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šlog veka i smešteni su u Galeriji fresaka.Neodgovarajući klimatski uslovi u depou, način nakoji su smešteni, kao i česta premeštanja, radi obezbeđivanjadodatnog prostora, doveli su do ozbiljnih oštećenjafragmenata mozaika. Visoke vrednosti relativnevlažnosti u letnjim mesecima i godišnje oscilacije, ubrzalesu propadanje materijala koji je korišćen za restauraciju.To je prouzrokovalo pojavu pukotina na tessellatum-u,deformaciju fragmenata, ispadanje tesera i lomljenjepojedinih fragmenata. Mozaicina je neophodnahitna konzervacija, kako bi se sačuvali.Poseban zadatak tokom mog boravka u Arlu bio jeda, sa Patrikom Blanom i njegovom saradnicom Mari-Lor Kurbules, razradim projekat konzervacije i restauracijeovih mozaika. Predviđeno je da se konzervacijasprovodi uz stručnu i tehničku podršku Ateljea za konzervacijui restauraciju mozaika Muzeja antičkog Arla iProvanse i da se kroz rad nastavi obuka iz konzervacijemozaika, koja je počela kursom održanim prošlog majau DIJANA Centru.Po povratku u Beograd, izvršila sam snimanje i dokumentovanjestanja u kome se mozaici nalaze, a početkommarta ove godine, Patrik Blan i Mari-Lor Kurbulessu došli u Beograd da bismo precizirali programsanacije četiri celine kosmajskih mozaika i počeli sanjihovom konzervacijom. Napravljen je detaljan programkonzervacije i restauracije ovih mozaika premafazama rada. Sredinom marta, ekipa DIJANA Centrapočela je sa radom na pripremi mozaika za skidanjegipsane podloge. Posle uklanjanja stare podloge, mozaiciće biti restaurirani na modernom, aluminijumskomnosaču u vidu saća. Predviđeno je da se ovi mozaiciuključe u stalnu postavku, nakon rekonstrukcijeNarodnog muzeja.Inadequate climate conditions in the storage, mannerin which they were stored, as well as frequent moving inorder to obtain more storage space, led to serious damageon mosaic fragments. High relative humidity duringsummer months and yearly oscilations accelerated decayof materials used for conservation. This provoked crackson tessellatum, fragment deformations, loss of tesseraeand even breaking of certain fragments. Ňhese mosaicsrequire urgent intervention in order to be preserved.Special assignment during my stay in Arles was towork out a program for conservation of these mosaics,with Patrick Blanc and his assistant Marie-Laure Courboulčs.Wemade a plan to proceed with conservation andrestoration of these mosaics with scientific and technicalsupport of the Atelier for Conservation and Restorationof Mosaics and, through this work, to continue trainingin mosaic conservation, which started with a course thattook place in DIANA Centre in May last year.After my return to Belgrade, I carried out recordingand documenting the state of conservation of the mosaicfragments.In the beginning of March 2005, Patrick Blanc andMarie-Laure Courboulčs came to Belgrade to help usdefine a program for restoration of four units of the Guberevacmosaics and to start theirs conservation. Wemade a detailed program for conservation and restorationof the mosaics with working phases.In the mid March, the team of DIANA Centre startedworking on preparation of mosaic fragments for removingof the gypsum support. After the removal of the oldsupport, mosaics will be transferred and restored onmodern, aluminum honeycomb panels. The mosaics areplanned for the permanent exhibition after the reconstructionof the National Museum.KSENIJA ÐURIŠIĆ, konzervator- restauratorCentar za arheološka istraživanja Crne GoreKonzervacija i restauracijakeramičkog peharaOvaj keramički pehar nađen je na imanju na Zlaticikod Podgorice, koje je udaljeno oko 150 m jugozapadnood poznate bazilike i trikonhoza iz Doljana i oko800 m sjeveroistočno od “jugozapadne