitors and community needs.Moreover, it is necessary to define policy of management,using these mentioned assessments. The policyshould include purposes, principles and aim of activitiesin the process of site protection, as well as the way inwhich established aims are going to be carried out.Dr Stanley Price also pointed out differences whichexist between <strong>conservation</strong> in the museum and <strong>conservation</strong>on site, due to the bias by interested groups, lackof respect <strong>for</strong> place, difficulties of environmental control,scale of material, accessibility to the material, differenceswhich are imposed by safeguarding and protectionof moveable and immoveable finds and lack of trainedpersonnel.Additionally, the examples <strong>for</strong> diverse levels of in-

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