nekropole” Dokleje.Vlasnik imanja je na dubini od oko 0,30 m, naišaona jamu približno kružnog oblika, (prečnik oko 0,50 m,dubina 0,50 m) ukopanu u šljunak i ispunjenu mrkomzemljom, dok su fragmenti pehara, krčag i tri gvozdenaeksera nađeni u sloju crne zemlje. Krčag se raspao prilikompomjeranja. Radi se vjerovatno o grobu spaljenogpokojnika. Ovakav način sahranjivanja - spaljivanje ipolaganje ohlađenih ostataka pokojnika, pepela i gari ugrob - karakterističan je za lokalno stanovništvo Dokleje1. i 2. vijeka naše ere.Keramički pehar sa figuralnim predstavama u reljefu,rađen je u kalupu, poluloptastog je oblika. Obod je ravan,blago zadebljan. Ispod oboda se nalaze dva plastična rebra,u čijim se žljebovima vide plitko urezane partikalnelinije. Friz se odvija na trbuhu posude, koji je od stope odvojenplastičnim rebrom, nešto širim od onih pri obodu.Prstenasta stopa je blago zadebljana, a na dnu se primjećujuurezane pararelne linije i ispupčenje u sredini. Očuvanoje ľ posude, inv. broj 696, dimenzije: H – 6,5 cm, Roboda – 11,2 cm, R stope – 6,4 cm. Glina: smeđkastožuta,prečišćena, meka, premaz mrkocrne boje i sjajan.Posudu je vlasnik dosta oštetio trljanjem i pranjem,tako da su se fini detalji, predstave i dubina reljefa poma-152KSENIJA ÐURIŠIĆ, Conservator-restorerCentre for Archaeological Research of MontenegroConservation and restorationof a ceramic cupThis ceramic beaker was found on an estate in Zlatica,near Podgorica, 150 m to the south-east fromwell-known basilica and triconch in Doljani and 800 mnorth-east from the “south-western necropola” Doclea.The owner of the estate found a pit at 0,30 m in the ground,almost round, with a diameter of 0,50 m and 0,50 mdeep, surrounded by pebbles and filled up with darksoil, containing fragments of a beaker, a jug and threeiron nails. The jug collapsed during excavation. This sitewas probably a grave with burnt remains, as this wayof burying, by putting burnt remains with ashes into agrave, was typical of local population in Doclea in I andII century A.D.Ceramic beaker with cast figural scenes in relief isof a semispherical form. The rim is flat, slightly thickened.There are two plastic ribs under the rim, with shallowengravings in fluting. The body of the vessel is decoratedwith a frieze and separated from the base by arib, a bit wider than those under the rim. Round base isslightly thickened, and at the very bottom there are someparallel lines engraved, with a knob in the centre.Three fourths of the vessel No. 696 is well preserved. Itis 6,5 cm high, the rim diameter is 11,2 cm and the basediameter is 6,4 cm. It is made of brownish yellow, softand purified clay and coated with shiny dark brown colour.The owner heavily damaged the vessel by rubbing

1 U Korintu su nađeni reljefni pehari, rađeni u kalupu i datovaniod sredine II do sredine III vijeka naše ere, sa kojima se možeuporediti pehar sa Zlatice. Osim načina izrade i ukrašavanjasličnost se ogleda i u boji premaza i gline, D. C.Spitzer, Roman reliefbowls from Corint, Hesperia XI,1942,164.2 D.C. Spitzer, op., cit., 163; C. Pavolini, Ceramica corinzia arilievo di eta imperiale ad Ostia, Rivista di studi liguri, XLVI, 1980,245.lo izgubili, a premaz djelimično ogulio, dok je sjaj skoronestao. Premaz je vidljiv sa unutrašnje strane, a naspoljašnjoj se očuvao samo u udubljenjima na reljefu. 1Ako se sagleda cijela predstava na frizu, može se uočiti izvjesnogrupisanje i izdvajanje datih figura. Satir sa mješinomi pripita stojeća figura koju pridržava drugi demon –satir, uokvireni su lišćem bršljana. Predstave pijanih demona,pa i samog Dionisa, možemo vidjeti na frizovimasarkofaga, reljefnih ploča, stela, oltara posuda (iz rimskogcarskog perioda), kao sudionike svečane povorke u častboga Dionisa. U Korintu su nađeni reljefni pehari, rađeniu kalupu i datovani od sredine II do sredine III vijeka.U toj veseloj, razuzdanoj povorci na našem peharudalje vidimo itifaličnog Pana zanesenog Silenovim sviranjemu dvojnice. Zatim, slijedi plesač sa tirsom u pratnjiErosa i pantere. Njihovi pokreti su sinhronizovani ičine drugu kompoziciju u sceni plesa. Ovaj tip keramičkihreljefnih pehara sapredstavama iz Dionisovogkulta, nastao je pod uticajemhelenističke tradicije,odnosno kao imitacija metalnogi staklenog posuđa. 2Proizvođeni su u Korintu,u vremenu od Hadrijanado A. Severa, tj. od130. do 220. godine. To jeperiod buđenja i popularnostiDionisovog kulta uKorintu. Pehar sa Zlaticesmješta se u opštu klasifikacijukorintskih pehara.Njegov poluloptasti oblik,nastao kao posljedica imitiranjaneke metalne ilistaklene posude, približavase formi terra sigilate –Dragendorff 37. Na jugoistočnojjadranskoj obali izaleđu, reljefne korintskeposude sa predstavama izDionisovog kulta su rijetke,ali ne i slučajni nalazi.Konzervacija ovog keramičkogpehara urađenaje 1993. godine, u Narodnommuzeju u Beogradu, uAteljeu za konzervacijukeramike.Keramički pehar je biofragmentovan - sastojao se od sedam fragmenata. Keramikaje dobro očuvana, neporozna, sa unutrašnje straneima vidljiv premaz, koji je mrko crne boje.Fragmenti keramičkog pehara su prvo pažljivo očišćeniod ostataka zemlje mekom četkicom, a zatim vrlopažljivo sunđerom navlaženim vodom. Ostaci zemlje susa ivica fragmenata skidani skalpelom. Nakon čišćenja,svi fragmenti su ostavljeni da se dobro osuše.U laboratoriji Narodnog muzeja u konzervaciji keramikeuglavnom se koriste materijali koji se mogu nabavitina našem tržištu.Za konsolidaciju strukture keramike ovog fragmentovanogsuda upotrebljen je 3 % rastvor OHO SPECIandwashing, so that fine details, scenes and the reliefdepth is partially lost, as well as the coating, which almostcompletely matted. The coating is partly visible inside,but on the outer surface it is preserved only in thegutters. 1 It is obvious that some figures in the scene aregathered and some are isolated. A Satyr with a bellowsand a drunken standing figure, supported by anotherdemon-satyr, are surrounded by ivy leafs. This kind ofdrunken demons images, even of Dionysus himself, canbe found in the friezes on sarcophagi, tablets, stelae,church vessels (from the imperial Roman period), asparticipants in procession consecrated to Dionysus. Somecast relief beakers were found in Corinth and datedfrom mid II to mid III century.In the marry procession scene on this beaker wecan also find figure of Pan listening, in exaltation, Sylenblowing double floute. Behind them, there is a dancerfollowed by Eros andpanther. Their movementsare synchronized andcompose a dancing scene.This type of ceramic reliefbeakers with Dionysuscult scenes, originatesfrom Hellenistic tradition,as an imitation of metaland glass vessels. 2They were produced inCorinth between the reignof Hadrian and A. Sever,that is from 130 to 220A.D. It was the period offlourishing and popularityof Dionysus’ cult in Corinth.The beaker fromZlatica can find its placein general classificationof Corinthian beakers.This beakers with relievesfrom Dionysus’ cult arerare, but not accidentalfinds.Conservation of this ceramicvessel was carriedout in 1993, in the ceramicsconservation workshop ofthe National Museum Belgrade.The vessel was fragmented,there were sevenfragments left of it. The ceramics itself was well preserved,non-porous, with a visible black coating on the innerside.First, the fragments were very carefully cleanedfrom dirt with soft brush, followed by a moistenedsponge. The remains of dirt on the edges were removedwith scalpel. The fragments were then left to dry. Toconsolidate the structure of this vessel, 3% solution ofOHO 2 SPEC in acetone was used. The fragments weresubmerged in prepared solution and left in it untilthe solution replaced all the air in their pores. A glassvessel was used for the treatment so that the processcould be closely watched. The fragment were then re-1 The beaker from Zlatica can be compared with cast beakersfound in Corinth, dated from mid II to mid II century A.D. The similaritiesare not only found in production technique and decoration.but also in colour of the coating and clay. D. C. Spitzer, Roman reliefbowls from Corinth,Hesperia XI, 1942, 154.2 D.C. Spitzer, op, cit, 163; C. Pavolini, Ceramica corintia rilievodi eta imperiale ad Ostia,Rivista di studi liguri, XLVI, 1980,245.153

šlog veka i smešteni su u Galeriji fresaka.Neodgovarajući klimatski uslovi u depou, način nakoji su smešteni, kao i česta premeštanja, radi obezbeđivanjadodatnog prostora, doveli su do ozbiljnih oštećenjafragmenata mozaika. Visoke vrednosti relativnevlažnosti u letnjim mesecima i godišnje oscilacije, ubrzalesu propadanje materijala koji je korišćen za restauraciju.To je prouzrokovalo pojavu pukotina na tessellatum-u,de<strong>for</strong>maciju fragmenata, ispadanje tesera i lomljenjepojedinih fragmenata. Mozaicina je neophodnahitna konzervacija, kako bi se sačuvali.Poseban zadatak tokom mog boravka u Arlu bio jeda, sa Patrikom Blanom i njegovom saradnicom Mari-Lor Kurbules, razradim projekat konzervacije i restauracijeovih mozaika. Predviđeno je da se konzervacijasprovodi uz stručnu i tehničku podršku Ateljea za konzervacijui restauraciju mozaika Muzeja antičkog Arla iProvanse i da se kroz rad nastavi obuka iz konzervacijemozaika, koja je počela kursom održanim prošlog majau DIJANA Centru.Po povratku u Beograd, izvršila sam snimanje i dokumentovanjestanja u kome se mozaici nalaze, a početkommarta ove godine, Patrik Blan i Mari-Lor Kurbulessu došli u Beograd da bismo precizirali programsanacije četiri celine kosmajskih mozaika i počeli sanjihovom konzervacijom. Napravljen je detaljan programkonzervacije i restauracije ovih mozaika premafazama rada. Sredinom marta, ekipa DIJANA Centrapočela je sa radom na pripremi mozaika za skidanjegipsane podloge. Posle uklanjanja stare podloge, mozaiciće biti restaurirani na modernom, aluminijumskomnosaču u vidu saća. Predviđeno je da se ovi mozaiciuključe u stalnu postavku, nakon rekonstrukcijeNarodnog muzeja.Inadequate climate conditions in the storage, mannerin which they were stored, as well as frequent moving inorder to obtain more storage space, led to serious damageon mosaic fragments. High relative humidity duringsummer months and yearly oscilations accelerated decayof materials used <strong>for</strong> <strong>conservation</strong>. This provoked crackson tessellatum, fragment de<strong>for</strong>mations, loss of tesseraeand even breaking of certain fragments. Ňhese mosaicsrequire urgent intervention in order to be preserved.Special assignment during my stay in Arles was towork out a program <strong>for</strong> <strong>conservation</strong> of these mosaics,with Patrick Blanc and his assistant Marie-Laure Courboulčs.Wemade a plan to proceed with <strong>conservation</strong> andrestoration of these mosaics with scientific and technicalsupport of the Atelier <strong>for</strong> Conservation and Restorationof Mosaics and, through this work, to continue trainingin mosaic <strong>conservation</strong>, which started with a course thattook place in DIANA Centre in May last year.After my return to Belgrade, I carried out recordingand documenting the state of <strong>conservation</strong> of the mosaicfragments.In the beginning of March 2005, Patrick Blanc andMarie-Laure Courboulčs came to Belgrade to help usdefine a program <strong>for</strong> restoration of four units of the Guberevacmosaics and to start theirs <strong>conservation</strong>. Wemade a detailed program <strong>for</strong> <strong>conservation</strong> and restorationof the mosaics with working phases.In the mid March, the team of DIANA Centre startedworking on preparation of mosaic fragments <strong>for</strong> removingof the gypsum support. After the removal of the oldsupport, mosaics will be transferred and restored onmodern, aluminum honeycomb panels. The mosaics areplanned <strong>for</strong> the permanent exhibition after the reconstructionof the National Museum.KSENIJA ÐURIŠIĆ, konzervator- restauratorCentar za arheološka istraživanja Crne GoreKonzervacija i restauracijakeramičkog peharaOvaj keramički pehar nađen je na imanju na Zlaticikod Podgorice, koje je udaljeno oko 150 m jugozapadnood poznate bazilike i trikonhoza iz Doljana i oko800 m sjeveroistočno od “jugozapadne nekropole” Dokleje.Vlasnik imanja je na dubini od oko 0,30 m, naišaona jamu približno kružnog oblika, (prečnik oko 0,50 m,dubina 0,50 m) ukopanu u šljunak i ispunjenu mrkomzemljom, dok su fragmenti pehara, krčag i tri gvozdenaeksera nađeni u sloju crne zemlje. Krčag se raspao prilikompomjeranja. Radi se vjerovatno o grobu spaljenogpokojnika. Ovakav način sahranjivanja - spaljivanje ipolaganje ohlađenih ostataka pokojnika, pepela i gari ugrob - karakterističan je za lokalno stanovništvo Dokleje1. i 2. vijeka naše ere.Keramički pehar sa figuralnim predstavama u reljefu,rađen je u kalupu, poluloptastog je oblika. Obod je ravan,blago zadebljan. Ispod oboda se nalaze dva plastična rebra,u čijim se žljebovima vide plitko urezane partikalnelinije. Friz se odvija na trbuhu posude, koji je od stope odvojenplastičnim rebrom, nešto širim od onih pri obodu.Prstenasta stopa je blago zadebljana, a na dnu se primjećujuurezane pararelne linije i ispupčenje u sredini. Očuvanoje ľ posude, inv. broj 696, dimenzije: H – 6,5 cm, Roboda – 11,2 cm, R stope – 6,4 cm. Glina: smeđkastožuta,prečišćena, meka, premaz mrkocrne boje i sjajan.Posudu je vlasnik dosta oštetio trljanjem i pranjem,tako da su se fini detalji, predstave i dubina reljefa poma-152KSENIJA ÐURIŠIĆ, Conservator-restorerCentre <strong>for</strong> Archaeological Research of MontenegroConservation and restorationof a ceramic cupThis ceramic beaker was found on an estate in Zlatica,near Podgorica, 150 m to the south-east fromwell-known basilica and triconch in Doljani and 800 mnorth-east from the “south-western necropola” Doclea.The owner of the estate found a pit at 0,30 m in the ground,almost round, with a diameter of 0,50 m and 0,50 mdeep, surrounded by pebbles and filled up with darksoil, containing fragments of a beaker, a jug and threeiron nails. The jug collapsed during excavation. This sitewas probably a grave with burnt remains, as this wayof burying, by putting burnt remains with ashes into agrave, was typical of local population in Doclea in I andII century A.D.Ceramic beaker with cast figural scenes in relief isof a semispherical <strong>for</strong>m. The rim is flat, slightly thickened.There are two plastic ribs under the rim, with shallowengravings in fluting. The body of the vessel is decoratedwith a frieze and separated from the base by arib, a bit wider than those under the rim. Round base isslightly thickened, and at the very bottom there are someparallel lines engraved, with a knob in the centre.Three fourths of the vessel No. 696 is well preserved. Itis 6,5 cm high, the rim diameter is 11,2 cm and the basediameter is 6,4 cm. It is made of brownish yellow, softand purified clay and coated with shiny dark brown colour.The owner heavily damaged the vessel by rubbing

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